Nästan hälften vill ha slut på kriget nu även om Ukraina förlorar territorium.
En knapp majoritet säger att sanktionerna mot Ryssland skall fortsätta även efter ett slut på kriget.
35% vill att deras länder skall köpa rysk energi.
48% Of EU Respondents Want Quick End To War Even If Ukraine Loses Territories: Poll
lmost half of Europeans favor an immediate end to the war launched by Russia, even at the cost of Ukraine losing some of its territories, a poll of residents in nine countries in the European Union revealed.
Euroskopia, an alliance of social research and media companies in the E.U., asked 1,000 adult residents in Spain, Italy, France, Germany, Austria, Greece, the Netherlands, Poland and Portugal regarding their vision of the end of Russia's military offensive against Ukraine.
In all the countries surveyed, 48% of Europeans are in favor of a quick resolution to the war, even if Ukraine gives up some of its occupied territories to Russia, according to Euroskopia.
When asked about maintaining the sanctions imposed on Russia, a razor-thin majority of 51.8% of Europeans support the continuation of imposing economic sanctions on all Russian companies.
But most residents in Germany, Greece, Austria and Italy want their countries to resume buying Russian gas in the future if the war ends through a peace agreement. Overall, 35.1% of Europeans support the idea of bringing back Russian gas to their energy consumption.
Trots den massiva dagliga propagandan faller alltså det ensidiga stödet för Ukraina. Kommer politikerna att lyssna på detta och verka för konstruktiva fredsförhandlingar?