Trump skryter ju om sina framgngar med ekonomin och sysselsttningen. Men hur ser det ut i verkligheten? Har folkflertalet ftt det bttre med Trump?
Obama skapade fler jobb under sin tid, arbetslsheten minskade och den har fortsatt minska under Trump.
Antalet utan sjukfrskring minskade under Obama, men har kat igen.
Reallnerna kade mer under Obama.
Det federala budgetunderskottet har nstan frdubblats under Trump.
Istllet fr skattesnkningar som frmst har gynnat fretag och hgavlnade hade pengarna tjnat folket bttre om de hade anvnts till investeringar.
Man mste vrdera makthavares handlingar istllet fr att blint tro p deras retorik!
Overall evaluations
Economic scorecard comparing Trump and Obama presidencies. Refer to sources on the detail page.
Economist Justin Wolfers wrote in February 2019: "I've reviewed surveys of about 50 leading economistsliberals and conservativesrun by the University of Chicago. What is startling is that the economists are nearly unanimous in concluding that Mr. Trump's policies are destructive."
Writing in The New York Times, Steven Rattner explained in August 2018 that "Yes, the economy is continuing to expand nicely, which all Americans should celebrate. But no, theres nothing remarkable in the overall results since Mr. Trump took office. Most importantly, there is little evidence that the presidents policies have meaningfully improved the fortunes of those 'forgotten' Americans who elected him."
Writing in the Washington Post, Heather Long explained in August 2019 that: "[A] closer look at the data shows a mixed picture in terms of whether the economy is any better than it was in Obamas final years. The economy is growing at about the same pace as it did in Obamas last years, and unemployment, while lower under Trump, has continued a trend that began in 2011." reported in November 2019 that: "Theres no question the economy has been strong since Trump took office, but it was also strong before he took office, a fact he continues to distort as he falsely puffs up his own record." For example, Trump promised real GDP growth of 46% per year, but only achieved 2.9% growth in 2018, the same rate as 2015. Further, job creation was slower under President Trump than comparable periods at the end of the Obama Administration. Many of Trump's claims about unemployment, labor force participation, and median household income were also false or exaggerated.
Writing in The New Yorker, John Cassidy described the opportunity costs of Trump's tax cuts: "Some of the debt that is being issued to pay for the tax cut could have been used to finance investments in infrastructure, renewable energy sources, universal day care, adult retraining, reducing the cost of higher education, or any other number of programs that yield long-term benefits to ordinary Americans. Instead, the biggest handouts went to corporations, who saw their tax rate [statutory] reduced from 35% to 21%."