Rösta fram årets bästa pepparkakshus!
2022-01-01, 08:56
Är Nyreggadjude medveten om att yngre nazister så som Keith Woods och Nick Fuentes skamlöst simpar för Kina?
2022-01-01, 23:39
Juden Maurice R. Greenberg är som tidigare nämnts en av de som fått ta emot China reform friendship medal.

Det är intressant att se hur öppet de talar om relationerna, vad de åstadkommit och önskemål om världsutveckling, och hur "nationella" kan göra en helt annan tolkning:

Maurice R. "Hank" Greenberg is certainly an insurance magnate. Not only in business, but also in China-U.S. relations.
The chairman and CEO of Starr Companies, a diversified financial services firm, has been honored with China reform friendship medal, together with nine other foreigners who have (had) made outstanding contributions to the country's reform and opening-up.

Greenbergs relationer med Kina går tillbaka till 70-talet då samförstånd inleddes:

Forty-three years ago, when Greenberg first came to China, he led his company in nurturing a partnership with China. “On the trip, we agreed to reinsure each other," he said, and even though the business was small, “the significance was that we started something.”

Här har vi alltså en person som byggt upp det största bolaget i världen för försäkringar/finans med representation i 130 länder, som rest till Kina varje år sedan första besöket och omvandlat landet efter globalistiska önskemål, och som för detta hyllas av Kina. Samtidigt ser nationalister Kina som en aktör agerande utanför hela det här internationella systemet, som något slags nytt hopp:

Greenberg joined Starr as vice president in 1960, consolidated a number of insurers into the company and formed the franchise into American International Group (AIG), which later became the largest insurance and financial services company in the world.
Greenberg has traveled to China every year since 1975. In 1992, his company became the first foreign company to receive a wholly owned life insurance license in China, helping to open up the country's financial services industry to the U.S.

Having done business in Asia, Latin America and Europe, Greenberg said China is a big part of the map.

China now has become a leading economy in the world. "You wouldn't believe how this nation has totally transformed itself," he said.

Greenberg besöker 2016 Peking och Kinas premiärminister, vilken försäkrar Kinas öppna väg in i framtiden:

As an overseas delegate at the China Development Forum in Beijing in March 2016, Greenberg was one of those who shook hands with Chinese Premier Li Keqiang. It was in that year that Li gave a speech reaffirming China's development concepts of innovation, coordination, openness and sharing, which were outlined in the country's road map for social and economic development covering 2016-2020.

Greenberg understryker positivt Kinas roll i det globala samfundet:

"As China continues to grow its economy, it is also learning how to serve as a responsible stakeholder in the global community,” Greenberg said.

Det internationella samarbetet ska leda till stabilitet i världen.
Greenberg beskrivs givetvis som "filantrop":

Through his many years of doing business in China and involvement in U.S.-China relations, he thinks that the key to mutually beneficial cooperation is maintaining a constructive and open relationship.
According to Greenberg, building trust between China and the U.S. would be a “stabilizing force,” and provide a source of comfort in an uncertain world.
As his business developed, Greenberg has become an active philanthropist, giving back to people from China, the U.S. and elsewhere.


De är så goda, de här typerna. De vill ju bara väl för alla, för hela världen.
2022-01-02, 03:33

Det talas ofta om Ryssland som ett "självständigt" och "nationalistiskt" land, en utmanare till den globala världsordningen. En artikel som youtubern Apollonian Germ tog upp är ett bra exempel på hur det egentligen ser ut, där man kan dyka ner och sedan bara följa trådarna för att se hur världen fungerar.

Calvert Journal publicerade en artikel med rubriken "Russia's real face is diverse". Man möts av den bekanta retoriken om ett land som allmänheten tänker på som ett vitt land, men som alltid haft invandring. Nya spännande unga konstnärer av olika raser visar istället upp ett Ryssland med mångfald:

Russia’s diversity is one of the most fascinating aspects of the country’s culture, but also one of the least known. Globally, Russia is often perceived as a homogeneously white country, but in fact, Russia has a long and complicated history of immigration and cultural exchange, with more than 185 recognised nationalities — even if that history is rarely acknowledged by the federal government, or in the country’s mainstream media.

A new generation of Russian creatives, however, is determined to make a change. Artists, photographers, filmmakers, and designers find inspiration in their heritage, be it indigenous or immigrant, and are taking pride in being who they are. These Russia Z stories celebrate the many cultures and voices of today’s Russia.


Ekow Eshun, en solbränd kille i London, är creative director på Calvert Journal och har studerat historia och politik på London School of Economics.
Han har skrivit artiklar i den brittiska pressen om Calvert journal, som visar sig vara ett organ för en internationellt verkande stiftelse,
Calvert 22 Foundation, vars chef heter Nonna Materkova, en kvinna också stationerad i London men född i Ryssland:

Calvert 22 Foundation is a non-profit UK registered charity created in 2009 by Russian-born, London-based economist Nonna Materkova. Calvert 22 Foundation focuses on the contemporary culture and creativity of the 29 countries of the New East (eastern Europe, Russia, the Balkans and Central Asia) through education, events, exhibitions, research, and online content in The Calvert Journal...

From its early years, Calvert 22 Foundation has been working closely with top universities in the UK and internationally, including the universities of Oxford, Cambridge, Edinburgh, University College London, and the Royal College of Art. In 2012, the foundation established a partnership with Smolny College (the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences of St Petersburg State University) to enable student and lecturer exchange programmes, visits, and conferences.


Sankt Petersburgs universitet är Rysslands äldsta och den större delen av Rysslands politiska elit har utbildats där, bl a Putin och Dmitry Medvedev.

Calvert Journal grundades av Nonna Materkova och ingen mindre än Alexei Kudrin, rysk politiker som arbetat nära Putin vilken utnämnde Kudrin till finansminister, en position Kudrin hade längre än någon annan i Ryssland (efter Sovjet), och han är även styrelsemedlem i Calvert.
Kudrin är också involverad i det kulturella livet som dekan vid Calvert 22 Foundations nämnda partner Smolny College.

I en artikel från 2013 i flerspråkiga Russia Beyond förklarar de inblandade mer om verksamheten (Russia Beyond har distribution runtom i världen och har i USA varit partners med New York Times, Wall Street Journal och Washington Post).

