Jag skulle tro att de flesta amerikaner hller med den hr skribenten:
The Trump administrations covid-19
"We're not going to control the pandemic."
There you have it from President Trump's chief of staff, announcement of failure, incompetence and cold indifference.
You're on your own, America. Try not to die.
When Mark Meadows said those words on Sunday morning to CNN's Jake Tapper, he was stating the obvious: The Trump administration never mounted more than a halfhearted attempt to limit the spread of covid-19, and now has simply given up.
Daily reporting of new cases has reached an all-time high, yet Trump flies around the country holding superspreader campaign rallies and claiming that we are somehow "rounding the turn" on the virus.
There are many, many reasons Americans should vote Trump out of the White House, but perhaps the most urgent is his refusal or perhaps his inability to face the reality of covid-19. This election is literally a choice between life and death.
One of the worst mistakes any leader can make during a crisis is to engage in magical thinking. But that is the only kind of thinking Trump has done about covid-19 and the only kind he continues to do. From the beginning, he has looked for excuses not to believe what the nation's leading experts on infectious diseases have been telling him.
Even worse, Trump sabotaged efforts by governors and mayors to control the virus with shutdowns and mask mandates. He made covid-19 denial an article of faith for his political base, encouraging the Republican governors of states such as Florida, Georgia and Texas to reopen their economies prematurely.
The one thing Trump does brilliantly in politics is drive wedges, and he has hammered a massive one into the deadliest possible crack: between public health on one side and "freedom" on the other.