Ursprungligen postat av
Ett antivästligt block växer fram, mäktigare än någonsin
I Tyskland tror många att de flesta länder är i krig med Ukraina. Men sanningen är en helt annan: den antivästliga alliansen blir allt mer kraftfull, politiskt och ekonomiskt – och den sträcker sig över hela världen.
Det stämmer.
"Since the beginning of the invasion of Ukraine, there has been a running narrative in the western media that sanctions and the removal of Russian access to the SWIFT network would crush the country within a few months, leaving them penniless and unable to project military power. This has not happened.
A picture was painted by journalists and politicians of a completely isolated Russia, destroyed by a global cancel culture campaign that would de-nation them. In reality, Russian trade, specifically their oil trade, has actually expanded. Both China and India have increased their purchases of Russian oil while enjoying discounted prices. Simultaneously, Europe and the US are suffering from oil and gas inflation and the EU is cutting vital oil and gas supplies from Russia.
Any economist with a brain and a familiarity with the BRICS could have predicted this outcome, but the bias within the mainstream media is a powerful thing. "
Vi har stagflation på bred front att se fram emot. Trodde aldrig Ryssland skulle vara ett framtidsland men nu är vi där.