[The Guardian] Facebook removes hundreds of fake profiles (200 Facebook accounts and 76 Instagram accounts) tied to pro-Trump group
Turning Point Action, an affiliated pro-Trump group, was paying teenagers to post coordinated messages on the site. [...] These fake profiles commented most frequently on pages of the Washington Post, Fox News, MSNBC, CNN and the New York Times [...] Rally Forge (working on Turning Point Actions behalf) paid users to cast doubt on mail-in ballots, praised Trump and spread misinformation about coronavirus.
Turning Point Action was founded last year by Charlie Kirk, the founder of Turning Point USA, a Phoenix-based non-profit that recruits college students to advocate for conservative causes. [...] Trump and his son Donald Trump Jr have also delivered speeches at Turning Point USA or Turning Point Action events, most recently during a June campaign rally in Phoenix.
Turning Point USA is still present on Facebook, with more than 1.8 million followers.
Twitter, meanwhile, announced on Thursday that it had suspended 104 accounts linked to an Iranian effort to amplify debates over the shooting of George Floyd and other issues of racial justice in the US.
Turning Point Action, an affiliated pro-Trump group, was paying teenagers to post coordinated messages on the site. [...] These fake profiles commented most frequently on pages of the Washington Post, Fox News, MSNBC, CNN and the New York Times [...] Rally Forge (working on Turning Point Actions behalf) paid users to cast doubt on mail-in ballots, praised Trump and spread misinformation about coronavirus.
Turning Point Action was founded last year by Charlie Kirk, the founder of Turning Point USA, a Phoenix-based non-profit that recruits college students to advocate for conservative causes. [...] Trump and his son Donald Trump Jr have also delivered speeches at Turning Point USA or Turning Point Action events, most recently during a June campaign rally in Phoenix.
Turning Point USA is still present on Facebook, with more than 1.8 million followers.
Twitter, meanwhile, announced on Thursday that it had suspended 104 accounts linked to an Iranian effort to amplify debates over the shooting of George Floyd and other issues of racial justice in the US.
D har hgervilden, Charlie Kirk, ftt klart fr sig ven han att man inte kan gra vad som helst p ntet. Frgan r om han kan motst frn att bryta mot reglerna igen...Hela hans vlogg karrir r liksom avhngigt p att f gra just sna (faktabefriade) utvikningar.
Charlie Kirk Twitter Account Locked for Spreading Voting Misinformation to His 1.8 Million Followers
Drmed inte sagt att det finns andra vgar att g...via proxies som Rudy eller skvallertidningen NYP, bara fr att ta upp ett annat aktuellt exempel. Fr ska man t ex g genom Facebook nu, d blir det genast svrare, om inte omjligt rentav, speciellt om det r inlgg som hotar landets valintegritet.
Facebook VP says the platform rejected more than 2 million ads for trying to obstruct voting
Facebook vice president for global affairs Nick Clegg said the company has rejected 2.2 million ads across Facebook and Instagram because the ads were trying to obstruct voting in the upcoming US presidential election; The social media giant also has withdrawn 120,000 posts and placed warnings on 150 million posts for the same reasons. [...] Facebook has used artificial intelligence that made it possible to delete billions of posts and fake accounts, even before they are reported by users and noted that the company has partnered with 70 media outlets.
Jag tror fortfarande inte p att Mercer/Kushner/Parscale/Stepien/Murtaugh kampanjapparat har samma, eller fullt motsvarande chanser, att pverka opinionen som 2016...Mycket tyder p att man inte har det oumph som krvs denna gng. Frstr att de flesta knner till detta redan. Srskilt fullblodspropagandisterna. Men bara fr att vara tydlig, allt som terstr nu, det r att hitta en nyhet som har hg chockfaktor, vrdigt ett verraskningsmoment vi annars bara kan finna i tidigare october surprises.
(FB) Presidentvalet 2020