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Du eller någon annan kan ju förklara för oss hur det fanns anledning för Moa att känna
extrem rädsla i den aktuella situationen när det inte ens förekom något
fysiskt tvång ?
Om du lyckas med det kan du ju sen ge dig på och förklara hur mannen borde insett att Moa kunde känna en sådan extrem rädsla i situationen att hon frys till is och var oförmögen till att göra motstånd?
Ja det finns inget som tyder på att kvinnor som befunnit sig i Moas sits drabbats av en "frysreaktion"
Tonic immobility during rape/ Involuntary Paralysis/ "Frysreaktion" kan inträffa vid sexual assaults. Finns ingen forskning som visar att personer i Moas sits kan drabbas av tonic immobility during rape
Tonic immobility in animals is considered an evolutionary adaptive defensive reaction to a predatory attack when resistance is not possible and other resources are not available. Little is known about tonic immobility in humans, however. To investigate, Anna Möller, MD, PhD, of the Karolinksa Institutet and the Stockholm South General Hospital in Sweden, and her colleagues assessed tonic immobility at the time of assault in 298 women who had visited the Emergency Clinic for Rape Victims in Stockholm within one month of a sexual assault. After 6 months, 189 women were assessed for the development of PTSD and depression.
Of the 298 women, 70% reported significant tonic immobility and 48% reported extreme tonic immobility during the assault. Among the 189 women who completed the 6-month assessment, 38.1% had developed PTSD and 22.2% had developed severe depression. Tonic immobility was associated with a 2.75-times increased risk of developing PTSD and a 3.42-times increased risk of developing severe depression. Prior trauma and a history of psychiatric treatment were also linked with tonic immobility.
“The present study shows that tonic immobility is more common than earlier described,” said Dr. Möller. “This information is useful both in legal situations and in the psychoeducation of rape victims. Further, this knowledge can be applied in the education of medical students and law students.”