Wall Street Journal har en artikel om att Apple drar sig ur sin del av 70-miljardersinvesteringsrundan i Open AI.
Apple is no longer in talks to participate in an OpenAI funding round expected to raise as much as $6.5 billion, an 11th hour end to what would have been a rare investment by the iPhone maker in another major Silicon Valley company.
Apple recently fell out of the talks to join the round, which is slated to close next week, according to a knowledgeable person.
Two other tech giants, Microsoft and Nvidia, have also been in talks to participate in the round. Microsoft is expected to invest around $1 billion, adding to the $13 billion it already has put into the company, according to people familiar with matter.
The funding talks arent completed and it is possible the participants and investment amounts could change.
Venture-capital firm Thrive Capital is leading the round and putting in around $1 billion. Investment firm Tiger Global Management and United Arab Emirates state-backed company MGX are also in talks to participate.
S amerikanska apple drar sig ur, kanske fr att de vill utveckla ngot eget, och kines ("Tiger") och araber kliver in som investerare? Knns ju frscht att diktaturer kliver in i amerikansk ai utveckling... Varfr inte frga Putin om han vill investera ocks? Kanske Nordkorea vill vara med? Sam Altman r cklig p ngot stt, och d syftar jag inte p att han r bg utan hans principlsa girighet.
Wall Street Journal har en artikel om att Apple drar sig ur sin del av 70-miljardersinvesteringsrundan i Open AI.
Apple is no longer in talks to participate in an OpenAI funding round expected to raise as much as $6.5 billion, an 11th hour end to what would have been a rare investment by the iPhone maker in another major Silicon Valley company.
Apple recently fell out of the talks to join the round, which is slated to close next week, according to a knowledgeable person.
Two other tech giants, Microsoft and Nvidia, have also been in talks to participate in the round. Microsoft is expected to invest around $1 billion, adding to the $13 billion it already has put into the company, according to people familiar with matter.
The funding talks arent completed and it is possible the participants and investment amounts could change.
Venture-capital firm Thrive Capital is leading the round and putting in around $1 billion. Investment firm Tiger Global Management and United Arab Emirates state-backed company MGX are also in talks to participate.
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