Var kan jag lsa neutralt om vad Trump faktiskt har levererat? Grna i jmfrelse med vad han lovat, och grna i jmfrelse med tidigare presidenter. Nr exempelvis DN idag skriver att "I Sverige r det ltt att f bilden av att lantisarna som rstar p Trump r en bunt idioter. Hur kan de rsta p honom trots allt de vet om hans kvinnosyn, rasistiska uttalanden och rena lgner? Men det r mer komplicerat n s. Ingen jag trffat uppskattar vad han skriver p Twitter, dremot gillar de vad han har levererat politiskt" s blir jag glad att de antyder att saken borde nyanseras, men frustrerad ver att inga medier (Fox inrknat) hjlper till tolka vad hans vljare rknar in att han gr bra.
Det nrmaste jag kommer till att besvara din frga r denna wikipedia om trump administrationen
Min personliga sikt: Det r otroligt svrt att diskutera politik nr till och med president trump saknar ett valprogram i r. Han verkar vilja att valet ska handla om joe biden istllet fr sin genomfrda politik.
Detta r allts donald trumps valkampanjs officiella hemsida. Ifall ngon tycker att wikipedialnken nedan r orttvis mot trump.
Ett axplock
Trump rolled back numerous environmental protections, as well as reducing enforcement of existing regulations.
He ended the Clean Power Plan, withdrew from the Paris Agreement on climate change mitigation, and urged for subsidies to increase fossil fuel production, calling man-made climate change a hoax.
Trump failed in his efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA), but took numerous actions that hindered its functioning and sought to have the courts rule it unconstitutional.
Trump sought substantial spending cuts to Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security and food stamps, despite vowing to protect some of these programs.
He enacted a partial repeal of the Dodd-Frank Act (that had previously imposed stricter constraints on banks in the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis), hindered the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau in policing fraud and protecting consumers, and withdrew from the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
Trump signed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, which lowered corporate and estate taxes permanently, and lowered most individual income tax rates temporarily while increasing them for some. He enacted tariffs on steel and aluminum imports and other goods, triggering retaliatory tariffs from Canada, Mexico and the European Union, and a trade war with China.
These tariffs adversely affected the U.S. economy, though for most of Trump's term, the economy kept improving, following trends from the Obama presidency. The federal deficit soared under Trump due to spending increases and tax cuts.
Trump's "America First" foreign policy has featured more unilateral American actions, disregarding the advice and support of many traditional allies while drawing the U.S. closer to others like Saudi Arabia and Israel. Despite pledges to reduce the U.S. military personnel deployed overseas, the number was essentially the same three years into Trump's presidency as they were at the beginning. Trump's administration agreed to sell $110 billion of arms to Saudi Arabia, recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, and issued a controversial executive order denying citizens from several Muslim-majority countries entry into the U.S. His administration withdrew U.S. troops from northern Syria, allowing Turkey to attack American-allied Kurds.
He ended the Clean Power Plan, withdrew from the Paris Agreement on climate change mitigation, and urged for subsidies to increase fossil fuel production, calling man-made climate change a hoax.
Trump failed in his efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA), but took numerous actions that hindered its functioning and sought to have the courts rule it unconstitutional.
Trump sought substantial spending cuts to Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security and food stamps, despite vowing to protect some of these programs.
He enacted a partial repeal of the Dodd-Frank Act (that had previously imposed stricter constraints on banks in the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis), hindered the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau in policing fraud and protecting consumers, and withdrew from the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
Trump signed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, which lowered corporate and estate taxes permanently, and lowered most individual income tax rates temporarily while increasing them for some. He enacted tariffs on steel and aluminum imports and other goods, triggering retaliatory tariffs from Canada, Mexico and the European Union, and a trade war with China.
These tariffs adversely affected the U.S. economy, though for most of Trump's term, the economy kept improving, following trends from the Obama presidency. The federal deficit soared under Trump due to spending increases and tax cuts.
Trump's "America First" foreign policy has featured more unilateral American actions, disregarding the advice and support of many traditional allies while drawing the U.S. closer to others like Saudi Arabia and Israel. Despite pledges to reduce the U.S. military personnel deployed overseas, the number was essentially the same three years into Trump's presidency as they were at the beginning. Trump's administration agreed to sell $110 billion of arms to Saudi Arabia, recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, and issued a controversial executive order denying citizens from several Muslim-majority countries entry into the U.S. His administration withdrew U.S. troops from northern Syria, allowing Turkey to attack American-allied Kurds.
Notera att jag medvetet vljer att ignorera USMCA /gamla nafta avtalet hr.