Trump skulle benåda Ross första dagen var ett av hans vallöften. Det hanns inte med under day one. Men dagen efter vart det klart, Ross släpps fri och hyllas.
Jag fattar inte vad det handlar om. Ross har ju bestått till det moderna samhällets största knarlangingssystem, har försett miljoner amerikaner med fentanyl, försökt värva lönnmördare osv, osv,.
Visst jag gillar pirater som Ross, men jag fattar inte varför Trump gör det. Han är ju imot allt som Ross stått för
Någon som kan utveckla den här storyn lite?
Trump announces pardon for Silk Road founder Ross Ulbricht, vacating life sentence
“I just called the mother of Ross William Ulbright [sic] to let her know that in honor of her and the Libertarian Movement, which supported me so strongly, it was my pleasure to have just signed a full and unconditional pardon of her son, Ross,”
The scum that worked to convict him were some of the same lunatics who were involved in the modern day weaponization of government against me. He was given two life sentences, plus 40 years. Ridiculous!”
Ulbricht was arrested in October 2013 in San Francisco and accused of running the notorious website — which sold drugs and other illegal products while accepting bitcoin as payment — under the pseudonym “Dread Pirate Roberts.”
Now 40, Ulbricht was convicted in February 2015 on charges including drug trafficking and conspiracies to commit money laundering and computer hacking.