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2019-06-18, 23:50
https://zenit.org/articles/new-vatic...gender-issues/ och r utgiven av Congregation for Catholic Education. Modigt mste jag sga.

I dokumentet konstateras det att:
1. [...] The disorientation regarding anthropology which is a widespread feature of our cultural landscape has undoubtedly helped to destabilise the family as an institution, bringing with it a tendency to cancel out the differences between men and women, presenting them instead as merely the product of historical and cultural conditioning.

2. The context in which the mission of education is carried out is characterized by challenges emerging from varying forms of an ideology that is given the general name gender theory, which denies the difference and reciprocity in nature of a man and a woman and envisages a society without sexual differences, thereby eliminating the anthropological basis of the family. This ideology leads to educational programmes and legislative enactments that promote a personal identity and emotional intimacy radically separated from the biological difference between male and female. Consequently, human identity becomes the choice of the individual, one which can also change over time

4. The Christian vision of anthropology sees sexuality as a fundamental component of ones personhood. It is one of its mode of being, of manifesting itself, communicating with others, and of feeling, expressing and living human love. Therefore, our sexuality plays an integral part in the development of our personality and in the process of its education: In fact, it is from [their] sex that the human person receives the characteristics which, on the biological, psychological and spiritual levels, make that person a man or a woman, and thereby largely condition his or her progress towards maturity and insertion into society.6 As each person grows, such diversity, linked to the complementarity of the two sexes, allows a thorough response to the design of God according to the vocation to which each one is called.7 In the light of this, affective-sex education must consider the totality of the person and insist therefore on the integration of the biological, psycho-affective, social and spiritual elements.8

6. If we wish to take an approach to the question of gender theory that is based on the path of dialogue, it is vital to bear in mind the distinction between the ideology of gender on the one hand, and the whole field of research on gender that the human sciences have undertaken, on the other.
Och ngra fler intressanta punkter konstaterar de vad genus-ideologin gr ut p:
12. In a growing contraposition between nature and culture, the propositions of gender theory converge in the concept of queer, which refers to dimensions of sexuality that are extremely fluid, flexible, and as it were, nomadic. This culminates in the assertion of the complete emancipation of the individual from any a priori given sexual definition, and the disappearance of classifications seen as overly rigid. This would create a new range of nuances that vary in degree and intensity according to both sexual orientation and the gender one has identified oneself with.

13. The duality in male-female couples is furthermore seen as in conflicting with the idea of polyamory, that is relationships involving more than two individuals. Because of this, it is claimed that the duration of relationships, as well as their binding nature, should be flexible, depending on the shifting desires of the individuals concerned. Naturally, this has consequences for the sharing of the responsibilities and obligations

Punkt 15 och 16 sger att KK r i princip verens med genusfolket om vikten av omsesidig frstelse, undervisning i mnet och att bekmpa diskriminering pga. av kn eller "genus"-identitet.

Punkterna 20 till 23 grver djupare i genusideologins filosofiska rtter och identifierar ett dualistisk antopologi dr kroppen r helt isr viljan. Sedan identifieras det ett frnekande av det manligas och kvinligas komplementering samt en knstlst/neutral/kastrerad utopi som ml.

21. In practice, the advocacy for the different identities often presents
them as being of completely equal value compared to each other. This, however, actually negates the relevance of each one. This has particular importance for the question of sexual difference. In fact, the generic concept of non-discrimination often hides an ideology that denies the difference as well as natural reciprocity that exists between men and women. Instead of combatting wrongful interpretations of sexual difference that would diminish the fundamental importance of that difference for human dignity, such a proposal would simply eliminate it by proposing procedures and practices that make it irrelevant for a persons development and for human relationships.But the utopia of the neuter eliminates both human dignity in sexual distinctiveness and the personal nature of the generation of new life.18 The anthropological basis of the concept of family is thus emptied of meaning.

22. This ideology inspires educational programmes and legislative trends that promote ideas of personal identity and affective intimacy that make a radical break with the actual biological difference between male and female. Human identity is consigned to the individuals choice, which can also change in time. These ideas are the expression of a widespread way of thinking and acting in todays culture that confuses genuine freedom with the idea that each individual can act arbitrarily as if there were no truths, values and principles to provide guidance, and everything were possible and permissible.19
23. The Second Vatican Council, wishing to express the Churchs view
of the human person, stated that though made of body and soul, man is one. Through his bodily composition he gathers to himself the elements of the material world; thus they reach their crown through him, and through him raise their voice in free praise of the Creator.20 Because of this dignity, man is not wrong when he regards himself as superior to bodily concerns, and as more than a speck of nature or a nameless constituent of the city of man.21 Therefore, the expressions the order of nature and the order of biology must not be confused or regarded as identical, the biological order does indeed mean the same as the order of nature but only in so far as this is accessible to methods of empirical and descriptive natural science, and not as a specific order of existence, with an obvious relationship to the First Cause, to God the Creator God.22

Ls i lnken ovan om ni vill f tillgng till hela dokumentet.

