2024-09-10, 13:46
AskMeAboutJesuss avatar
Jag föreställer mig förhörsledaren som en underrättelseperson uppfostrad av troende föräldrar i amerikansk övre medelklass. Han som förhörs framhåller en ganska modern universell ateistisk vetenskapstro.
Are we recording?
State planet or origin?
– Earth.

Yesterday you told usou traveled ... and I quote ... "Thousends of light years to get here".
– Yes.

Tell us the truth or we (torture you?).
– It is truth. I am from Earth. From your future. To travel in time is to travel in space. Offset spacial divergence.

So I take it aliens took over our future?
– No.

So you are human?
– An evolutionary descendant.

So you evolved from us?
– Yes.

So what are you doing here? Now?
– Observing. Since evidence was destroyed.

– Nuclear ... war. Small numbers survived. Our ancestors.

How about we concentrate on your time.
– You are not capabel of comprehending or accepting the discoveries of my time.

Try me.
– The origin of the universe ... the nature of so called life ... it is known.

So you know the meaning of life?
– Not meaning. Nature. Meaning is something that is ascribed. Nature is the objective reality.

So you know how the universe is created?
– Yes.

So you have seen God?
– We evolved past a need for superstition. The need for a God and other myths.

Illuminate us. What happens when we die?
– Death is human construct. It does not exist. You will experience ... and have experienced ... every instance of so called life. You. Me. Him. We are instances of the same life. Separated by what you call death.

So let me get this straight. There is no death ... and well experience each others life?
– In essence, yes.

So how was the universe created and ... why is it so perfectly made for us?
– There are an infinite number of universes ... Each with different properties. Virtually all do not support life ... such as you know it. We exist in auniverse that does support ... so called life. That is all.

Moving on. So why do we destroy ourselves with nuclear war?
– Dogma.

Can you be more specific.
– Political and religious dogma. It is the root of all major conflict of your species. In your next century ... access to weaponry of mass destruction ... by states that are ruled by dogma ... will destroy your species.

One last thing. What about morality? What do you base your morality on?
– Compassion and ... evidence.

I see. That's it. Thank you.
Can he speak?
For a short while sir.
Are you scared of me? Because you should be. You say you're from the future ... and evolutionary descendent of humans. Yet you also say you're a different species. So wich one is it. Are you descendent of humansor not?
– We are evolutionary descendents of Sapiens. But we can no longer breed with your kind. Therefore we are a new species.

Then how do you speak English?
Answer me.
If you don't answer. I'll administer ... another round of Scopolamine ... (ohörbart) collapses. Do you understand? How do you speak English?

– Learning your language is essential ... to understand your species.

So you just picked up English ... because you're so smart?
– Relatively, yes.

You said you know the origin of the Universe ... but you did not provide an explanation. So I ask you again. How was the Universe created?
– You are not capable of comprehending or accepting ... the truths of existence.

Answer the question.
– The Universe was not created.

But you can't create something out of nothing.
– That is correct.

So there it is. Only a creator can make something from nothing.
– That is incorrect.

You just contradicted yourself.
– Nothing, by definition, does not exist.

– Since nothing cannot exist ... what is left is existence. Existence is infinite. It has no end. No beginning. And therefor no creator.

But you said there's an origin to the Universe.
– Yes.

There it is. I caught you in a lie.
– This universe is not existence. It's an infinitely small part of existence.

So now you're talking nonsence. Again, how was the Universe created so miraculously?
– This universe is a spontaneous event ... and is inevitable within the eternity of existence. Every event can, will, and has happened. Including this universe. There are an infinite number of universes. Virtually all cannot harbor so-called life. This universe is, by chance, stable. And has the occational capacity to harbor so-called life.

So life "just happened", right?
– In this universe, yes. Life, as you call it, is an inevitable consequence ... of this univers's physical properties.

So are you telling me we're just random?
– Yes. This universe is indifferent to so-called life.

How so?
– Life on this and every world can be destroyed ... at any time by a multitude of random events.

Such as?
– What you would term ... supernova ... solar flare ... asteroid impact.

So the Universe doesn't care if we live or die?
– Correct.

I don't believe that for a second ... we're more than just random.
– As I say, you are not capable of accessing ... the truths of existence.

So if we're just 'random' ... then there is no meaning to the Universe.
– That is correct.

