Ursprungligen postat av
Vänd på myntet och fråga dig om Ryssland hade varit allierade med Kanada och Mexico byggt hundratals militäranläggningar mot USAs gräns tror du USA hade accepterat det ??
Nej, whataboutism och Flashback-fanfiction skiter jag faktiskt fullständigt i.
Här är isåfall intressantare material, från Woodrow Wilson Institutes ryssland-expert:
Ursprungligen postat av Kamil Galeev
Why Russia will lose this war?
Much of the "realist" discourse is about accepting Putin's victory, cuz it's *guaranteed*. But how do we know it is?
I'll argue that analysts 1) overrate Russian army 2) underrate Ukrainian one 3) misunderstand Russian strategy & political goals
Modern world abolished the distinction between the enemy and the criminal, a key idea of the Roman Law. Powers do wage wars, but to do so they need to criminalise and dehumanise their enemies. Hence, all the "terrorist" discourse. In a sense Putin is going with the flow
But on a deeper level Putin is absolutely correct. His declaration of "special operation" in Ukraine is sincere, because he didn't expect the war. He doesn't know how to do wars. For all of his life he's been organising and launching the special operations.
First, as a KGB officer. Then, as St Petersburg city councillor for foreign affairs (illegally selling Soviet warehouse stuff to the West). In 1990s he closely worked with the criminal world and he did it successfully. Here you see him with a thief-in-law, Grandpa Hassan.
Putin waged special operations when he had much stronger position than these criminals. And he got used to that.
Man får nog kalla denna Twitter-tråd för en väl underrättad artikel, späckad med lättillgängliga historiska referenser och vidare länkad läsning, om rysk militär historia och Putins bakgrund men framförallt varför han nu kan ha tagit sig vatten över huvudet.
Putin is apparently concerned. In the video of 25 Feb he called for Ukrainian military to do a coup d'erat. He wouldn't need it if his plan worked in the first place. The defeat in this operation will inflict enormous consequences for Putin and his regime. They are unlikely to survive this defeat. Meanwhile, it's unlikely that Putin wins by the same methods