Helt beroende p i vilken sekund bildrutan i Wiegmans film r tagen s avgr det allt. Frmodligen (min sikt) s har kortegen passerat och skotten avfyrats men de har inte n hunnit under the "overpass", d v s hela kortegen. Den r min personliga kronologi. Nr Prayer Man/Oswald r fngad i bildrutan s r JFK skjuten (ett par sekunder sedan) och bilarna gasar p. Tycker du det knns rimligt? Nr man sedan verlappar filmsekvensen med Lovelady och Shelley p vg mot the Grassy Knoll s passar allt, eller hur.
Mnga har missat att 1963 s hade TSBD tv ingngar p markplan. Det finns knappt ngra bilder p det via Google. Nr man ser Lovelady och Shelley s passerar de ingng tv som inte finns lngre. Den r igensatt, och innandmet sg annorlunda ut. Mosaiken var annorlunda.
Upon questioning by Captain Fritz, he said, "I have no views on the President." "My wife and I like the President's family. They are interesting people. I have my own views on the President's national policy. I have a right to express my views but because of the charges I do not think I should comment further." Oswald said "I am not a malcontent; nothing irritated me about the President." He said that during 1962 he was interviewed by the FBI and that he at that time refused to take a polygraph and that he did not intent to take a polygraph test for the Dallas police. At this time Captain Fritz showed a Selective Service Card that was taken out of his wallet which bore the name of Alex Hidell. Oswald refused to discuss this after being asked for an explanation of it. both by Fritz and by James Bookhout, the FBI Agent. I asked him if he viewed the parade and he said he had not. I then asked him if he had shot the President and he said he had not. I asked him if he has shot governor Connally and he said he had not. He did not intend to answer further questions without counsel and that if he could not get Abt, then he would hope that the Civil Liberties Union would give him an attorney to represent him. At that point Captain Fritz terminated the interview at about 11:30 a.m., 11-23-63.
Alex Hidell, right? Det r det du fiskar efter. Ja, Oswald var gare till ett vapen. Frmodligen, med strsta sannolikhet, vapnet som anvndes i attentatet mot Walker. Om du scrollar tillbaka ngra mnader s kan du se att min sikt r den att Oswald bestllde vapnet fr att frska mrda Walker. Den finns inga tvivel om att Oswald var "rd" men rd betyder inte skyldig till mordet p JFK. Tyvrr (tyvrr fr den officiella versionen) var han en s dlig skytt att han misslyckades skjuta ngon rakt framifrn frn en skogsdunge. Vad som hnder veckorna och mnaderna efter det i garaget vet vi inte. Vapnet str dr dock hela tiden. Oswald gr in i en period av dag-till-dag-liv efter sitt misslyckande i Mexiko med visumet till Sovjet m m. Han blir tyst. Medans det samtidigt pgr en full operation att mrda JFK. Oswald passar perfekt s "rd" som han r. Flygblad m m.