On Saturday, Sadjad Bonabi, an official from Iran's Telecommunications Infrastructures Company, announced that a cyberattack temporarily disrupted internet services in the country, but added that Iran's DEZHFA firewall had repelled the attack. Internet watchdog Netblocks reported a disruption in internet service in Iran on Saturday as well after authorities reported activated that "Digital Fortress" isolation mechanism.
According to Bonabi, the disruption was caused by a DDoS attack in which attackers attempt to make a network unavailable by sending too many requests to the IP of a country, causing an overload which leads to disruptions or crashes the network. The attack originated in East Asia and North America but did not seem to be the work of another government, according to Bonabi.
Nariman Gharib, a UK-based journalist and activist, stated that the botnet attack was "massive," according to Radio Farda, adding that the attack happened on the day that the Zafar satellite was supposed to be launche
Iran's space aspirations suffered from three failed satellite launches in 2019: one in January, another in February and a third in August. The United States has warned Iran against rocket launches, fearing the technology used to put satellites into orbit could help it develop the ballistic missile capability needed to launch nuclear warheads, though Tehran denies its activity is a cover for such development.
Att uppskjutningen av satelitten misslyckades är den sannolika orsaken att uppskjutningen blev utsatt för cyberattack, därför uppfattningen är att satellituppskjutningen har att göra med utvecklingen av ballistiska missiler.
Samma sak när nedskjutningen av Boeing planet skedde blev Tor-M1 utsatt för omfattande cyberattack, som är den troliga orsaken till att planet blev nedskjutet.