  • I. Hller ni med KK hr? Varfr, varfr inte?
  • II. Blir den hr dokumentet statskottet fr bredare en kamp fr tvtta bort genustramset i Vstvrlden?
  • III. Kommer genusfolket ta t sig kritiken?
  • IV. Kommer det bli en hatstorm mot KK d man vgar st mot genustrenden?
2019-06-19, 08:05
Rad-i-Kalles avatar
Ursprungligen postat av Mongoprofeten
Det var p tiden. Fast detta kommer inte att spela ngon roll nr det gller Sverige. Har kan det bara bli vrre. Kn kommer att frbjudas i Sverige framver, och alla kommer att klassas som "hen". Jag skulle i alla fall inte bli frvnad, om det slutar p det sttet.
Jo, risken r att detta enbart triggar Sverige. Nu kommer detta inte f nn strre uppmrksamhet hr mer n en mindre notis eller ett omnmnande i frbifarten. Tongngen kommer dock att vara nedvrderande eller som ett konstaterande av Sveriges frtrfflighet och katolicismens unkenhet.
2019-06-19, 10:00
EasyClapss avatar
Troligtvis kommer de ndra p spelreglerna gllande man-kvinna och genus d nuvarande taktik r alldeles fr avskrckande nr det kommer till att kncka den muslimska krnfamiljen. Den (f.d.) kristna befolkningen r redan helt splittrad nr det kommer till krnfamilj. Hur mnga vgar ens nmna det ordet p allmn plats?

I allt elnde fr vi ge vnstern ett MVG+ fr det som de har gjort, de lyckades tyvrr otroligt bra med det uppdraget de fick. Till och med Pvedmet br blivit frvnade hur lngt vnstern har dragit detta.

Eller s r det bara ett generationsskifte p gng, det r inte ofta de vill stpa nrliggande generationer i samma form.. det enar ju faktiskt samhllet.
2019-06-19, 10:09
L.D.V.Ss avatar
Det r ingen enkel kamp de tar upp. Vi vet ju att satan verkar i den hr vrlden.
2019-06-19, 10:24
tjockballes avatar
Den nuvarande pven r s bortgjord bland katoliker i vrlden att det hr nog fr ses som ett frsk att rdda lite anseende. Han kallas "kommunistpven" bakom sin rygg. I USA fanns tidigare uttrycket "Is the pope Catholic?" som ett stt att sga att ngot r sjlvklart. Numera r det inte ett dugg sjlvklart att den hr pven r katolik. Frgan r om han r kristen ver huvud taget?

Spana in vad han sitter mitt i. Djvulens egen lilla hjlpreda.

2019-06-19, 10:43
EasyClapss avatar
Ursprungligen postat av tjockballe
Numera r det inte ett dugg sjlvklart att den hr pven r katolik. Frgan r om han r kristen ver huvud taget?
Nej, de r satanister. Inte den blaskiga formen av satanism vi iakttog p hgstadiet, vi talar ren kta satanism hr. Deras bibliska uppdrag tar de p strsta allvar.

Givetvis r det kaos i vrlden de vill t ven om artikeln kan lta sund utt sett.
2019-06-19, 13:37
L.D.V.Ss avatar
Ursprungligen postat av EasyClaps
Nej, de r satanister. Inte den blaskiga formen av satanism vi iakttog p hgstadiet, vi talar ren kta satanism hr. Deras bibliska uppdrag tar de p strsta allvar.

Givetvis r det kaos i vrlden de vill t ven om artikeln kan lta sund utt sett.

KK r Jesus egen kyrka, han grundade den sjlv. Frgan r om han skulle tillta att satan tog ver hans egen kyrka.
2019-06-19, 14:38
tjockballes avatar
Ursprungligen postat av L.D.V.S
KK r Jesus egen kyrka, han grundade den sjlv. Frgan r om han skulle tillta att satan tog ver hans egen kyrka.

Varfr inte?
Vi har haft en hel del ondska florerande i vrlden sen Jesus tid.
Tex pesten. Alla krigen. Mordiska psykopater som statschefer.
Behver du mer?
2019-06-19, 14:46
L.D.V.Ss avatar
Ursprungligen postat av tjockballe
Varfr inte?
Vi har haft en hel del ondska florerande i vrlden sen Jesus tid.
Tex pesten. Alla krigen. Mordiska psykopater som statschefer.
Behver du mer?

Men KK str kvar.
2019-06-19, 15:03
EasyClapss avatar
Ursprungligen postat av L.D.V.S
Men KK str kvar.
Fr Vatikanstaten r det bibliska Vilddjuret och roten till all ondska i vrlden. De har inget med Jesus att gra, absolut ingenting i positiv bemrkelse iallafall.
2019-06-19, 15:10
Ursprungligen postat av lingonfett
https://zenit.org/articles/new-vatic...gender-issues/ och r utgiven av Congregation for Catholic Education. Modigt mste jag sga.

I dokumentet konstateras det att:
1. [...] The disorientation regarding anthropology which is a widespread feature of our cultural landscape has undoubtedly helped to destabilise the family as an institution, bringing with it a tendency to cancel out the differences between men and women, presenting them instead as merely the product of historical and cultural conditioning.

