Ursprungligen postat av Mansig
Kanske den utsöndrar så mycket slem att den får någon form av "slembrist" och dör?
Haha, slembrist
Argh, bordet googlat lite mer innan jag startade tråden. Nåväl, här är förklaringen (lite mer komplicerad än slembrist
"You are right in that this is a sort of a chemical reaction, but not
really, in that no actual physical change is occurring to the chemicals.
The reason that they foam is a process called osmosis. Osmosis is a
fundamental process that is involved in many branches of biology as well
as chemistry. The term osmosis describes a type of diffusion (diffusion is
when a chemical moves from an area of high concentration to a low
concentration, such as adding dye to water, it spreads out) involving the
net movement of solvent (the liquid part) molecules, as opposed to solute
(the things dissolved in the liquid) molecules, across a semi-permeable
(that lets something's but not others through) membrane from an area of
high water/low solute concentration to an area of low water/high solute
concentration (hypotonic). In this case the semi-permeable part lets water
across the membrane but not the dissolved chemicals. All organisms are in
state of osmotic balanced; you are at the moment. The reason you get
thirsty is that you lack water and your cells are depleted of it and
shrivel up. So how come you don't foam if you put salt on your skin. Well
you skin is unlike a slug. One of the critical steps in evolution was the
development of our skin, which is flexible, hard wearing and prevents
water from escaping. But slugs didn't evolve this far. Their skin does not
prevent water from passing across it; it acts as a semi-permeable
membrane. So if you add salt to a slug you change the osmotic balance
across the membrane. Now the slug has lots of salt (solute) on the outside
in the water. So effectively that water is less concentrated (it has other
things in it) relative to the water inside the cell. So the water inside
the cell rushes out across the membrane to make things equal. This makes
it look like the slug is foaming."
En annan lite kortare förklaring:
"Snails "melt" when you pour salt on them because the water in their
cells is leaving to balance the salt. This is an osmotic process which
occurs across semipermeable membranes like those surrounding the cells of
animals and plants. This loss of water and resulting "melting" happens
with cells of many organisms (including plants, which lose their rigidity
in salt water). Most animals which are adapted to living in fresh water
are "Saltophobics" (not truly a fetish). "