Har upptäckt att det pågår flera väldigt stora projekt för att bygga järnvägstunnlar genom alperna. Det ser ut som att det satsas ganska mycket på järnväg ute i europa och EU verkar vara en stor finansiär.
Det ser ut att vara en politisk bakgrund till flera av projekten, där Schweiz är trött på tung lastbilstrafik på vägarna genom landet och hotade med betydande skattehöjningar på tung lastbilstrafik.
Är en flytt av tung lastbilstrafik till järnväg en prioriterad fråga i EU-samarbetet? Finns det fler stora järnvägsprojekt som pågår runt alperna?
Det ser ut att vara en politisk bakgrund till flera av projekten, där Schweiz är trött på tung lastbilstrafik på vägarna genom landet och hotade med betydande skattehöjningar på tung lastbilstrafik.
During late-1980s and early-1990s negotiations with the European Economic Community (the predecessor of the EU), Switzerland demanded a limitation on transalpine freight traffic. When the EEC refused, Swiss negotiators instead asked for a heavy-vehicle fee (HVF), a kilometre-based tax on freight vehicles, for all lorries above 3.5 tonnes.[5]
As part of these negotiations, Switzerland offered to build a high-speed rail link through the Alps for intermodal freight transport. Swiss voters approved the link in a 27 September 1992 mandatory referendum.[6] The EU accepted the Swiss offer in 2000, but asked that the 28-tonne weight limit for lorries be raised to 48 tonnes. The parties eventually compromised on a 40-tonne weight limit. The bilateral Land Transport Agreement with the European Union was signed, agreeing to an increase of the kilometer-based tax (HVF; German: LSVA, French: RPLP, Italian: TTPCP) on HGVs from 1.6 ct/tkm to 1.8 ct/tkm when the NRLA was completed. The condition was deemed fulfilled at the completion of the Lötschberg Base Tunnel in 2007.[7]
Other Swiss legislation includes the 1994 Alps initiative, which prohibits road-building in the Alps and encourages the transport of as many transalpine goods as possible by rail rather than road. The 1998 Traffic Transfer Act sets a transfer goal, an ideal maximum number of trucks crossing the Alps by road. Meeting this goals requires a fully functional NRLA rail link.[8]
The original plans for the NRLA included the construction of only one main base tunnel, but no choice could be made between the two options and the resulting regional dispute threatened to jeopardize the project. The Swiss Federal Council therefore decided in 1995 to build both base tunnels (Gotthard and Lötschberg) simultaneously.[9]
As part of these negotiations, Switzerland offered to build a high-speed rail link through the Alps for intermodal freight transport. Swiss voters approved the link in a 27 September 1992 mandatory referendum.[6] The EU accepted the Swiss offer in 2000, but asked that the 28-tonne weight limit for lorries be raised to 48 tonnes. The parties eventually compromised on a 40-tonne weight limit. The bilateral Land Transport Agreement with the European Union was signed, agreeing to an increase of the kilometer-based tax (HVF; German: LSVA, French: RPLP, Italian: TTPCP) on HGVs from 1.6 ct/tkm to 1.8 ct/tkm when the NRLA was completed. The condition was deemed fulfilled at the completion of the Lötschberg Base Tunnel in 2007.[7]
Other Swiss legislation includes the 1994 Alps initiative, which prohibits road-building in the Alps and encourages the transport of as many transalpine goods as possible by rail rather than road. The 1998 Traffic Transfer Act sets a transfer goal, an ideal maximum number of trucks crossing the Alps by road. Meeting this goals requires a fully functional NRLA rail link.[8]
The original plans for the NRLA included the construction of only one main base tunnel, but no choice could be made between the two options and the resulting regional dispute threatened to jeopardize the project. The Swiss Federal Council therefore decided in 1995 to build both base tunnels (Gotthard and Lötschberg) simultaneously.[9]
Är en flytt av tung lastbilstrafik till järnväg en prioriterad fråga i EU-samarbetet? Finns det fler stora järnvägsprojekt som pågår runt alperna?
- Lyon, Frankrike - Torino, Italien: 270km, där längsta tunneln är 57,5km. Del av projektet har beslut av byggstart i maj 2019. Turin–Lyon high-speed railway
- Bern, Schweiz - Milano, Italien: med en 34,5km tunnel. Planering för fas 2 och 3 påbörjades 2016. Lötschberg Base Tunnel
- Zürich, Schweiz - Milano, Italien: med en 57km lång tunnel. Öppnad 2016. Gotthard Base Tunnel
- Innsbruck, Österrike - Bolzano, Italien: med en 55km lång tunnel. Planerad öppning 2028. Brenner Base Tunnel