Ja, att ppet och oblygt spotta p soldater som dtt i tjnst, och det helt utan anledning, verkar inte g hem.
Hela den hr affren tycks verkligen gett Vita Huset darr p lppen, man drar nu fram tom. Melania fr att frska styrka den dr bizarra
"jag ringde hem till frugan"-lgnen (hon var nmligen med p resan...) Donald drog i samband med sina virriga bortfrklaringar?
Det hr r ngot man
aldrig gjort frut, Melania verkar ju helst annars hlla sig undan sin kroniskt otrogne make...
Trumps joke about Melania is just one of their many awkward moments
At first he was just reminiscing, thinking about that time the Louisana Republican Steve Scalise got shot as you do.
But then he came out with this gem of a line: [Scalises wife] cried her eyes out when I met her at the hospital that fateful day I mean not many wives would react that way to tragedy, I know mine wouldnt.
Men att birther-in-chief utan omstndigheter visar sitt frakt fr mnniskor som tjnar och dr fr sitt land har helt klart gett allmnheten en tankestllare! Donald r nu allt annat n populr bland tjnstgrande vljare och deras familjer.
Trumps popularity slips in latest Military Times poll and more troops say theyll vote for Biden
Ursprungligen postat av Chesley Sullenberger
I am a veteran. I volunteered for military service during wartime. So did my father. His generation saved the world from fascism. For the first time in American history, a president has repeatedly shown utter and vulgar contempt and disrespect for those who have served and died serving our country. While I am not surprised, I am disgusted by the current occupant of the Oval Office. He has repeatedly and consistently shown himself to be completely unfit for and to have no respect for the office he holds.
He took an oath of office that is similar to the one that each person takes who enters the U.S. Military. But he has completely failed to uphold his oath. Now we know why. He has admitted that he cannot comprehend the concept of service above self.
He cannot understand selflessness because he is selfish. He cannot conceive of courage because he is a coward. He cannot feel duty because he is disloyal.
We owe it not only to those who have served and sacrificed for our nation, but to ourselves and to succeeding generations to vote him out.
Denne Sullenberger r en levande legend med plats inom historiebckerna i USAF, s hans ord vger
S man undrar ju nu:
Vill Donald frlora? Vad har han egenligen gjort fr att frska vertyga allmnheten om att han inte r en oansvarig och nonchalant idiot?
Vilka argument finns egentligen fr att rsta p honom? Ja, annat n...
Ursprungligen postat av
Trump kan fortstta sparka svartskallar ut frn landet.
Facist/rasist/nazist/blabla bla osv. Och? Vst frfaller och Kina blir allt bttre n oss bara fr att vi har liberaler som tror p konspirationsteorin "allas lika vrde".
...men jag har svrt att tro att detta budskap gr hem hos andra n redan vertygade fundamentalister i sekten.