Redaktör Anastasia Fedorova sammanfattar med det universalistiska konstaterandet att det i Ryssland bor "människor":

One of our initial goals was to build a new visual aesthetic for Russia...We are creating a platform for open debate about important cultural issues.
We want to show Russia is a complex place inhabited by humans.

Mörke Ekow om att Ryssland förändras med hjälp av de nya unga konstnärerna och att Calvert Journal är för alla som är intresserade av "världen":

He talks about the “rising generation of young artistic talent” that’s changing Russia and says the journal is for anyone who is “curious about the world”

Kudrin vill förbättra bilden av Ryssland med hjälp av konst och kultur:

Alexei Kudrin, until recently Russia’s long-serving finance minister, came to Materkova’s gallery during an official visit to London in 2011 and discussed plans for a portal to promote their country’s creative talent. “I support the idea of improving Russia’s image through culture and art,” Mr Kudrin told the journal earlier this year. He is dean of liberal arts at St Petersburg State University but still “very involved” as one of Calvert’s trustees.

Kudrin och Materkova tror båda på den "mjuka makt" man utövar genom att påverka kulturen:

Materkova and Kudrin share a common belief in the “soft power” of cultural exchange.
“It was very sad to see how the relationship between Russia and Britain fell apart in the last decade,”
Materkova says. “Ordinary people want to know more. I wanted to show people here in London the Russia that I know.”

Den ryske journalisten Alexander Smotrov som välkomnnade MacDonalds och Coca Colas ankomst till Moskva, är också baserad i London och ger positiva omdömen om Calvert:

brilliant, futuristic… This is Russia how it should be: creative, innovative, open to the world.


2019 fick Ryssland överta presidentskapet för International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI), en till FN kopplad mellanstatlig organisation vars medlemmar innefattar så gott som världens alla länder. Alexei Kudrin blev organisationens ordförande.


INTOSAI tjänar som paraplyorganisation åt de olika medlemsländernas granskningsmyndigheter (Supreme audit institution (SAI), som Riksrevisionen i Sveriges fall) vilka ska se över sina respektive regeringars förehavanden, finansiellt m.m.


INTOSAI ägnar sig åt följande:

provide mutual support to SAIs;
foster the exchange of ideas, knowledge, and experiences;
act as a recognized global public voice of SAIs within the international community;
set standards for public sector auditing;
promote good national governance; and
support SAI capacity development, cooperation and continuous performance improvement.


Här är en lista över de olika granskningsinstitutionerna i världen som är INTOSAIs medlemmar,
överstatliga institutioner som EU:s Europeiska revisionsrätten och World Bank är också kopplade dit:


Enligt propagandan så lägger sig Ryssland i andra länders förehavanden och försöker påverka dessa, men har samtidigt av den globala eliten utsetts till att vara ordförande för ett internationellt organ som övervakar de olika staternas verksamhet via deras respektive granskningsinstitutioner.
FN i New York, INTOSAI har sitt säte i Österrike, och ordförandeskapet är ryskt. En person från det ryska politiska etablissemanget har ansvar för översynen av de olika regeringarna runtom i världen, och är engagerad i en Londonbaserad internationell verksamhet där en rasblandad skara arbetar med att förändra kultur och synsätt - "diversity", "immigration", "cultural exchange", som det står i Kudrins Calvert Journal.

Nonna Materkovas erfarenheter inkluderar sådant som World bank, Deutsche Bank, London School of Economics m.m.


Calvert inledde samarbete med investmentbank VTB Capital, en bank som etablerades med hjälp av Deutsche banks kontor i Moskva. VTBs Yuri Soloviev har arbetat med Lehman Brothers i London, Deutsche Bank, han är en del av World Economic Forum's global leadership programme mm.


Det är ett internationellt system som förgrenar sig i det oändliga, där de olika länderna och regeringarna är sammankopplade, finansiellt, organisatoriskt, medialt m.m. En afrikan bor i England och arbetar där för att förändra Ryssland, till hjälp har han en rysk politiker involverad i den kulturella verksamheten och med hög position inom den globala eliten, samt det rotlösa finansiella systemet som backar upp det hela.
Senast redigerad av Nyreggadjude 2022-01-02 kl. 04:09.
2022-01-03, 03:50
Mer om Ryssland och Putin.

1992 började World Economic Forum ge en utmärkelse till unga lovande "ledare", kallad "Global Leaders for Tomorrow".

Klaus Schwab nämner här att Putin varit en av dessa unga utsedda globala ledare, vid 1:19:


Vid ett tal som Putin höll vid WEF 2021 berättar han att han träffat "dear Klaus" första gången 1992 och att han sedan dess regelbundet besökt Schwabs möten.
Putin talade om vikten av global harmoni, den stora omställningen, världsekonomin, den teknologiska utveckligen, pandemin och hur allt detta hänger samman.

Schwab inleder:

Introduction By World Economic Forum Founder Klaus Schwab:

Mr. President, welcome to the Davos Agenda Week.
Russia is an important global power, and there’s a long-standing tradition of Russia’s participation in the World Economic Forum. At this moment in history, where the world has a unique and short window of opportunity to move from an age of confrontation to an age of cooperation, the ability to hear your voice, the voice of the President of the Russian Federation, is essential. Even and especially in times characterized by differences, disputes and protests, constructive and honest dialogue to address our common challenges is better than isolation and polarization.

Yesterday, your phone exchange with President Biden and the agreement to extend the New START nuclear arms treaty in principle, I think, was a very promising sign in this direction.

COVID-19, Mr President, has shown our global vulnerability and interconnectivity, and, like any other country, Russia will certainly also be affected, and your economic development and prospects for international cooperation, of course, are of interest to all of us.
Mr. President, we are keen to hear from your perspective and from that of Russia, how you see the situation developing in the third decade of the 21st century and what should be done to ensure that people everywhere find peace and prosperity.

Putin tar vid:

Mr. Schwab, dear Klaus, Colleagues, I have been to Davos many times, attending the events organized by Mr. Schwab, even back in the 1990s. Klaus just recalled that we met in 1992. Indeed, during my time in St Petersburg, I visited this important forum many times.
I would like to thank you for this opportunity today to convey my point of view to the expert community that gathers at this world-renowned platform thanks to the efforts of Mr. Schwab.

