Ursprungligen postat av Regulus
Nu ger du ju inga länkar, men av innehållet att döma handlar dina citat om de amerikanska judarnas roll i "immigration reform", särskilt då borttagandet av raskvoterna 1965.
Det är som jag redan påpekat ovan inget som kan översättas till dagens Sverige. Vi har inga raskvoter som diskriminerar mot judar, och det är inte heller särskilt många judar som vill immigrera till Sverige.
The We Were Strangers, Too: Jewish Campaign for Immigration Reform är en kampanj som judiska organisationer driver för att "reformera" DAGENS invandringspolitik så att kongressen t.ex. skapar "pathways to citizenship for undocumented immigrants" m.m.
We Were Strangers, Too is endorsed nationally by the American Jewish Committee, Anti-Defamation League, Bend the Arc, B’nai B’rith International, Hadassah, HIAS (Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, Jewish Council for Public Affairs (JCPA), Jewish Labor Committee, Jewish Reconstructionist Federation, National Council of Jewish Women (NCJW), Rabbinical Assembly, T’Ruah: the Rabbinic Call for Human Rights, Union for Reform Judaism, Uri l’Tzekek: The Orthodox Social Justice Movement, Women of Reform Judaism, and Workmen’s Circle/Arbeter Ring. We Were Strangers, Too is endorsed locally by Am Kolel Jewish Renewal Center (Rockville/Beallsville, MD), Baltimore Jewish Council (Baltimore, MD), Greater New York Labor-Religion Coalition, HIAS Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA), Jewish Alliance for Law and Social Justice (Boston, MA), Jewish Community Action (St. Paul, MN), Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater Washington (Rockville, MD), Jewish Community Relations Council of Durham-Chapel Hill, Jewish Community Relations Council of Metropolitan Detroit, Jewish Community Relations Council of San Francisco (CA), Jewish Council on Urban Affairs (Chicago, IL), and Jews United for Justice (Washington, DC).
The need for the Jewish community to take a strong stance on immigration reform stems from its values and its history. The Jewish community prides itself on upholding the Jewish values of “Protecting the Ger (Stranger),” and caring for the poor. Jewish communal organizations have historically been in the forefront of immigration reform efforts understanding that our own people have been migrants looking for a place to be welcomed and the U.S. has been the best friend to Jews looking for safe haven. (min fetstil)
Tydligen omfattar judiska organisationer också den "antisemitiska konspirationsteorin om judarnas pådrivande roll"...