Hur f*n anropar man funktionen korrekt? I filen vector_strings.cpp har jag skrivit "Adder();" och dr behvs tydligen ngon parameter som ska in i "Adder(std::vector<std::string>& names)". Finns hr ngon kunnig sjl som kan hjlpa till lite?
****************** main.cpp ****************** #include <iostream> #include "vector_strings.hpp" int main(void) { CMDReader(); return 0; } ****************** vector_strings.hpp ****************** #ifndef VECTOR_STRINGS #define VECTOR_STRINGS #include <vector> #include <string> void CMDReader(); void Adder(std::vector<std::string>& names); void Remover(std::vector<std::string>& names); void Printer(std::vector<std::string>& names); #endif ****************** vector_strings.cpp ****************** /* Implement a program that stores and removes given strings from a vector, as commanded by the user. You should implement a simple command line interface that implements the following. In the beginning, program should print `Commands: ADD, PRINT, REMOVE, QUIT`, followed by a newline. Then print `Enter a command:` followed by a newline. Then the program should read the command from the user and do the following: * **ADD**: Add a given string to the vector. The program should first prompt: `Enter a name:` (without trailing space) followed by a newline. Then it reads the name from the user and adds it to a the vector. Finally, it prints: `Number of names in the vector:`, a newline, the size of the vector, and finally newline. The ADD functionality is implemented in the function `Adder`. * **REMOVE**: Removes the last string from the vector. This operation is implemented in the function `Remover`. The function should print the removed string in the following way: `Removing the last element:`, followed by a newline, then the string and a newline. * **PRINT**: Outputs all stored strings, each on a separate line (e.g., followed by newline character). This operation is implemented in function `Printer`. * **QUIT**: Exit the program. In addition to the above three functions, you need to implement the function `CMDReader` that parses the commands and calls the appropriate functions. The detailed function interfaces can be found in the file *vector_strings.hpp*. Here is an example of an session: Commands: ADD, PRINT, REMOVE, QUIT Enter a command: ADD Enter a name: Kalle Number of names in the vector: 1 Enter a command: ADD Enter a name: Nisse Number of names in the vector: 2 Enter a command: PRINT Kalle Nisse Enter a command: REMOVE Removing the last element: Nisse Enter a command: QUIT */ #include "vector_strings.hpp" #include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <string> void Adder(std::vector<std::string>& names) { std :: cout << "Enter a name:\n"; } void Remover(std::vector<std::string>& names) { } void Printer(std::vector<std::string>& names) { } void CMDReader() { while (true) { std :: cout << "Commands: ADD, PRINT, REMOVE,QUIT\n"; std :: cout << "Enter a command:\n"; std :: string command; std :: cin >> command; if (command == "ADD") { Adder(); } if (command == "PRINT") { Printer(); } if (command == "REMOVE") { Remover(); } if (command == "QUIT") { break; } } }