Coronapandemin har enligt Putin snabbat på världsförändringarna och förvärrat problemen som kom med den gamla ordningen:

Indeed, it is difficult to overlook the fundamental changes in the global economy, politics, social life, and technology. The coronavirus pandemic, which Klaus just mentioned, which became a serious challenge for humankind, only spurred and accelerated the structural changes, the conditions for which had been created long ago. The pandemic has exacerbated the problems and imbalances that built up in the world before. There is every reason to believe that differences are likely to grow stronger. These trends may appear practically in all areas.

Putin fruktar ett totalt krig och mänsklighetens undergång om vi inte gör någonting tillsammans för att förhindra det:

Klaus has mentioned the conversation I had yesterday with the US President on extending the New START. This is, without a doubt, a step in the right direction. Nevertheless, the differences are leading to a downward spiral. As you are aware, the inability and unwillingness to find substantive solutions to problems like this in the 20th century led to the WWII catastrophe.

Of course, such a heated global conflict is impossible in principle, I hope. This is what I am pinning my hopes on, because this would be the end of humanity. However, as I have said, the situation could take an unexpected and uncontrollable turn – unless we do something to prevent this. There is a chance that we will face a formidable break-down in global development, which will be fraught with a war of all against all and attempts to deal with contradictions through the appointment of internal and external enemies and the destruction of not only traditional values such as the family, which we hold dear in Russia, but fundamental freedoms such as the right of choice and privacy.

Den teknologiska utvecklingen, bruket av artificiell intelligens hänger samman med möjligheten till en "omstart".
Coronahotet har hjälpt till att skynda på planerna:

Hopes that it will be possible to reboot the old growth model are connected with rapid technological development. Indeed, during the past 20 years we have created a foundation for the so-called Fourth Industrial Revolution based on the wide use of AI and automation and robotics. The coronavirus pandemic has greatly accelerated such projects and their implementation.

Det finns ingen mirakellösning, men samarbete och största möjliga harmonisering är av vikt och att lokalisera källor till globala problem. Återställandet av ekonomierna och dess långsiktiga hållbara stabilitet och tillväxt är tydligen beroende av skattemässiga motiv och centralbankernas roll:

Colleagues, despite this tangle of differences and challenges, we certainly should keep a positive outlook on the future and remain committed to a constructive agenda.
It would be naive to come up with universal miraculous recipes for resolving the above problems. But we certainly need to try to work out common approaches, bring our positions as close as possible and identify sources that generate global tensions.

Once again, I want to emphasize my thesis that accumulated socioeconomic problems are the fundamental reason for unstable global growth.

So, the key question today is how to build a program of actions in order to not only quickly restore the global and national economies affected by the pandemic, but to ensure that this recovery is sustainable in the long run, relies on a high-quality structure and helps overcome the burden of social imbalances. Clearly, with the above restrictions and macroeconomic policy in mind, economic growth will largely rely on fiscal incentives with state budgets and central banks playing the key role.

Här kommer Putin återigen med vad man kalla dubbla budskap, där han först avvisar visionen om "en värld" men sedan understryker vikten av att undvika konflikt genom att harmonisera, samstämma världen, politiken, genom "universella institutioner" som har ansvar för hela världen och skapar globala regler:

Obviously, the era linked with attempts to build a centralized and unipolar world order has ended. To be honest, this era did not even begin. A mere attempt was made in this direction, but this, too, is now history. The essence of this monopoly ran counter to our civilization’s cultural and historical diversity.

The reality is such that really different development centers with their distinctive models, political systems and public institutions have taken shape in the world. Today, it is very important to create mechanisms for harmonizing their interests to prevent the diversity and natural competition of the development poles from triggering anarchy and a series of protracted conflicts.

To achieve this we must, in part, consolidate and develop universal institutions that bear special responsibility for ensuring stability and security in the world and for formulating and defining the rules of conduct both in the global economy and trade.

Hela världen ska samordnas för att ta sig an problemet med Coronaviruset:

The international community must create conditions for cooperation between scientists and other specialists to understand how and why coronavirus mutations occur, as well as the difference between the various strains.
Of course, we need to coordinate the efforts of the entire world, as the UN Secretary-General suggests and as we urged recently at the G20 summit.
It is essential to join and coordinate the efforts of the world in countering the spread of the virus and making the much needed vaccines more accessible. We need to help the countries that need support, including the African nations. I am referring to expanding the scale of testing and vaccinations.


Only one thing matters: we need to approach the dialogue with each other honestly. We need to discard the phobias of the past, stop using the problems that we inherited from past centuries in internal political processes and look to the future. If we can rise above these problems of the past and get rid of these phobias, then we will certainly enjoy a positive stage in our relations.
We are ready for this, we want this, and we will strive to make this happen. But love is impossible if it is declared only by one side. It must be mutual.

2022-01-03, 04:01
Andra personer som 1992 var nominerade till utmärkelsen Global Leaders for Tomorrow var bl a:

Viktor Orban
Angela Merkel
Nicholas Sarkozy
Tony Blair
José Maria Aznar
José Manuel Durao Barroso


Viktor Orban har gått ut hårt med vad som väntar gällande vaccinet:

Everyone Will Have to Be Vaccinated


Alla dessa personer, utbildade av samma internationella krafter, varav en del tillhör den "goda" klicken medan andra får en mer eller mindre skurkaktig roll, som "fascisterna" José Maria Aznar eller Viktor Orban.
2022-01-04, 08:30
Mer om föreställningar gällande väst och öst

En artikel som den här i "högerextrema" Breitbart är sådant som "nationella" kan reagera instinktivt på:

George Soros: Xi Jinping Is the ‘Most Dangerous Enemy’ of the Free World


I artikeln beskriver Soros Kina som det totalt motsatta till vad "väst" är, och goy Zedong som hjärnan och kraften bakom det judiska projektet och försök till världsomvandling:

The U.S. stands for a democratic, open society in which the role of the government is to protect the freedom of the individual.
Mr. Xi believes Mao Zedong invented a superior form of organization, which he is carrying on: a totalitarian closed society in which the individual is subordinated to the one-party state
,” he explained...“I consider Xi Jinping’s China the worst threat to an open society,” Soros stated. Elsewhere in the article, the businessman deemed the PRC “a mortal enemy” of the West, which he said too often gave China the “benefit of the doubt.”
“We should recognize it: It’s a different system. It’s totally opposed to ours, diametrically opposed to ours,” he said of China’s ruling Communist Party.

