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Fel, de butiker du handlar i tar emot dollar/euro/etc och du säljer dina bitcoins till en mellanhand.
Jag vet inte hur dom gör, men såhär står det på sidan i alla fall:
· Your order will be created with payment status UNPAID;
· You will be redirected to Coinify’s payment page where you can choose the cryptocurrency.
· The order has to be placed in crypto within 15 minutes.
· You will be redirected to success/failure page
We update the cryptocurrency exchange every 20 minutes
If the total payment amount is more than 35k euro, we will request (as requested from the international law) for the following info:
• Description of the payment’s background and purpose;
• KYC information (valid government issued ID);
• Source of Bitcoin documentation - (referring to the purchase receipt that shows who bought the Bitcoins (name and Bitcoin address), when and where the Bitcoins were purchased and how the Bitcoins were paid for. This can be in the form of a screenshot/PDF/email confirmation.
You will need to upload this information through to a special link that we will send to you.
Please note, all refunds for orders paid with cryptocurrencies will be issued solely in BTC (Bitcoin). Refund amount will remain the same that was received during the original transaction. Any changes in exchange rate will not affect the refund amount.