På tema den ryska flottans framgångar.
Skeppen i Syrien, fick inte gå in i Svarta havet, enligt konventioner vid krig.
Så man skulle omlokalisera sig till Libyen.
Men för detta behövdes krankapacitet.
Minns ni Ursa Major? Någon rökte på fel ställe och hon sjönk.
Hon hade kranarna som behövdes i hamnen i Libyen.
Nu kommer alla skeppen få gå till Kaliningrad istället.
Det blir inget i Libyen.
Hence the sighting in transit the Straits of Gibraltar on December 23 of two Ropucha Class landing ships (Alexander Otrakovsky (L031) and Alexander Shabalin (L110)) and the improved landing ship Ivan Gren (L135), in company with cargo vessels Sparta and Ursa Major often seen previously on the route to Tartus. Being shipped as deck cargo on the Ursa Major were two dockside cranes - not needed in well-equipped Tartus, but probably a necessity to build up one of the under-developed ports in Libya which the Russians may have contemplated adopting as their new Mediterranean base.
The Libyan option may have sunk when later on December 23, the Ursa Major foundered off Oran as a consequence apparently of an engine room explosion. If the evacuation convoy now needs to take the long route back to the Baltic instead, the Ukrainians are likely to be keenly and actively interested in preventing its safe arrival in Russia.
Det går bra nu Putin.