Samtidigt beskrivs komiskt nog Soros på precis samma sätt som de krafter som styr Kina (och världen):

American writer and analyst Walt Peretto said on Wednesday that Soros funds projects, movements, programs, and initiatives designed to achieve “the de facto dissolution of national sovereignty worldwide.”“Once known as a hedge fund manager and now a philanthropist, Soros is connected to the world’s top money creators and regularly funnels money from those at the apex of the global finance into projects designed to restructure global society in ways beneficial to proponents of mass depopulation and global tyranny,” he commented to Press TV."Soros likely has access to inside information that all but guarantees financial success in his investments in exchange for his financing of globalist social-engineering projects,” he stated.

Det som Peretto beskriver är ju bara systemet och makthavarnas planer i stort, men Soros pekas ut som en slags enskilt agerande person.
Kommentaren är från den här artikeln där Kina slungar iväg osande kritk mot Soros och förstärker bilden av två olika maktsfärer, väst-öst, i konflikt:

China Officially Declares George Soros a 'Global Terrorist' - He's 'the Son of Satan'


De som orienterar sig efter logiken "stat som fördömer Soros=bra stat" triggas igång, se kommentarer till artiklarna ovan eller den här på Nordfront som exempel:


Notera att i "antiglobalistiska" Neon Nettles artikel vill man uppmärksamma läsaren på att bråket mellan Soros och Kina skulle ha en distraherande effekt. Det antyds nästan ett lömskt syfte där konflikten stjäl fokus från annat, när i själva verket både bråket i sig, artikeln och analytikerns kommentar gör att fokus riktas bort från det faktum att det är samma internationella makt bakom både väst och öst, en klassisk metod där man "avslöjar" något och samtidigt döljer:

“These back-and-forth exchanges between Soros and Chinese state officials help to keep the eyes of the world off more pressing issues like the genocidal nature of the global Covid-19 operation, terrorism induced people movement largely from the ‘Global South’ to the West, Zionist hegemony over Western governments including the US, and increasing internet censorship of evidence-based information in favor of the reinforcement of manufactured ‘official’ lies and disinformation,” the analyst said.

Rikta uppmärksamheten mot någon särskild aktör, strömning, organisation eller världsdel, land, statsman och goyim blir förvillad.

"Det är globalister som härjar", "Nej, det är kommunister", "Nej, det är sionister", "Nej, det är Den djupa staten", "Nej, det är Illuminati", "Nej det är..." osv osv.
Senast redigerad av Nyreggadjude 2022-01-04 kl. 09:01.
2022-01-10, 10:13

Vad handlar de om?

Missnöje med höjda bensipriser uppges vara en orsak till "spontana protester" och att en "arabisk vår" nu nått Kazakstan.
Statyer av äldre ledare (tidigare presidenten Nursultan Nazarbayev) rivs ned på klassiskt manér av arga "demonstranter", många dödsfall, nödläge förklaras, utegångsförbud införs.

President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev accepterar regeringens avgång, han tar över Nazarbayevs roll som ordförande för Kazakstans säkerhetsråd och begär assistans från Collective Security Treaty Organization. Organisationens medlemmar inkluderar förutom Kazakstan:


En titt på Kazakstan under 2000-talet:

2005 World Bank listar Kazakstan som ett näste för korruption

2012 World Economic Forum anger att korruption är det största problemet när det gäller att göra affärer med Kazakstan.

2013 Det Londonbaserade bolaget Eurasian Natural Resources Corporation (ENRC) har anklagats för korruption och samarbetssvårigheter, fått dåligt rykte och försvårat förhållandena mellan företag med staligt ägande i Kazakstan och internationella investerare.

Det kommer fram uppgifter om att tre grundare, juden Alexander Mashkevitch och hans två icke-judiska (?) vänner Patokh Chodiev och Alijan Ibragimov (nyligen avliden), planerar att ta över bolaget.

Serious Fraud Office i England inleder en utredning om bolagets affärsvanor.

ENRC blir avskrivna från London Stock Exchange efter att grundarna av ENRC fått godkännande av så gott som samtliga av bolagets delägare att tillsammans med kazakstanska regeringen ta över hela verksamheten.

2014 ENRC tvingas sälja tillgångar för att kunna betala av de lån som tagits för att kunna möjliggöra privatiseringsprocessen av bolaget.

ENRC ägs idag helt av Eurasian Resources Group (ERG) med säte i Luxemburg, där Alexander Mashkevitch är ordförande i Board of Managers of Eurasian Resources Group. Verkställande direktör är Benedikt Sobotka, med bakgrund i Boston Consulting Group vars klienter inkluderar både regeringar och företag som Pfizer och Google. Det multinationella konsultföretaget har varit inblandat i försämringarna kring Karolinska universitetssjukhuset och Nya Karolinska Solna.
Eurasian Resources Group har under Benedikts ledning varit inblandad i byggandet av Kinas Belt and Road Initiative:

Under Benedikt’s leadership, the Group also garnered new partnerships with Chinese companies as part of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). The Initiative was presented by the Chinese government in order to develop relations and cooperation between countries and to provide sustainable development of their economies. To that end, the Group has been working with a number of Chinese partners in Kazakhstan, countries in Africa and Brazil as part of the BRI.

Under Benedikt’s leadership, the Group has been doing a major business transformation and driving sustainability initiatives.

ERG och Benedikt har stark koppling till World Economic Forum, bl a dess initiativ Partnering Against Corruption Initiative (PACI):

The Group’s membership at the World Economic Forum came shortly after Benedikt’s appointment, and soon after ERG established itself as a Strategic Partner Associate of the organisation. In 2017 Benedikt Sobotka helped launch – together with other leading companies – the Global Battery Alliance, a World Economic Forum initiative aimed at developing a responsible lithium-ion battery supply chain.

