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Igår, 19:46
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Forskare kammade igenom 1600 studier och hittade 30 bekräftade fall av fågelinfluensa bland gravida kvinnor. 90% av gravida kvinnor som smittats dog och 87% av barnen dog i magen.
Published in Emerging Infectious Diseases, the review found that 90% of women infected with bird flu during pregnancy died, and almost all of their babies (87%) died with them. Of the babies who survived, most were born prematurely.

30 fall är väldigt få men fågelinfluensa är ovanligt bland människor. Borde vi vara mer oroliga för fågelinfluensa med tanke på den höga dödligheten bland gravida?

Systematic Review of Avian Influenza Virus Infection and Outcomes during Pregnancy
Igår, 19:57
Var någonstans var dessa kvinnor när de dog? Befann de sig i ett land i väst eller var det typ Afrika?
Dessutom är det väl bekräftade fall, alltså sådana som kommit under läkarvård? Hur många har smittats men inte sökt vård och ändå överlevt?
Igår, 20:01
Det pågår pandemier mest hela tiden, men det är bara forskare som bryr sig om de inte drabbar människors samhällen. Och virusen blir vanligen mindre farliga med tiden.

En sammanfattning:

"Bird flu has caused the most significant and sudden loss of birds in decades, with some of the long-lived seabird species likely to take several years to recover. It has led to the death and mass slaughter of more than 280 million poultry birds since October 2021, based on data from the World Animal Health Information System. There is no total figure for wild bird deaths, though it is estimated to be in the millions.

It has been particularly destructive in species of birds with a small geographic spread. The first big outbreak in the winter of 2021 was among the Svalbard barnacle geese in the Solway Firth where at least 13,000 birds died: a third of the global population of that species. In March 2022, more than 2,200 dalmatian pelicans died in Greece, or 40% of the south-east European population. The UK, which is home to most nesting great skua pairs, has lost three-quarters of those on surveyed sites since bird flu struck, according to a study published in February. Across Europe, more than 20,000 sandwich terns died during the 2022 breeding season– or 17% of the population in north-west Europe – in an outbreak that killed almost all chicks within colonies. In total it has killed birds from 320 species, and mammals from dozens of species."

Se översikt per kontinent i länkad artikel.

Igår, 20:02
Klas-Vegass avatar
The review included a population of 30 pregnant women with diagnosed avian influenza virus infection during pregnancy (Table). The women resided across 4 countries, and[u] most were from China[/

De som deltagit är flera institutioner i australien och ett på nya zeeland. Jag antar att det är data från australiska inhemska vårdinrättningar. det finns väl en del asiater i australien?

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