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Du länkar till proryska propagandaskräpkällor, att du bara orkar hålla på.
Det finns inga bevis om vem som orsakade branden i Odessa, men vittnesmål pekar på att det var de proryska ligisterna som själva orsakade branden. Att stå inuti ett hus och kasta molotovcocktails på en uppretad folkmassa nedanför är att be om problem. Kanske någon i folkmassan kastade in en sådan, vem vet, men det var just dessa proryska slödder som började provocera och ta till vapen. En av dem sköt ihjäl två ukrainska fredliga demonstranter och orsakade en folkvrede. Mördaren befinner sig på landsflykt i det moldaviska Transnistrien, ryskt protektorat sedan 1992.
Stackars obildade idiot
"The International Advisory Panel" är en
prorysk propagandaskräpkällor
Till skillnad från dig som inte har en enda länk, allt genom bara påhitt, åtminstone jag länkar till artiklar, det spelar ingen roll vad du tycker om mina länkar.
The International Advisory Panel (“the IAP” or “the Panel”) was established by
the Secretary General of the Council of Europe in April 2014, with the role of overseeing that
the investigations of the violent incidents which had taken place in Ukraine from
30 November 2013 onwards met all the requirements of the European Convention on Human
Rights and the case-law of the European Court of Human Rights (“the ECHR” or
“the European Court”).
The members of the Panel are Sir Nicolas Bratza (Chair), a former President of
the European Court, Mr Volodymyr Butkevych, a former Judge of the European Court and
Mr Oleg Anpilogov, a former prosecutor of Ukraine.
The Mandate of the Panel, the full terms of which are set out in Annex I to the Report,
provided that the investigations into the violent incidents in question would be conducted by
the relevant Ukrainian authorities in accordance with Ukrainian law; that the Panel should
receive regular reports from the Prosecutor General’s Office (“the PGO”) on the progress of
the investigations and should have full access to all relevant information and the right to
request and receive any additional information as it deemed necessary; and that civil society
should have the right to contact and communicate freely with the Panel. The Mandate further
provided that at the end of the Panel’s Mission, a final report should be prepared by the Chair
of the Panel and presented to the Secretary General of the Council of Europe and
the Ukrainian authorities.
Uppgifter om Odessa massakern är inhämtade från
The International Advisory Panel rapport, som i sin tur får
rapporter från ukrainska myndigheter och drar egna slusatser. Ännu en gång hittar du på. Sluta snacka skit
Punkt 32
There have reportedly been problems in the identification of some bodies and one of
them is still not formally identified. (57) Notwithstanding the allegations that there were
foreigners among those who died on 2 May 2014 in Odesa, (58) it emerged that all the deceased were Ukrainian nationals. (59)
(57) PGO written submissions, September 2015; for more details, see paragraph 121 below. See, however, Dumskaya, 25 June 2015, stating that the last body was identified by family members in June 2015.
(58) See, for instance, TSN (a Ukrainian TV news service), news of 2 May 2014.
(59) PGO written submissions, May 2015.
Punkt 39
On 16 January 2015 three Members of Parliament introduced a draft law, (76) proposing
an amendment to the Application of Amnesty in Ukraine Act, to add a list of 49 persons
subject to individual amnesty. The list included, among others, two pro-unity activists, namely, Mr Serhii Khodiak, suspected of, inter alia, committing murder on 2 May 2014 in Odesa,(77) and Mr Vsevolod Honcharevskyi, suspected of assaulting with a wooden club those who had been jumping from the burning Trade Union Building and preventing them from obtaining medical help (78) The draft law is still under examination by the Verkhovna Rada. (79)
To date, in the course of its progress through parliament, two opinions have been lodged to
the effect that, having regard to several shortcomings, the draft law should be refused or
returned for amendment. (80)
(76) Draft Law Concerning the Complete Rehabilitation of Political Prisoners – Verkhovna Rada website, draft law no. 1781.
(77) On the proceedings concerning Mr Khodiiak, see paragraphs 134 and 155 et seq.
(78) On the proceedings concerning Mr Honcharevskyi, see paragraphs 140-141 below
(79) See the Verkhovna Rada website, workflow of the draft law no. 1781.
(80) Loc. cit., Opinion of the Main Research Department of the Verkhovna Rada of 2 February 2015 and Opinion of the Anti-Corruption Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of 4 March 2015.