ERG is also part of the Partnering Against Corruption Initiative (PACI), another key initiative of the World Economic Forum.


Kazakstan inleder ökad privatisering av statsägda företag. 209 av de 599 företagen var föremål för privatisering.
Landets tjänstemän ska dock ha fingrat i och använt den statligt ägda investeringsfonden Samruk Kazyna för egna intressen, något som försvårar privatiseringsprocessen.

Kazakstan, Ryssland och Belarus är de tre grundande medlemmarna av Eurasian Economic Union (EEU)

2018 Medlemsländerna i EEU tar stora kliv närmare Kina och Belt and Road Initiative:

In May, a milestone agreement on trade and economic cooperation was signed between the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) and China. The deal reduces some trade barriers and simplifies
customs procedures, creating a foundation for deeper integration. It takes the relationship between the EEU and China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) to the next level, giving EEU members the opportunity to start building a partnership with China on relatively equal terms.

Överenskommelsen är endast en del i en tidigare påbörjad process. Det hävdas att det både kan ge fördelar, men också som i fallet Kazakstan göra länderna beroende av Kina, den nya utpekade globala ledaren:

This agreement is a part of a process that began in May 2015 after signing a previous agreement that pairs the EEU and the BRI. The initiative dramatically changed the member economies of the EEU, which includes Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Russia. Over the past seven years, China has provided these countries around $98 billion in investment to implement 168 projects, many of which are part of the BRI.

At the same time, the relationship between China as a project investor and the countries where these projects are implemented is not always equitable. On one hand, Chinese money inevitably stimulates the economies of these countries. On the other hand, these countries can become too dependent on Chinese investment, such as the case of Kazakhstan. Over the past few years, the role of Chinese business has increased so much so that entire industries have come under its control, especially the energy sector. Oil and gas projects comprise 98 percent of investments from Chinese transnational corporations in Kazakhstan.
Nowadays, around 20 percent of all oil extraction in the country is linked to China National Petroleum Corporation, China’s largest state-owned energy company.


2019 Kazakstan går med i Europarådets Group of States against Corruption (GRECO) och förbättar sin korruptionsstatus något.

Fortsättning följer nedan.
2022-01-10, 10:28
2020 Kazakstan opponerar sig mot Rysslands planer om utökat samarbete inom EEU:

Kazakhstan rejects Russian proposal to expand EEU co-operation

Kazakhstan has rejected Moscow's most recent efforts to expand co-operation under the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) in part because of fears that the union is a means for the Kremlin to strengthen control of its neighbours.

Newly appointed Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin on January 31 announced the Kremlin's proposal to make sports, tourism and the environment strategic areas for the EEU development.

He made his remarks at a meeting of the Eurasian Intergovernmental Council in Almaty attended by the prime ministers of Kazakhstan, Russia, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan and Belarus.

"Health care, education, science, the environment, sports, and tourism were highlighted by the Russian side in the preparation of strategic documents for the union's development," Mishustin said during his speech.

Kazakstan svarar:

Kazakh Prime Minister Askar Mamin in an earlier speech, apparently anticipating that Mishustin would propose such an expansion, urged the opposite.

"We must not go beyond ... the Treaty on the EEU and the Declaration on the Further Development of Integration Processes, which the head of state [then-Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev] adopted on December 6, 2018," he said.

"It must be kept in mind that the EEU is a purely economic association," said Mamin.


Mot slutet av året rapporterar FN:s utvecklingsprogram (UNDP) om Kazakstan och landets färd mot en mer korruptionsfri position:

Kazakhstan has sustained its efforts to combat corruption and gradually shifts towards preventative measures. Ratification of the United Nations Convention against Corruption in 2008 is an important milestone in this process. Having joined GRECO in 2019, Kazakhstan once again confirmed its strong intention to promote integrity in public and private sectors and put more constraints on corruption. In 2019, Kazakhstan improved its ranking in the global Corruption Perception Index from 124 in 2018 to 113 out of 198 countries.

With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Kazakh government, business sector and civil society came together to apply preventive measures, quickly switching to remote work, and prioritizing health
by minimizing face-to-face interaction. A lot of effort has been taken by central and local governments along with the public monitoring groups to ensure a fair distribution of medical and other supplies, and to protect the rights of those in need.

Om hur man förhindrar korruption bl a genom att ändra lagarna:

Corruption prevention is a growing area of UNDP’s engagement in many countries around the world. Our global initiatives help create corruption free environment through legislative changes, advancing accountability frameworks and harnessing new technologies.

In Kazakhstan UNDP has been a long-term partner tо the Anticorruption Agency, and has supported a number of important initiatives, such as introduction of ethics institutions in civil service, development of integrity principles in public and private sectors, anticorruption standards and conduction of external analysis of corruption risks.

Transparency Kazakhstan är en del av Transparency International som bekämpar korruption globalt. Transparency International har sitt säte i Berlin och grundades av personer från World Bank:

UNDP has been also partnering with the Transparency Kazakhstan to increase the potential of youth and civil society organizations and to inspire them for participation in anticorruption work. Over 700 trainees of Anticorruption Summer School learnt international anticorruption standards, national and international anticorruption legislation, best practice-based strategies towards corruption prevention, and applied mechanisms for minimization of corruption in public sector.

Apart from that, UNDP and Transparency Kazakhstan twice conducted sociological study on corruption perception in Kazakhstan. The study is based on the combined methodologies of the Global Corruption Barometer and the Corruption Perception Index (CPI), and includes survey of respondents, analysis of complaints at EGov platform, and expert interviews. The results of 2019 survey allowed Kazakhstan to improve its ranking in global CPI to 113 comparing to 124 in 2018.


2021 Regeringen i Kazakstan ger besked om privatiseringar:

The Kazakhstan government has approved a complex privatization plan for 2021-2025 (Resolution of the Government No. 908 dated December 29, 2020; this became effective on January 1 this year).

According to the plan, quasi-state entities with a balance sheet exceeding 2.5 million monthly calculation indices (around KZT7.3 billion or US$17.3 million) will be transferred into a competitive environment on a priority basis.