2. The context in which the mission of education is carried out is characterized by challenges emerging from varying forms of an ideology that is given the general name gender theory, which denies the difference and reciprocity in nature of a man and a woman and envisages a society without sexual differences, thereby eliminating the anthropological basis of the family. This ideology leads to educational programmes and legislative enactments that promote a personal identity and emotional intimacy radically separated from the biological difference between male and female. Consequently, human identity becomes the choice of the individual, one which can also change over time

4. The Christian vision of anthropology sees sexuality as a fundamental component of ones personhood. It is one of its mode of being, of manifesting itself, communicating with others, and of feeling, expressing and living human love. Therefore, our sexuality plays an integral part in the development of our personality and in the process of its education: In fact, it is from [their] sex that the human person receives the characteristics which, on the biological, psychological and spiritual levels, make that person a man or a woman, and thereby largely condition his or her progress towards maturity and insertion into society.6 As each person grows, such diversity, linked to the complementarity of the two sexes, allows a thorough response to the design of God according to the vocation to which each one is called.7 In the light of this, affective-sex education must consider the totality of the person and insist therefore on the integration of the biological, psycho-affective, social and spiritual elements.8

6. If we wish to take an approach to the question of gender theory that is based on the path of dialogue, it is vital to bear in mind the distinction between the ideology of gender on the one hand, and the whole field of research on gender that the human sciences have undertaken, on the other.
Och ngra fler intressanta punkter konstaterar de vad genus-ideologin gr ut p:
12. In a growing contraposition between nature and culture, the propositions of gender theory converge in the concept of queer, which refers to dimensions of sexuality that are extremely fluid, flexible, and as it were, nomadic. This culminates in the assertion of the complete emancipation of the individual from any a priori given sexual definition, and the disappearance of classifications seen as overly rigid. This would create a new range of nuances that vary in degree and intensity according to both sexual orientation and the gender one has identified oneself with.

13. The duality in male-female couples is furthermore seen as in conflicting with the idea of polyamory, that is relationships involving more than two individuals. Because of this, it is claimed that the duration of relationships, as well as their binding nature, should be flexible, depending on the shifting desires of the individuals concerned. Naturally, this has consequences for the sharing of the responsibilities and obligations

Punkt 15 och 16 sger att KK r i princip verens med genusfolket om vikten av omsesidig frstelse, undervisning i mnet och att bekmpa diskriminering pga. av kn eller "genus"-identitet.

Punkterna 20 till 23 grver djupare i genusideologins filosofiska rtter och identifierar ett dualistisk antopologi dr kroppen r helt isr viljan. Sedan identifieras det ett frnekande av det manligas och kvinligas komplementering samt en knstlst/neutral/kastrerad utopi som ml.

21. In practice, the advocacy for the different identities often presents
them as being of completely equal value compared to each other. This, however, actually negates the relevance of each one. This has particular importance for the question of sexual difference. In fact, the generic concept of non-discrimination often hides an ideology that denies the difference as well as natural reciprocity that exists between men and women. Instead of combatting wrongful interpretations of sexual difference that would diminish the fundamental importance of that difference for human dignity, such a proposal would simply eliminate it by proposing procedures and practices that make it irrelevant for a persons development and for human relationships.But the utopia of the neuter eliminates both human dignity in sexual distinctiveness and the personal nature of the generation of new life.18 The anthropological basis of the concept of family is thus emptied of meaning.

22. This ideology inspires educational programmes and legislative trends that promote ideas of personal identity and affective intimacy that make a radical break with the actual biological difference between male and female. Human identity is consigned to the individuals choice, which can also change in time. These ideas are the expression of a widespread way of thinking and acting in todays culture that confuses genuine freedom with the idea that each individual can act arbitrarily as if there were no truths, values and principles to provide guidance, and everything were possible and permissible.19
23. The Second Vatican Council, wishing to express the Churchs view
of the human person, stated that though made of body and soul, man is one. Through his bodily composition he gathers to himself the elements of the material world; thus they reach their crown through him, and through him raise their voice in free praise of the Creator.20 Because of this dignity, man is not wrong when he regards himself as superior to bodily concerns, and as more than a speck of nature or a nameless constituent of the city of man.21 Therefore, the expressions the order of nature and the order of biology must not be confused or regarded as identical, the biological order does indeed mean the same as the order of nature but only in so far as this is accessible to methods of empirical and descriptive natural science, and not as a specific order of existence, with an obvious relationship to the First Cause, to God the Creator God.22

Ls i lnken ovan om ni vill f tillgng till hela dokumentet.

  • I. Hller ni med KK hr? Varfr, varfr inte?
  • II. Blir den hr dokumentet statskottet fr bredare en kamp fr tvtta bort genustramset i Vstvrlden?
  • III. Kommer genusfolket ta t sig kritiken?
  • IV. Kommer det bli en hatstorm mot KK d man vgar st mot genustrenden?

Mnga ord frn en grupp barnknullare
2019-06-19, 15:10
JoelSUOMIs avatar
Lnk funkar inte? D:
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