Ursprungligen postat av
Tror det r strre chans fr Biden att ta Florida n Texas. Texas r liksom fdd fr att vara GOP's krna.
Det r som att du inte frstr att det bor andra n vita i Texas. De vita dr r precis som du sger men dr bara drygt 40% av befolkningen.
Inofficiella siffror frn 2018 sger
vita 41,4%
svarta 11,9%
latinos 39,6%
gissa vad de tv sistnmnda grupperna rstar
Frn Wikipedia
Hispanics dominate southern, south-central, and western Texas and form a significant portion of the residents in the cities of Dallas, Houston, and Austin. The Hispanic population contributes to Texas having a younger population than the American average, because Hispanic births have outnumbered non-Hispanic white births since the early 1990s. In 2007, for the first time since the early nineteenth century, Hispanics accounted for more than half of all births (50.2%), while non-Hispanic whites accounted for just 34%.