Den tidigare privatiseringsplanen verkar ha gått bra, men turerna kring den nämnda statligt ägda investeringsfonden Samruk Kazyna har försenat processen:

According to the Kazakhstan Ministry of Finance, the previous privatization plan for 2016-2020 was fulfilled by more than 90%. At the same time, we note that the previous plan remained substantially outstanding as far as the Sovereign Wealth Fund “Samruk-Kazyna” JSC is concerned; its assets were meant to be transferred into a competitive environment. The apparent reason for this delay was the unfavorable economic situation, which hampered the offering of shares of the relevant enterprises on the securities market.


Kazakstan fortsätter att krångla till det för Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) då landets utrikesministerium opponerar sig emot att EEU skulle tjäna som en samlad röst mot de sanktioner som drabbat Ryssland och Belarus:

Kazakhstan splits with Russia on EEU response to Western sanctions

"The topic of retaliatory measures against the hostile sanctions placed by third countries on the EEU countries has been put on the agenda, is being examined and will be examined," Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Pankin said June 3 on the sidelines of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, according to Tengri News. The EEU is working out a "unified response" to Western sanctions, he claimed."

Kazakstan uttrycker sitt missnöje över tilltaget:

That did not sit will with EEU member Kazakhstan, and the Foreign Ministry on June 5 issued an official statement saying that Kazakhstan would not hold talks on any "unified measures" by the EEU in response to sanctions by other states.

"In accordance with the agreement on the Eurasian Economic Union signed on May 29, 2014, the purpose of creating the alliance is to guarantee freedom of movement of goods, services, capital and labour, and to create conditions for the stable development of the member states' economies in order to increase their populations' prosperity," the statement said.

"We routinely point out that it is inappropriate to vest the bodies concerned with Eurasian integration with functions that exceed its mandate, and we oppose the politicisation of the alliance," it said.

"In the context of a discussion on initiatives that fall outside the scope of the agreement on the EEU, including the use of retaliatory measures against sanctions by third countries, we are operating on the premise that the West's sanctions are grounded first and foremost in political motives and are directed at individual states, not at the EEU as a whole," the statement said."


Det kanske inte var en helt optimal regim i makthavarnas ögon.

Privatiseringar, regimskiften, det är en gammal bekant visa.
2022-01-10, 11:49
Den svartmålade Lukashenko talar positivt om den globala utvecklingen och vikten av att avlägsna de hinder som står ivägen för den:

Lukashenko calls for coordination along Belt and Road route

“The Belt and Road initiative confirm the wisdom of our ancestors who knew that the development of a separate country is almost impossible without interaction with other states. Modern technology makes the world a smaller place. Geographical distance is no longer an obstacle for building close partnership,” said the head of state.

In his words, with the emergence of the digital era, which brought about a new speed of work with information and cash flows, it would be logical to expect significant progress in trade. However, there are still artificially-created tariff, non-tariff, technical, and administrative barriers in the commodity flow. “If we want to expand our economic cooperation, add a powerful impetus to the development of economies, we need to work more efficiently to remove all types of barriers. Doing this in a single state is the same as eliminating one traffic jam in a big city. It will just take you quicker to the next one. Our common task is to coordinate actions along the entire length of the Belt and Road project,” the Belarusian leader stressed.

Han låter som Roosevelt när den amerikanske presidenten förklarade vad som väntade efter andra världskriget:

Of course, after the war, one of the preconditions of any lasting peace will have to be the greatest possible freedom of trade. No artificial barriers."

Lukashenko fortsätter måla en ljus bild av en framtid med bortsopade förlegade strukturer till förmån för "den stora familjen":

...this is the abolition of the licensing system of international road transportation, which will be an additional incentive for the development of transport and logistics activities.

“It depends on us whether to follow the new standards of economic cooperation, create a new large family or return to outdated geopolitical maneuvers.
A strong one will overcome the obstacle, a wise one will make through the whole way,” said Aleksandr Lukashenko.

The Belarusian president wished the forum participants strength to overcome all the obstacles that arise in the joint work on the Belt and Road project, and also wisdom to successfully implement the projects of this global initiative for the benefit of the peoples.


The Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) kommenterar Belarus roll i Belt and Road Initiative:

Belt and Road Initiative: The Role of Belarus

Belarus, a landlocked nation in Eastern Europe bordering Russia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Ukraine, has caught rising interest among Hong Kong’s business community in recent years under the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). Going hand in hand with its role as a transport gateway linking China with the EU and CIS countries, it is seen as an increasingly open investment destination for manufacturing and high-tech developments.

An Important Transport Node on the Silk Road Economic Belt

Strategically located on the new Eurasia land bridge, eight rail container routes on the China-Western Europe trade pass through Belarus, enabling cargo to move much faster between China and Germany via Kazakhstan, Russia, Belarus and Poland, taking about 17 days. In comparison, sea freight takes around three weeks longer, although the freight cost of travelling by rail is about 60-70% higher. As shippers have become more receptive to the expanding rail container routes, more than 3,000 Sino-European trains used Belarus’s rail network in 2017.

Inga tariffer:

Under Belarus’s membership of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU or EEU), products made in Belarus can be treated, subject to the country of origin rules, as Belarusian-made and able to be exported to the other EAEU markets of Russia, Kazakhstan, Armenia and Kyrgyzstan, free of tariffs.

Landet ligger bra till och har goda transportmöjligheter:

This, coupled to the country’s geographical proximity to most of the markets in Europe, as well as well-connected road and rail transportation networks, helps to make Belarus an attractive destination for foreign manufacturing companies.


Lukasjenko är helt med på FN:s Agenda 2030 och målen med den "hållbara utvecklingen":

Lukashenko sees no alternative to SDGs

There is no alternative to working towards Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko said as he met with National Coordinator for SDGs, Vice Speaker of the Council of the Republic Marianna Shchetkina on 17 July, BelTA has learned.

Dessa mål är enligt Lukashenko "normala":

“Some time ago the United Nations Organization passed a corresponding resolution. We took part in the discussion of Sustainable Development Goals till 2030 and agreed that we will contribute to this plan of the United Nations Organization, all the more so as we are also interested in it,” Alexander Lukashenko said. “There is no alternative to it, the goals are normal

Presidenten talar för en gemensam global ansträngning åt detta håll och den nationella samordnaren understryker Belarus roll som en förkämpe för den hållbara utvecklingen:

The president remarked that every country is doing its best to achieve Sustainable Development Goals. “It means that all countries of the planet, including Belarus, should develop,” he added. The head of state asked about the progress in this field and wanted to know if there are any improvement proposals.

