2023-09-13, 21:31
Californias avatar
Att leva. I en bottenls klhalning, att kvvas, men inte d. Hatad. Frnedrad. Dragen under skrovet av lidandets hrbotten. Inga synliga sr. Gldhet smrta. Panik. Men aldrig befrielsen frn det drypande likluktande kukhelvete vi kallar tillvaron.*
2023-09-13, 21:33
Californias avatar
Oh god please take care of the wrongly attacked one! Its me, Ukraine, your beloved one!
Petty the one who gets taken advantage of!
Of a bully with a brain that measures null!
Days they come and days they gooo
And the bully demands more and more
He PUT IN his ego in his pants and smiiile!

Cause god look at this man and judge
Hes full of sin and wretched sludge
Please WORLD look at this man and see,
Hes suffering of an oidipuscomplexity

Dont fuck with your own family!
Unless you want some complexity!
PUT IN put out PUT it in the sea
But the bully demands to much, agree?
He put in his small cannon and weeee
Send reinforcements to our allies and see

Cause we, we see the one that god loves
WORLD do you see the same as above?
Ukraine will never flee
Put in evil, and we will show no mercy!

2023-09-21, 05:35
Californias avatar
Att leva. I en bottenls klhalning, att kvvas, men inte d. Hatad. Frnedrad. Dragen under skrovet av lidande. Inga synliga sr. Gldhet smrta. Panik. Men aldrig befrielsen frn det likluktande helvete vi kallar tillvaron.

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