"A September 2009 survey by the Pew Research Centers Global Attitudes Project, found that half of Ukrainians (51%) opposed their countrys admission to NATO, while only 28% favored such a step. Moreover, given the opposition to membership, it is not surprising that about half of Ukrainians (51%) gave NATO an unfavorable rating."
US-EU Clash on How to Install a Puppet Regime in Ukraine.
"Yesterdays leak of the flagrant telephone talk between the US Assistant Secretary of State
Victoria Nuland and the US Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey R. Pyatt has already hit the international media headlines. In short, it turned out that the US officials were coordinating their actions on how to install a puppet government in Ukraine. They agreed to nominate Batkyvshchina Party leader Arseniy Yatseniuk as Deputy Prime Minister, to bench Udar Party leader Vitaly Klitschko off the game for a while and to discredit neo-Nazi Svoboda party chief Oleh Tiahnybok as Yanukovychs project.
Victorias paternal grandfather was Meyer Nudelman from a family of Jewish immigrants who came to New York City from the Russian Empire.
Nulands husband is historian Robert Kagan, Council on Foreign Relations member, and co-founders of the think-tank
"Project for the New American Century" (PNAC).
Hr sker deras hemliga mten
P exklusiva maktklubbar trffas rivalerna Bildt och Ahlin i smyg
Carl Bildt (M) och Urban *Ahlin (S) r inte bara *Sveriges tyngsta utrikes*politiker.
I det tysta frenas de *ocks i inflytelserika maktklubbar.
Bildt och Ahlin har ocks suttit i flera internationella maktsllskap tillsammans. En av dem r Trilateral Commission, en privat amerikansk organisation som grundades p 70-talet av bland andra bankmannen David Rockefeller.
Jag tog ver platsen i kommissionen efter Margot Wallstrm. Det var kul nr jag kom med i brjan av 2000-talet. D var det Bildt, jag, Marcus Wallenberg, Belfrage och Ewa Bjrling.
Bildt, Gunilla Carlsson och Ahlin anges ocks alla som bidragare till den amerikanska neokonservativa tankesmedjan
Project for the New American Century, PNAC, som finansieras frmst av energi- och vapenindustrin och som utgjorde den amerikanska krigslobbyn infr Irakkriget.