Marianna Shchetkina said that Belarus has been working hard in this area for a couple of years. In 2020 the country's achievements will be analyzed in detail. “Today Belarus has a special place in the European region, among the CIS countries and former Soviet countries as it is the leader in the organization of work towards sustainable development,” she stressed.

Belarus har tagit viktiga kliv för att nå den globala utvecklingens mål:

The UN member states passed the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development on 25 September 2015. The Agenda is a commitment to eradicate poverty, inequality and injustice, prevent climate change. Belarus has already taken a number of important steps to achieve SDGs. The government has approved the 2030 National Strategy of Sustainable Social and Economic Development. The national architecture for achieving SDGs has been built. It unites the council for sustainable development, a parliamentary group for SDGs, and a group of partners for sustainable development.

Senast redigerad av Nyreggadjude 2022-01-10 kl. 12:47.
2022-01-10, 12:15
Under rubriken "Russia Supports the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative" kommenterar den Moskvabaserade tankesmedjan Valdai Discussion Club oroligt att globaliseringsprocessen är hotad men att BRI hjälper till att lappa ihop och täcka över de sprickor som uppstått:

In recent years, the process of globalisation has come under threat and we see a tendency towards the fragmentation of the modern international economic system. The Chinese Belt and Road initiative (BRI), which is grounded in the principles of joint consultation, joint construction and joint use, attracts different countries from all over the world, achieving interconnected relationships and simplifying the trade and investment process, repairing cracks in economic globalisation and forging regional economic cooperation, and putting the international economic order on the right, rational path. In the five years since the BRI was first launched, China has continuously strived to explain to the world the basic concepts of the initiative and through its work, promotes its essence: openness, transparency, inclusivity, and win-win mutual benefit. Therefore, more countries are seeing a real opportunity in taking part in the Chinese Belt and Road initiative. More and more European countries, such as Greece, Italy and others, have decided to take part in the Chinese initiative, and they are internally driven by a desire for mutual benefit and mutual gain.

Russia is an important supporter and participant in the process of promoting the BRI. In 2015 China and Russia signed the “Joint Statement on Cooperation on the Construction of Joint Eurasian Economic Union and the Silk Road Projects”...

Russia needs to implement interconnection and simplify its process of trade and investment with Europe. It is the gradual coupling of interests that stimulates Russia’s active and constructive participation in the Chinese initiative, and contributes to the further deepening of the confluence between the construction of the Silk Road Economic Belt and the Eurasian Economic Union. In May 2017, during the first Belt and Road Forum on international cooperation, Russian President Vladimir Putin gave an active cooperative signal and expressed hope that the Northern Sea Route would be connected with the BRI.

Over the past five years, the points of convergence of interests of the two countries have gradually become more relevant...

We can say that Sino-Russian cooperation, within the framework of the Belt and Road initiative, has had an exemplary effect. Such practical cooperation, based on the laws of the market economy and international rules, makes the Chinese initiative more attractive.


Valdai Discussion Club är en tankesmedja för Rysslands elit:

The Valdai conference is closely linked with Russian President Vladimir Putin, who has met with the participants of the Valdai Club’s annual meetings every year since its founding. Among many other Russian Government officials attending Valdai meetings are Dmitry Medvedev, Prime Minister and former President; Sergey Ivanov, former Chief of Staff of the Presidential Executive Office; Sergey Lavrov, Minister of Foreign Affairs; Sergey Shoygu, Minister of Defence; and others.

De årliga mötena har handlat om ämnen som "The Dawn of the East and the World Political Order" (2019), "The Lessons of the Pandemic and the New Agenda: How to Turn the World Crisis Into an Opportunity for the World" (2020) och vars gäster har inkluderat presidenter som Kazakstans Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, Filippinernas Rodrigo Duterte och Jordaniens kung Abdullah II.


De där "diktatorerna" i öst verkar i själva verket vara "globalisternas" nya hantlangare.
Senast redigerad av Nyreggadjude 2022-01-10 kl. 12:40.
2022-01-12, 07:41

I det här exemplet sammanfattas en hel del om hur världen fungerar.

Kosovo är ett av de mer mineralrika områdena i världen och har varit en plats för gruvdrift sedan romartiden. Efter de Jugoslaviska krigen har tillgångarna, som tidigare ägdes av den jugoslaviska staten, hamnat i privat ägo.

Judiska Haaretz rapporterade under rubriken "Riches of the Earth":

May 3, 2006, was a significant date for the tottering Kosovo economy. On that day senior members of the local government joined with United Nations officials and international and local business at the headquarters of the UN Interim administration Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) to celebrate the successful conclusion of the biggest privatisation deal signed since the end of the war with Serbia.

Det som tidigare ägdes av staten hamnade i händerna på Cunico, ägt av Benny Steinmetz Group (BSG), och International Mineral Resources (IMR).

BSG ägs av juden Benny Steinmetz som bor i Israel men också har franskt medborgarskap. Tillsammans med sin fru, två "filantroper", är han engagerad i judiska gruppintressen och donerar pengar till israelisk utbildningsverksamhet, sjukvård, konst, museer och militären.

Steinmetz har anklagats och dömts för korruption relaterat till gruvdriften i Guinea. Han ska ha mutat sig till rättigheter till Guineas järnmalm och dömts till fem års fängelse för detta.
Steinmetz vann rättigheterna 2008, 2014 satte president Alpha Condé igång en undersökning av fallet och upptäckte att det skett med hjälp av mutor. Det nämnda gruvprojektet Simandou i Guinea har haft svårt att komma i gång pga legala krångligheter som i fallet Steinmetz.
Här verkar det som om en privatisering har gått till på fel sätt, genom mutor som har genererat utdragna rättsprocesser och satt käppar i hjulet för de större globala planerna. Orsaken till militärkuppen i Guinea uppges vara missnöje med president Condé som inte har lyckats lösa problem med fattigdom vilket fortfarande existerar trots landets rikedom på mineraler, tillgångar som hamnar i helt andra händer.

