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Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is becoming widely accepted as a safe and potentially effective climate-change-fighting tool. Many people see it as a way to simply undo the changes that human activity is already causing.
Power plants in the US and Canada have already started utilizing CCS to lower their emissions. In the fall of 2014, the Boundary Dam Power Station near Estevan, Saskatchewan became one of the first power stations in the world to successfully use the technology.
According to the Center for Climate and Energy Solutions, 21 commercial-scale carbon capture projects are operating around the world, and 22 more were in developmentas of 2017.
In some cases, CCS technology can also prevent carbon emissions from entering the atmosphere at all. Instead, carbon dioxide that's created when coal burns or electricity is generated can be captured in a plant, then transported and stored somewhere else.
Power plants in the US and Canada have already started utilizing CCS to lower their emissions. In the fall of 2014, the Boundary Dam Power Station near Estevan, Saskatchewan became one of the first power stations in the world to successfully use the technology.
According to the Center for Climate and Energy Solutions, 21 commercial-scale carbon capture projects are operating around the world, and 22 more were in developmentas of 2017.
In some cases, CCS technology can also prevent carbon emissions from entering the atmosphere at all. Instead, carbon dioxide that's created when coal burns or electricity is generated can be captured in a plant, then transported and stored somewhere else.
Pessimistisk (som du) kan man få vara. Men man behöver inte vara defaitistisk.
Kanske räcker inte det Greta gör. Men hon försöker i alla fall. Istället för att sitta ned handlingsförlamad och med en tom blick i ett hörn av rummet och invänta det bistra slutet.