Här kommer den utlovade texten om det påstådda ursprunget till Gretas famösa tal:
1995, Adam Rogers of United Nations, Taking action: An environmental guide for you and your community (Book)
… “every 24 hours, an estimated 150 to 200 species of life become extinct” (in the preface)
… No citation or reference to any scientific paper nor formula used nor data inputs used, all missing, kept in the dark surely because they know it is B.S.
Inga källhänvisningar eftersom de visste att det var bullshit och/eller helt enkelt därför att det inte fanns några?
Det är trist att de vuxna i Gretas omgivning inte förklarade det olämpliga för henne att sprida osakliga uppgifter vidare - i synnerhet när det fanns all anledning att tro att små barn bara skulle bli rädda och ledsna på kuppen.
Eller hemska tanke; det kanske var någon "vuxen" i hennes omgivning som prackade den här eller motsvarande text på henne och sa:
Greta, det här bara MÅSTE du berätta om?
Reverse chronological order
2021 IUCN reports only 18 actual extinctions during all of 2020.
2021 Over 130,000 web pages parrot Greta’s false claim of 200 extinct per day supposedly from climate.
2009, IUCN, WILDLIFE IN A CHANGING WORLD, An analysis of the 2008 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species (PDF)
… “869 recorded extinctions” … “since the year 1500”
… That’s 1.7 extinct species per YEAR. < < < < < < < < < < < < < <
… IUCN is the International Union for Conservation of Nature assessing species
… “… over 1400 … organizations. Some 16,000 scientists and experts … 1000 full-time staff in more than 50 countries.”
2007, Ahmed Djoghlaf United Nations, Convention on Biological Diversity (PDF)
… “Every hour, three species disappear. Every day, up to 150 species are lost. Every year, between 18,000 and 55,000 species become extinct. The cause: human activities. … Climate change …”
… Cites [missing] Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, Director Walter V. Reid
… I can’t find anything in any of the MEA reports backing the Djoghlaf claim.
… Djoghlaf: “Before the end of the century, 30 percent of all known species may disappear owing only to climate change.” So, you know, whatever it takes to terrorize people.
"Whatever it takes to terrorize people."
After Dec 2020, I can find only 18 species actually declared extinct during all of 2020, 15 freshwater fish species in Lake Lanao because some genius threw in bigger fish that ate their babies (along with overfishing), plus 3 frogs near Panama due to chytridiomycosis (according to IUCN), a fungus beginning 1994. The lake is a combat zone by the way. On earth there are no extinctions from CO2, warming, climate change or even extreme weather.
The real causes of extinctions are pollution, overhunting, destruction of habitats and so on. It is miraculous that the real extinction numbers are actually under 2 per year the way humanity is expanding."
(Mina fetningar) Nej, allt ont som händer i världen beror faktiskt inte på koldioxid.