Fler kritiska åsikter mot - inte mot Greta utan mot dem som utnyttjar henne för egen vinning:
The Shameless Exploitation of Greta Thunberg
With all due respect to Greta, who may well be a brilliant young student, she is no “expert” on the complicated science, politics and economics of climate change. But, oh,
how emotionally affecting is the sight of this petite teenager standing alone on stage —
she seems so fragile, so vulnerable, that we must help her!
And it is more than a little ironic that a “peace” prize might go to someone representing an agenda of waging economic warfare against both the poor people of the world, whose escape from poverty depends on access to affordable energy, and the American middle class who are expected to pay tens of trillions of dollars to pay for a Green New Deal.
What we know with certainty is this: 1)
It is impossible to predict the climate (the U.N.’s Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change correctly stated this) and 2) Natural disasters and horrific weather events are unavoidable. But the more prosperous human societies become, the better able we are to cope with and survive nature’s fury, and that is good news indeed.
The climate-change cabal has succeeded in making Greta Thunberg a poster child for their movement.
Inadvertently, they also have made her a poster child for the cynical exploitation of innocent children. Shame on them.