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Det såg lite tomt ut på bilden från "Gretas" möte med Merkel, bara Neubauer var med.
Neubauer kör föreställningen. Hur kan hon göra det? Hon har varit ungdomsambassadör för OneFoundation som fått bidrag av Soros och Gates som tillhör de som bestämmer.
Det verkar bekräftas att "chain of command" är
Soros-Gates-storfinansen -> Neubauer -> Merkel och Greta
De övriga ungdomarna anser att det var fel att bara Greta och Luisa inbjöds.
Inte ens hennes trognaste vapendragare kan låta bli att hacka på henne:
Sven Folkesson
Replying to
Hi Greta! Some people in FFF are not happy with you! They want you to talk with them, BEFORE important decisions! Thank you in advance for an answer! Some reforms are now needed i FFF International! Kind regards Ken
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Greta Thunberg
Jul 16
It’s time to #FaceTheClimateEmergency
This is our open letter and demands to global leaders, signed by thousands of activists, scientists, representatives of civil society influencers.
We’ll keep collecting signatures and urge everyone to sign & share
The air of the German climate youth is bad. The reason: a meeting of Greta Thunberg (17) and Luisa Neubauer (24) with the German Chancellor.
Angela Merkel (65) had invited the two climate icons and other fellow campaigners. And they had happily accepted - without apparently discussing it with the grassroots members of Fridays for Future in Germany. Several local groups apparently distanced themselves from the meeting.
“It's a shame that the same people are always in public,” criticized the Kiel activist Ole Willerich in the “taz”. «Luisa is undoubtedly doing a good job and has a lot of expertise. But due to this imbalance in public, other, perhaps even more radical positions do not come into play.
(Exakt vad vi alla hoppas på ;P)
"We never said that we represent Fridays for Future," said Greta Thunberg. And claims: "We do not speak for Fridays for Future." Fridays for Future is a grassroots movement that consists of individuals. «It's not an organization with representatives. And the letter was not written in the name of Fridays for Future, but by individual climate activists. "
Som jag skrev i ett inlägg häromdagen (som kanske har raderats av admin) så tycks uppenbarligen alla "scientists" som har undertecknat brevet komma från just SFF i Tyskland, Schweiz eller Österrike. En organisation som grundats till stöd för FFF (enligt Wikipedia), medan FFF i sin tur är en "avknoppning" från Die Grüne i Tyskland (åtminstone enligt Rebecca Uvell, och hon verkar ha gått in på djupet).
Därmed lite genomskinligt försvar från damernas sida, om någon skulle fråga mig ... Och varför lyser forskare utanför SFF med sin frånvaro?
Thunberg apparently skipped the first week of school for Merkel
Thunberg apparently skipped school especially for the meeting. After her one year break, the Swede wanted to go to school again after the summer holidays , as she confirmed VIEW a few weeks ago. The first day of school in her hometown Stockholm would have been on Monday.
Det stämmer att de flesta skolorna började på måndagen. Möjligen att Gretas var ett undantag. I annat fall känns det lite overkill att ta ledigt hela veckan för ett möte på fredagen. Såå lång tid tar det inte att åka tåg till Berlin.
Hennes främsta beundrare kommer dock inte bara med kritik. Kanske är han den som verkligen bryr sig om henne?
Sven Folkesson Retweeted
Sven Folkesson
Aug 22
Replying to
Hi Greta! You must take MUCH more Care of yourself! It is very dangerous to have a long-term anorexia! Please seek professional help as soon as possible! You NOW need nutrition drinks and food supplements! You also need to STOP beeing a vegan, and to be instead a vegetarian!
Vet ej om den har raderats från Gretas flöde - har iaf inte kunnat hitta den där. (Han har f.ö. också tipsat henne om en vegarisk kokbok.)
Sven Folkesson Retweeted
Sven Folkesson
Aug 22
Replying to
Greta, Many qualified lawyers would say, that you are the Primus Inter Pares of FFF! Not de Jure, but de Facto, because of your great Influence internal as external! Because of that you Will be regarded, as the only representative of FFF today! Please ask the lawyers about this!