Intressant karaktr. Rysk filosof och sociolog.
Filmer nedan r ca 10min lnga.
Diskuterar geopolitik, media och sanning.
Kritik mot liberalism
Om modernitet och konservatism
Har bla skrivit om den fjrde politiska teorin. Den kallas den fjrde teorin eftersom den inte r liberalism(1), kommunism(2) eller fascism(3)- som fokuserar p,
1. Individ
2. Klasser
3. Nation/ethnos
Eftersom liberalism har segrat i vrlden och vi har liberalism som status quo s kan man acceptera eller g i clinch. r man inte njd med dagens tillstnd s ska man enligt Dugin g tillbaka till fr-moderniteten och kritik av den moderna vrlden.
S vad tycker ni om Dugins ider?
Filmer nedan r ca 10min lnga.
Diskuterar geopolitik, media och sanning.
Kritik mot liberalism
Om modernitet och konservatism
Har bla skrivit om den fjrde politiska teorin. Den kallas den fjrde teorin eftersom den inte r liberalism(1), kommunism(2) eller fascism(3)- som fokuserar p,
1. Individ
2. Klasser
3. Nation/ethnos
Eftersom liberalism har segrat i vrlden och vi har liberalism som status quo s kan man acceptera eller g i clinch. r man inte njd med dagens tillstnd s ska man enligt Dugin g tillbaka till fr-moderniteten och kritik av den moderna vrlden.
Constructing the 4PT we arrive to the rediscovery of the Pre-Modernity understood not as the past, but as the a-temporal structure of principles and values belonging to the different philosophical Universe (where exist Eternity, God or gods, angels, souls, devil, end of time and resurrection of dead). The concept of past (as as something that is not any more) with pejorative connotation is essentially Modern concept based in its turn on the negation of the dimension of Eternity and absolutization of the time (becoming). The Pre-Modernity is not the past. The Pre-Modernity is society, culture, Weltanschauung and political system constructed on the fundamental belief in the Eternity. The Modernity denies that - hence its chrono-centric epistemology.
In the context of Modernity we are dealing with Cartesian subject. Its actual normative interpretation is liberal one -- individual. So we need to deconstruct this concept of individual making appeal to the pre-modern understanding of human being and its essence.
In the context of Modernity we are dealing with Cartesian subject. Its actual normative interpretation is liberal one -- individual. So we need to deconstruct this concept of individual making appeal to the pre-modern understanding of human being and its essence.
S vad tycker ni om Dugins ider?