Denna substans, kallad fr endera difludiazepam eller Ro-07-4065, kom till Folkhlsomyndighetens knnedom redan r 2017. Sverige tycks allts ha varit det frsta landet som upptckt den. Dock har jag aldrig hrt om den innan jag sttte p dess namn av en slump i samband med att jag efterforskade olika nnu ej spridda bensodiazepiner. Har ngon annan hr inne mjligen sett den salufras av ngon terfrsljare sedan mitten p r 2017, eller var det bara en lycklig slump att tullen lyckades att fnga ett enstaka exemplar p en ytterst ringa mngd och drefter blev den uppsatt p listan fr Substanser under utredning?
Fullstndigt kemiskt namn:
5-(2,6-difluorofenyl)-7-kloro-1-metyl-1,3-dihydro-2H-benso[e][1,4]diazepin-2-on eller (7-kloro-5-(2,6-difluorofenyl)-1-metyl-3H-1,4-bensodiazepin-2-on)
CAS-nummer: 39080-67-6
Lnk till initieringen av utredning av substansen hos Folkhlsomyndigheten:
Fljande gr att lsa p National Library of Medicine:
r det mhnda s att denna saknar rekreationellt vrde och drfr inte har ntrat marknaden, eller vad r annars orsaken?
Enligt Wikipedia-artikeln "Difludiazepam" har den slts som designerdrog, men hur mycket jag n frsker att komma ihg ngot minne av att denna har slts av svenska aktrer misslyckas jag.
Vad tror eller vet ni?
Fullstndigt kemiskt namn:
5-(2,6-difluorofenyl)-7-kloro-1-metyl-1,3-dihydro-2H-benso[e][1,4]diazepin-2-on eller (7-kloro-5-(2,6-difluorofenyl)-1-metyl-3H-1,4-bensodiazepin-2-on)
CAS-nummer: 39080-67-6
Lnk till initieringen av utredning av substansen hos Folkhlsomyndigheten:
Fljande gr att lsa p National Library of Medicine:
3.22. Ro 07-4065
Ro 07-4065 is structurally related to the internationally controlled substances diazepam and fludiazepam. Ro 07-4065 differs from diazepam due to the addition of fluoro substituents in both the 2- and 6-positions on the phenyl ring and differs from fludiazepam due to the additional fluoro-substituent in the 6-position on the phenyl ring. It is also structurally related to norfludiazepam (Ro 5-3367), formally notified to the EMCDDA in January 2017, from which it differs due to the additional fluoro-substituent in the 6-position on the phenyl ring and due to the addition of a methyl group attached to the amide [10, 155]. Despite it being previously described in a 1972 patent, it is an extremely newly marketed BZD, mainly used as a research tool to help determining the shape and function of the GABA receptor complex [133, 134, 156, 157]. There is limited published information on its pharmacology and toxicology. The binding affinity of Ro 07-4065 to GABAA receptors has been predicted using in silico methods, such as for example artificial neural networks, and being reported as 0.613 [133, 134]. There are no further data about clinical, pharmacological or toxicological properties. Ro 07-4065 is not currently controlled under the 1971 United Nations Convention on Psychotropic Substances or the 1961 Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs.
Ro 07-4065 was firstly identified in 1 gram of pale beige powder seized by Swedish Customs at FedEx Arlanda, Stockholm, on 14 March 2017 and notified as an NPS by Sweden to the EMCDDA in May 2017. The substance originated by China and the sample was declared as a sample for research [155]. The substance was analytically confirmed by the Swedish National Forensic Centre using GC-MS, GC-IRD, LC-HRMS and NMR [11, 135]. There are no clinically significant anecdotal reports from psychonaut fora describing the clinical effects of Ro 07-4065 so far.
Ro 07-4065 is structurally related to the internationally controlled substances diazepam and fludiazepam. Ro 07-4065 differs from diazepam due to the addition of fluoro substituents in both the 2- and 6-positions on the phenyl ring and differs from fludiazepam due to the additional fluoro-substituent in the 6-position on the phenyl ring. It is also structurally related to norfludiazepam (Ro 5-3367), formally notified to the EMCDDA in January 2017, from which it differs due to the additional fluoro-substituent in the 6-position on the phenyl ring and due to the addition of a methyl group attached to the amide [10, 155]. Despite it being previously described in a 1972 patent, it is an extremely newly marketed BZD, mainly used as a research tool to help determining the shape and function of the GABA receptor complex [133, 134, 156, 157]. There is limited published information on its pharmacology and toxicology. The binding affinity of Ro 07-4065 to GABAA receptors has been predicted using in silico methods, such as for example artificial neural networks, and being reported as 0.613 [133, 134]. There are no further data about clinical, pharmacological or toxicological properties. Ro 07-4065 is not currently controlled under the 1971 United Nations Convention on Psychotropic Substances or the 1961 Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs.
Ro 07-4065 was firstly identified in 1 gram of pale beige powder seized by Swedish Customs at FedEx Arlanda, Stockholm, on 14 March 2017 and notified as an NPS by Sweden to the EMCDDA in May 2017. The substance originated by China and the sample was declared as a sample for research [155]. The substance was analytically confirmed by the Swedish National Forensic Centre using GC-MS, GC-IRD, LC-HRMS and NMR [11, 135]. There are no clinically significant anecdotal reports from psychonaut fora describing the clinical effects of Ro 07-4065 so far.
r det mhnda s att denna saknar rekreationellt vrde och drfr inte har ntrat marknaden, eller vad r annars orsaken?
Enligt Wikipedia-artikeln "Difludiazepam" har den slts som designerdrog, men hur mycket jag n frsker att komma ihg ngot minne av att denna har slts av svenska aktrer misslyckas jag.
Difludiazepam[1] (Ro07-4065) is a benzodiazepine derivative which is the 2',6'-difluoro derivative of fludiazepam. It was invented in the 1970s but was never marketed, and has been used as a research tool to help determine the shape and function of the GABAA receptors, at which it has an IC50 of 4.1nM.[2][3][4] Difludiazepam has subsequently been sold as a designer drug, and was first notified to the EMCDDA by Swedish authorities in 2017.[min fetmarkering][5][6]
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