IMR är ett dotterbolag till tidigare nämnda Eurasian Natural Resources Corporation (ENRC) och ägs av juden Alexander Mashkevitch, Patokh Chodiev och Alijan Ibragimov.
Dessa tre äger även Eurasian Financial Company JSCwhich som är ägare av Eurasian Bank i Kazakstan.

Mashkevitch, som har medborgarskap i Kazakstan och Israel, är även han engagerad i specifikt judiska intressen.
Han är ordförande för Keren Hayesod (internationell välgörenhetsorganisation för Israel) i de östländer som ingår i Oberoende staters samvälde (de förra sovjet-republikerna minus Georgien, Ukraina och Baltikum).
Han är medgrundare och har varit ordförande för Euro-Asian Jewish Congress, som förstås är en del av World Jewish Congress vilken har s.k. "special consultative status" med United Nations Economic and Social Council, och som ägnar sig åt att sätta judars intressen framför andra folk:

The EAJC is an umbrella organization linking the diverse Euro-Asian Jewish communities and organizations, and acting tirelessly to protect the rights and legitimate interests of the Jewish people in government bodies and international organizations.

As the regional partner of the World Jewish Congress, the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress promotes unity among the Jewish people and ensures the continuity of Jewish tradition and communal life in the Euroasian region.


World Jewish Congress mer utförliga beskrivning om hur judars intressen ska gå före alla andras, i fredens, frihetens, jämlikhetens och rättvisans namn:

The mission of the World Jewish Congress is to foster the unity and represent the interests of the Jewish people, and to ensure the continuity and development of its religious, spiritual, cultural, and social heritage. The World Jewish Congress seeks, among other things:

to enhance solidarity among Jewish communities throughout the world and, recognizing the centrality of the State of Israel to contemporary Jewish identity, to strengthen the bonds of Jewish communities and Jews in the Diaspora with Israel.

to secure the rights, status and interests of Jews and Jewish communities and to defend them wherever they are denied, violated or threatened; to encourage and assist the creative development of Jewish social, religious, and cultural life throughout the world, to support Jewish education and the development of Jewish values, and to ensure Jewish continuity and the transmittal of Jewish legacy from one generation to another;

to assist Jewish communities in strengthening their Jewish identities and in confronting problems in the political, legal, social, religious, cultural or economic spheres;

to represent and act on behalf of Member Communities and the Jewish people as a whole vis-ā-vis governments, governmental authorities, international and intergovernmental organizations and authorities, non-governmental organizations, inter-faith groups, other faiths and civic bodies;

to preserve the memory of the Holocaust and of the millions of Jews and countless Jewish communities destroyed during the Shoah, and to advocate on behalf of its survivors and their families;

to combat anti-Semitism in all its manifestations and to raise the consciousness of the public at large to the dangers inherent in any incitement to religious, racial, or ethnic intolerance, oppression or persecution;

to foster, support and participate in inter-faith dialogue; and

to encourage and promote gender equality and the involvement of younger Jews in Jewish communal and organizational leadership.

The World Jewish Congress will strive to cooperate with governments, nations, organizations, and individuals, to accomplish the above goals in the spirit of peace, freedom, equality and justice.


Organisationen har nyligen varit aktuell i sin iver att stoppa politisk opposition i Sverige.

Alexander Mashkevitch kallas av judiska Ynet för "one of Jewish world's biggest philanthropists" i en artikel som tar upp sexfester med prostituerade på lyxjakt som Maskevich ska ha anordnat:


Här syns han tillsammans med Mikhael Mirilashvili när George W. Bush mottog Isaiah Award år 2017.


Mikhael Mirilashvili är medborgare i Georgien och Israel, han är vice ordförande för Euro-Asian Jewish Congress, vice ordförande för Russian Jewish Congress och ordförande för World Jewish Congress- St. Petersburg, ordförande för det ryska bolaget Petromir, ägare av media, bank, casinos mm.
Hans vän Mikhail Fridman från Ryssland har även israeliskt medborgarskap och var med och grundade Russian Jewish Congress och Genesis Philantropy Group, "a global proactive grant-making institution" med syfte att stärka det judiska engagemanget runtom i världen.
Genesis Philantropy Group lanserade projektet Our Common Destiny med samma syfte, att stärka banden mellan judar över hela världen och har judar som Jacob Rothschild och Barbara Spectre i styrelsen. Fridman har medlemskap i amerikanska Council on Foreign Relations och ryska Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (Moskvabaserad lobbygrupp omfattande både statligt och privat ägda affärsintressen) m.m. på meritlistan.

Det här är sådant som krigen massmedia rapoorterar om resulterar i.
Den judiska universalismen i form av murarbröderna skapar världsparlament som omformar världen, FN:s uppgifter består bl a i att bistå oligarkerna med att lägga beslag på planetens tillgångar, och det judiska folket som helhet och deras intressen är också kopplat till detta.
2022-01-18, 15:00
Iradeorums avatar
Den här tråden verkar vara en variant på ”den stora teaterföreställningen”. Alternativt då att ZOG numer har Kina som sin nya favorithäst i loppet. Visst är det enkelt att måla med en väldigt bred pensel och färglägga delarna så bilden ser ut som den man på förhand bestämt sig för. Men delarna som inte passar in då? Är det pågående vapenskramlet mellan väst och öst bara teater? Varför ratar Ryssland och Kina kulturmarxismen som är en omistlig del av globalismen? Om nu en global elit redan har kontroll över världen, varför har man inte redan infört ett världsstyre och avskaffat nationer?

Jag skulle vilja lyfta fram alternativa förklaringar i en komplex värld. Som att de flesta länder och företag vill göra business och då kan man inte riskera att hamna utanför globala strukturer. Eller det faktum att kosmopolitiska judefilurer alltid återfinns överallt där det luktar makt och pengar. De var verksamma i NS-Tyskland också. Det man istället bör göra är att fråga sig vilken betydelse detta har? När Kina och Ryssland deltar i internationella forum och organisationer, gör man verkligen det av samma skäl som västvärlden? Vill man samma saker och har man samma mål? För min del är jag säker på att svaren är nej.

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