2022-02-04, 04:31
Nu börjar de sälja NFTs för att stödja deras martyr Julian Assange. Vilka är det som har tagit över denna organisation egentligen? Riktiga skurkar är de. Man äcklas. Nästan lika sjukt som att Michael Schumachers fru skulle starta en kryptovaluta.


The primary mission of AssangeDAO is to raise capital for the legal fees of Julian Assange. We are cypherpunks seeking to free Assange from the legacy justice system.
To achieve this goal, AssangeDAO will gather funds to bid in the upcoming NFT auction of an artwork made in collaboration between Julian Assange and Pak.

AssangeDAO first banded together on December 10th, 2021, the day that the U.S. government won its appeal of a British court ruling that barred Assange’s extradition to the US. Assange is facing up to 175 years in prison in US if found guilty of all charges. It is our beliefs that DAOs are a powerful coordination mechanism that cypherpunks can wield to free Assange.

Following the footsteps of ConstitutionDAO, AssangeDAO will be raising ETH via JuiceBox in which each participate will donate ETH and in return receive a proportional share of a governance token, $JUSTICE. JuiceBox is a tried and tested platform for DAOs with a clear mission statement.

$JUSTICE will be the token that governs the AssangeDAO. If the auction is won by the DAO the NFT will be held in a multi-sig. The community will decide via governance what to do with the NFT and the future roadmap of the DAO. If the DAO loses the auction for the NFT, the Gnosis Guild Zodiac Exit Module will be added to the Gnosis Safe by the Safe signers. The ETH in the Gnosis Safe will then be redeemable for $JUSTICE tokens. This module will only be added to the Safe if the auction for the NFT is lost, to provide a way for:

1. The DAO to continue to live on regardless of if we win the auction.
2. People to easily exit the DAO with all contributions they made if they only participated because of the NFT.
Senast redigerad av oshin.cantwell 2022-02-04 kl. 04:40.
2022-02-05, 05:34
Minns ni Dutroux? Makthavare i skuggregeringen behöver hållhakar på de som syns.
En pedofilpolitiker är lätt att styra.


"Something is rotten in the state of Belgium. Six years after the arrest of Marc Dutroux, the country's notorious paedophile, no date has been set for his trial and the case remains painfully unresolved.

In 1995, when two eight-year-old girls were kidnapped, Dutroux, a convicted sex offender, was a prime suspect from the start, yet he wasn't arrested for 14 months. By that time, four of his captives - including the two girls - were dead. Since his arrest, 20 potential witnesses connected with the case have died in mysterious circumstances, fuelling suspicions of a cover-up reaching the highest levels."
Senast redigerad av Nurnberg2 2022-02-05 kl. 05:42.
2022-02-05, 05:48

"Marc confessed to kidnapping, raping, drugging, torturing and filming children for many years. He also claimed he was doing it at the behest of a political elite who financed his career as a professional trafficker.

Not only did this political elite finance his efforts - they made specific requests of him. Sometimes they requested specific types of children (they were called "party favors" and he was asked to deliver kids of certain age, sex, race). Sometimes they requested specific means of torturing the children to fulfill their desires (orgies, satanic rituals involving sacrifices, torture games).

And sometimes they requested he film certain influential people engaged in these acts, for later use as blackmail."
Senast redigerad av Nurnberg2 2022-02-05 kl. 05:55.
2022-02-05, 06:04
"What you have to understand, John, is that sometimes there are forces and events too big, too powerful, with so much at stake for other people or institutions, that you cannot do anything about them, no matter how evil or wrong they are and no matter how dedicated or sincere you are or how much evidence you have. This is simply one of the hard facts of life you have to face."


Former CIA director, Cercle member and Opus Dei sympathizer William Colby giving advice to his friend Senator John DeCamp, urging him to cease his investigation into the Franklin child abuse affair and to write a book about his experiences ('The Franklin Coverup', 2nd edition, foreword).
2022-03-15, 09:20
Bill Clinton verkar vara involverad i ytterligare en pedofil-skandal på Haiti.
Hur många pedofiler kan man omge sig med utan att själv räknas som en?

2022-11-28, 01:36
Kannibalism, blod-ritualer m.m sinnessjuka saker.


De är 100% sjuka i huvudet.

2022-11-28, 01:44
"When Alexander Acosta was being considered for the position of secretary of labor, Donald Trump’s transition team was concerned about the fact that Acosta, as US attorney for southern Florida, made the secret non-prosecution plea deal back in 2008 with Epstein’s attorneys. Would it not cause problems at confirmation hearings?

Acosta reportedly explained that he’d cut the deal with Epstein’s attorneys because he had “been told” to back off, that Epstein was above his pay grade: “I was told Epstein ‘belonged to intelligence’ and to leave it alone.”

Det är väl så äcklen kontrollerar folk.
2023-07-13, 12:46
Kanske dax att lyfta ämnet igen, PIZZAGATE
Men då forumet valt att flytta denna till konspiration tänker inte jag tillföra nåt här. Vidrigt/fegt/mutat!
2024-12-15, 23:42
Epstein var anställd av den s.k säkerhetstjänsten för att skaffa blackmail material på inflytelserika personer.

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