So if there's no meaning in the Universe ... then what's the point of living?
– There is meaning.

You just contradicted yourself again.
– Meaning lives in the mind.

No, no no. You can't live a full life ... You can't live a life at all if you (ohörbart) ... that meaning is somehow made up.
– Your species conjures meaning ... but operates under the false belief ... that meaning is a mystical man(?). It is not.

So what is meaning?
– Meaning is what you make it.

Moving on. You say we humans will die as a species. So, tell me ... when does the nuclear war start?
– It is not my place ... to change history.

Right go! he is tortured
Thank you!
So now tell me ... when does the nuclear war start?
– Just over ... one half century ... from this point in time.

OK! By whom?
– Nuclear war will begin ... in this country.

Really? Us? How?
– A human male ... will briefly rule your country ... and will be responsible for the destruction ... of most of your species.

Interesting. So is he alive now?
– Yes.

So just tell me his name and we'll kill him.
– I cannot. The name was removed ... from our historical records. We cannot allow altering history ... through murder.

Just tell me what he does.
– He will weaken ... your democratic mechanism ... by appealing to your species ... most primitive instincts. Fear. Tribalism. Political and religious dogma. There will be ... international condemnation. In response, he will (ohörbart) ... a preemtive nuclear strike. This will prolifetate into ... global nuclear war.

So then we blow up.
– The initial exchange only ends ... a few million human lifes.

"Only" a million lives.
– It is the resulting radiation that will end most of your kind. My species ... is the evolutionary result.

So how do we stop this?
– Protect your democracy ... from political and religious dogma. Protect it from rejection ... of objective fact. At this point in time ... your democracy is stable. This will not be the case ... in a half century.

So if we stop this lunatic from bloving us up ... we'll be fine?
– (Rytande) No.

But you said if we stop him ...
– (Rytande)

... we won't be destroyed.
– (Rytande) There ... There is ... another threat ... (rytande)

And what would ...
– (Rytande)(Hög smäll).

Jag tycker det finns mycket att diskutera förutom ifall det är fejk eller inte.

Personligen tycker jag förhörsledaren är trovärdigt gestaltad och den förhörde säger inte hela sanningen och kanske ljuger en del. Vet inte vilken strategi och taktik som är trolig i förhörssituationen. Exempelvis nämns inte några klimataspekter, inte ens som konsekvens av kärnvapenkrig.
2024-09-10, 15:01
AskMeAboutJesuss avatar
Den förhördes talförmåga verkar vara outvecklad som om den normalt kommunicerar på ett annat sätt och att den liksom emulerar en talförmåga liknande personer som fått struphuvudet bortopererat.
2024-09-10, 17:56
Demoner o satans helveteslögner, inget annat
2024-09-10, 18:34
Denna är ju gammal som gatan och ska inte ha något med Project Blue Beam att göra. Dessutom mer fake än Pamela Andersons tiddies.
2024-09-10, 19:47
AskMeAboutJesuss avatar
Jag har själv sett flygande tefat och har lätt att acceptera videon som äkta, åtminstone tills det framkommer övertygande motbevisning.

Men, man ska inte ta personens information bokstavligt. Vad jag tror på är hans beskrivning av den ofattbart omfattande eviga existensen. Just detta kan vara förklaringen till det mångfacetterade UFO-fenomenet. Allting är så stort och finns i sådan mångfald att det är högst sannolikt att några då och då från Gud vet var har utvecklat exotiska teknologier och valt att besöka just oss.

Vad jag inte tror på är hans förutsägelser. Det är nog bara på sin höjd kvalificerade gissningar. Men destabiliseringen av USAs demokrati var sannerligen adekvat.

Man kan inte utgå ifrån att någon mycket smart under förhållanden som dessa inte har en annan agenda än att bara säga sanningen.
Senast redigerad av AskMeAboutJesus 2024-09-10 kl. 19:55.
2024-09-10, 20:58
AskMeAboutJesuss avatar
Det finns flera klipp och det här är rätt skrämmande:

2024-09-10, 22:29
AskMeAboutJesuss avatar
Skrämmande och svårsmält.

Inget knastrande ljud. Stabil och klar bild utan repor, flimmer och filmkorn, Även de bästa filmerna från den tiden skulle visa viss försämring med tiden.

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