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Ni levererar inte.
Ja skitdåligt att tråden inte är 5 sidor lång hela 3 minuter efter att den startades....
Jag får väl leverera en länk till intervjun och ett par citat då. Det är Soros själv som varit vänlig nog att publicera den på sin websida:
Q) The European Union has just approved a €750B recovery fund…
A) That’s true. The EU took a very important positive step forward by committing itself to borrow money from the market on a much larger scale than ever before. But then several states, the so-called Frugal Five – the Netherlands, Austria, Sweden and Denmark and Finland – managed to make the actual agreement less effective. The tragedy is that they are basically pro-European, but they are very selfish. And they are very frugal. And, first, they led to a deal which will prove inadequate. The scale back of plans on climate change and defense policy is particularly disappointing. Secondly, they also want to make sure that the money is well spent. That creates problems for the southern states that were the hardest hit by the virus
Europe faces another existential problem: it does not have enough money to deal with the twin threats of the virus and climate change. In retrospect it is clear that the in-person meeting of the European Council was a dismal failure. The course on which the European Union has embarked will yield too little money too late. This brings me back to the idea of perpetual bonds. In my opinion, the Frugal Four or Five need to recognize this; instead of standing in the way they should turn into enthusiastic supporters.
Sverige står alltså inte ensamt i Soros skamvrå. Vi anses tillhöra de "frugala fem" som förstört det hela genom att göra stödpaketet lite mindre.
Värst är tydligen att vi vill se till att pengarna används väl vilket Soros anser ställer till problem för Sydeuropa...