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Fast det ger ju utdelning?
Exempelvis Toyota fick 2753 patent godknda 2020 medans tesla fick 181. Om du hittar ett bttre mtt p utdelning fr R&D fr du grna dela med dig (hittar du siffrorna fr 2021 fr du ocks grna redovisa dem)
Ge mig ett objektivt mtt p att Teslas R&D senaste 3 ren har gett utdelning
Och nedanstende som tycker att terkp av aktier knns rimligt nr man hade ett free cash flow p 3B$ hela 2021 (0.3% av BV) och med en kassa som utan emissionerna 2020-2021 skulle varit p 2 miljarder. Det Tesla behver r att skra sin position som marknadsledare inom elbilar. Det gr man genom att satsa p R&D. Man terkper inte aktier nr man har ett fritt kassaflde p 1%> av BV.
Tro mig. Aktiegarna ser hellre att Tesla lgger pengar p R&D n terkp. De gjorde en nyemission p dessa niver fr ett r sedan, varfr skulle de nu kpa tillbaka aktier till samma pris?
Vad dillar ni om? Tesla spenderar nog troligen mest av alla p R&D. De utvecklar och frbttrar sin process konstant. Frstr inte alls resonemanget hr om R&D. Tesla gr vldigt bra vinster p sin R&D.
terigen s handlar det bara om FUD frn bjrnars hll som vanligt.
Tesla - R&D spending 2010-2021
Published by
Mathilde Carlier
, Mar 2, 2022
Tesla's research and development spending increased to almost 1.5 billion U.S. dollars in 2020. The intensity of investment in recent years has made Tesla the leading electric vehicle manufacturer in the United States. Globally, the company sold just under half a million vehicles in 2020.
Teslas strategy
Tesla distinguishes itself from its domestic competitors by focusing on electric vehicles. It is currently one of the leading companies globally for electric vehicle sales and has even tapped into the luxury car market. Tesla's vehicles had some of the best battery ranges in 2021. To a certain extent, Tesla increased R&D efforts to also enhance battery quality and range for their electric vehicles.
The path forward
Tesla became the fastest growing brand worldwide in 2021. At the end of 2020, common stockholders saw positive returns on their investments for the first time. The company continues to expand its model range throughout 2022.
LONDONAutomakers spend millions of dollars on advertising, marketing and public relations. But, not Tesla. Instead, the company pours money into research and development efforts.
In fact, Tesla spends more on R&D than any other automaker. According to data compiled by, the company spends $2,984 on R&D per car produced. Thats three times the industry average of roughly $1,000 per car and higher than the collective R&D budgets of Ford, GM and Stellantis per car.
By comparison, Ford Motor Co. spent an average of $468 on advertising in 2020 vs. $1,186 on R&D. Toyota Motor Corp. spent $454 vs. $1,063 and General Motors spent $394 vs. $878.