Bild på den försvunne killen:
Guy at the age of 20 missing in the forest on the right of Sidsjöbacken! Feel free to share and / or out and look!
Image may contain: 1 person, selfie, close-up and indoor
Sar* Sandgre* is with Hannes Bobba* Näslu*d. (**=n,n)
6 May at 17:36
Latest pictures of Hannes please call around, share Spread, I have reported him missing and been in contact with missing people
Den försvunne killen's FB:*es.naslu*d (**=n,n)
Sök på facebooK: Han*es Näslu*d (**= n,n)
så kommer det upp många som skriver om den saknade killen.