Ska visst vara 18e största banken i USA. Så knappast viktigast.
Från Zerohedge
For most people in America, the news that a 'bank in Silicon Valley' has failed will be forgotten quicker than a story about soaring shoplifting in their local supermarket.
It shouldn't.
Reality is that the contagion of the shuttering of the 18th largest bank in the US are widespread.
Då väntar vi och ser om det blir en NR:3 på måndag....
SVB's letter to shareholders incudes news that "Our exposure to crypto is de minimis."
The same can't be said of Silvergate Bank – an outfit that proudly claims to "serve over 750 of the most recognized and well-funded digital currency exchanges
And on Wednesday the outfit announced the Bank's holding company "believes that an orderly wind down of Bank operations and a voluntary liquidation of the Bank is the best path forward."
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