Hr, Pekka, har du lite att bita i frn Gil Jesus (ed.) p
"In order to believe that Oswald purchased the rifle, you must ignore:
- That Oswald was at work on the day and time the money order was purchased.
- That Oswald mailed the envelope with the money order at a mailbox rather than the post office from where it was bought.
- That the money order number was out of sequence for the Dallas PO, which sold 1200 MOs a week. The money order should have been sold in late 1964 or early 1965.
- That the money order was never deposited by Klein's because it didn't have the bank stamp of Klein's bank, the First National Bank of Chicago on it.
- That the VP of Operations of the FNB of Chicago, Robert Wilmouth, told the FBI that the "$21.45" on Waldman 10 was in fact an American Express Money Order, not the "Hidell" postal money order.
- That Klein's deposit slip for the $ 13,857.98 deposit showed a date of 2/15/63.
- That "Hidell ordered" catalog number C20-T750, a 36" carbine, ( which is also noted in Waldman 7 ) while the Depository rifle was catalog number C20-750, a 40" short rifle.
- That there is no record that carton number 3376, which contained rifle C2766 was ever removed from the Harborside Warehouse between 8/29 and 10/31/62.
- That Crescent Firearms invoice 3148 lists 10 cartons shipped to Klein's Sporting Goods, but only nine are actaully checked off. The tenth, carton # 3376 is not checked off.
- That the officials "found" the stub of the 3/12/63 money order in ten minutes searching manually, but it took a computer in Washington another 7 hours to find the actual money order.
- That Hoover telephoned Johnson at 9:00am on the 23rd to tell him that the money order had been found, when Harry Holmes told the WC that the stub wasn't found until 12:10pm and the money order itself wasn't found until 7pm.
- That the identity of the Dallas postal worker who found the money order stub was never revealed.
- That postal form 2162 requiring a delivery receipt for all firearms received through the US Post Office be filled out and maintained for 4 years was never made.
- That postal form 1508 requiring the shipper of firearms through the US Post office fill out a declaration statement describing the firearms shipped and the record of that statement kept for 4 years was never made.
- That part 3 of the Post office Box application, listing persons other than the applicant authorized to receive mail at a PO Box, the record of which was required to be kept for 2 years, was destroyed.
- That no clerk in the Dallas Post Office was ever found who remembered handing a long package to the most famous and most recognizable assassin of the 20th century.
- That Waldman 7 is not signed or stamped "paid in full".
- And you can ignore all of the above mountain of evidence because ---- we KNOW Oswald's handwriting was on the Money Order."
(ed. Gil Jesus)
Till det hr kan lggas:
- Att den "stub" (se ovan) som ska ha hittats av ngon oknd postanstlld i Dallas, "frsvann" (lol) kort drp.
- Inget intyg om "good caracter" frn ngon county judge som var lag i Texas vid tiden.
- Inget undertecknat kvitto (med id) av "A Hidell" vid uthmtning av pistolen (istllet undertecknat av en "Paxton").
- Fel pistol.
- Samtliga dokument bestod av fotografier av kopior av originaldokument, varav samtliga idag r frsvunna/frstrda.
- Handskriftsanalyserna kan endast anses tentativa eftersom dessa gjordes frn fotografier frn fotografier av kopior frn de pstdda originalen. En baggis att frfalska.
- Inte ngon av de relevanta vittnena avseende chain of custody tillts vittna infr WC. Istllet fick personer som inte alls hade med den att gra, gra s i deras stlle.
- Postal Inspector Harry Holmes ljuger bevisligen (s hr lngt) vid tv olika tillfllen nr han pstr:
1. Att del 3 av anskningsblanketten som anger eventuella personer som utver innehavaren har tilltrde till boxen, frstrdes enligt gllande regler. Reglerna stadgar tvrtom att bde del 2 och del 3 ska arkiveras minst 2 r efter avlutat innehav.
2. Att post med namn (dvs A. Hidell) som inte har tilltrde till "personen" trots det levereras till boxen om mottagaren kan visa nyckeln till densamma. Helt fel eftersom postboxar ofta byter innehavare och att det dessutom r helt emot bestmmelserna.
Bde namn och nummer p box mste stmma.
Dvs, rubbet r fel och kan endast leda till tv mycket beklmmande slutsatser:
1. Det finns inga bevis fr att Oswald ska ha kpt gevret eller pistolen via postorder eller p annat stt.
2. De "bevis" och "vittnesml" som beropas av WC r istllet bevis fr att man medvetet fabricerade dessa i syfte att i oponionens gon postumt flla en oskyldig Oswald fr dubbelmord och mordfrsk. Att man drmed mrklade vilka som verkligen lg bakom.
Det finns mer, men jag stannar hr fr nu.