En fin skribent hr p Flashback Forum berttade till mig fr ngra timmar sedan att det i USA finns en organisation som kallar sig fr Return to the Land. Jag hade aldrig tidigare hrt talas om dem. Eftersom jag precis har upptckt dem s vet jag d sklart inte s mycket om dem, men de verkar vilja skapa ngonting liknande som Orania i Sydafrika, The Woodlander Initiative i Storbritannien och DFS hr i Sverige.
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We seek to create a decentralized movement, formed of various individuals and societies returning to the land. We will promote strong families with common ancestry, and raise the next generation in an environment that reflects our traditional values. We will facilitate economic and social harmony between all groups and individuals in our movement. Above all, we will continue to engage in a never-ending pursuit of excellence, refusing to lower our standards or lose sight of our goals.
We will return to the land to separate ourselves from a failing modern society, and we will make positive cultural changes in ourselves and in our ancestral communities.
To facilitate individuals and groups that share common ancestry to purchase land in rural areas.
To facilitate media activities to promote our movement.
To create many independent and fully-functioning parallel societies.
To teach, share, and develop successful methods of garnering independence and building community.
To cultivate wholesomeness, beauty, health, and hope in a trying world.
We seek to create a decentralized movement, formed of various individuals and societies returning to the land. We will promote strong families with common ancestry, and raise the next generation in an environment that reflects our traditional values. We will facilitate economic and social harmony between all groups and individuals in our movement. Above all, we will continue to engage in a never-ending pursuit of excellence, refusing to lower our standards or lose sight of our goals.
We will return to the land to separate ourselves from a failing modern society, and we will make positive cultural changes in ourselves and in our ancestral communities.
To facilitate individuals and groups that share common ancestry to purchase land in rural areas.
To facilitate media activities to promote our movement.
To create many independent and fully-functioning parallel societies.
To teach, share, and develop successful methods of garnering independence and building community.
To cultivate wholesomeness, beauty, health, and hope in a trying world.
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