Ursprungligen postat av blackie_lawless
Intervjun kan med fördel ses här:
Mycket bra att låta Irving komma till tals!
Var någonstans i intervjun påstår Irving att "The Germans killed 3,000,000 jews, the majority by way of gassing in the Reinhard camps"?
Irving säger, om jag fattat det hela rätt, att 1-2 miljoner
troligen dödades i Reinhardlägren och någon miljon bakom östfronten (något om gasning kan inte jag inte uppfatta att han säger). Han anser sig tydligen ha goda skäl att revidera tidigare utsagor eftersom, som han senare i programmet poängterar, när den politiskt korrkta Gerwarth använder 'argumentum ad populum' för att övertyga, en fängelsevistelse väntar den som offentligt vågar ifrågasätta myten.,null,228
Irving skriver om händelsen på sin hemsida:
He tells me he is writing a book on Reinhard Heydrich, Heinrich Himmler's right-hand man until 1942, and his knowledge is formidable, but like all Germans he takes no risks. He mentions Himmler's famous October 1943 speech in Posen to the SS generals, but he has not spotted what I have -- that the page where Himmler makes his damning admission about killing the Jewish women and children too is a retype, done on a different typewriter, on different paper, by a different typist. As even Johnny Depp would say, "Now that's interesting."
After the television cameras come on, he claims that over ninety-nine percent of German historians support the conformist line, and that I am in a tiny (and by implication despised) minority. I tease him: "What happens to the one per cent who disagree? That's why the ninety-nine percent roll over and agree." He appears to know nothing about the prison sentences handed out by German courts to the unruly thinkers.
At one point he adopts pure bluff, or ignorance, and claims that in the Wannsee Conference ("of January 20, 1942", I remind him and the audience), Heydrich explicitly talks of killing the Jews; I state quite flatly that there is no such language used in the document.
He then mentions Hermann Göring's role, in signing the authority to Heydrich ("in July 1941," I add), as an accomplice. Wrong again. I know these documents off by heart, and educate the million viewers: in that document Göring talks only of a Gesamtlösung, an "overall solution," and there is no talk of killing.
In fact I detected, when I was the first to use Göring's 1941 handwritten diary for my biography of the man, that Heydrich had secured just a ten-minute interview with the Reichsmarschall on that date, July 31, 1941, at which he put before the no doubt harassed Göring the one-paragraph authority (Vollmacht) to sign; it is not even on Göring's headed paper -- that too had been typed by Heydrich and his staff. I do hope that Gerwarth gets these things right before he puts his biography to print. Or perhaps he won't. I hear that German prisons are somewhat less comfortable than the Austrian.