Ursula, eller "
Censursula" som tyskarna kallar henne, tycktes ha valts bakom lyckta dörrar utan att ens ha stått på listan.
‘This is not democracy’: European parliament unites to condemn selection of new EU Commission president behind closed doors
‘None of the presidents on the council would accept this being done in their countries. It would be taken to a constitutional court,’ says leader of largest group
EU leaders chose Ursula von der Leyen as their pick to replace Jean-Claude Juncker as the leader of the European Union’s executive branch despite the fact she was not on the ballot paper as a candidate and has no manifesto.
Tyskarna beskriver henne på Reddit som att inte kunna göra något som inte leder till en skandal, men stöds ändå starkt av Frau Merkel.
As a German, I find the whole thing pretty funny since von der Leyen had one scandal after the other as defense minister. At least in Germany, it seems politicians are send to Brussels to minimize the damage they can cause back home.
And even before that - remember Zensursula? I do. Never forget. -.-
As EU commission president, she'd have way more influence than she did as German defense minister. I doubt Weber could've been any worse.
For context: she is pro internet filters, and she considers Rammstein such a travesty that they should be banned.
If Rammstein is not fair free speech... Then what is?
Hon verkar vara en riktig Dan Eliasson-typ:
She was minister for family and youth first, qualification: many kids, then health, qualification: is MD and than defence, qualification: who knows? Being in the right party probably.
The censorship stuff is from her family and youth time in '09.
She fucking showed child porn at a press conference to prove that child porn is bad. Incompetence doesn‘t even begin to describe her. Funnily enough that most likely saved her head for so long while being in Merkels inner circle. The competent ones were seen as threats.
As a German citizen I'm not the least bit shocked that Chancellor Merkel pushed for this, but I still don't know why this is happening. Frau von der Leyen proved to be absolutely inept and sometimes scandalous in the way she conducted her business in various positions in the German government and no matter what happened, she always had the full support of Frau Merkel.
I have no idea what the Cancellor owes this woman, but simple loyalty between friends does not explain the lenghts Frau Merkel goes to in order to secure a job for old Ursula.
Att de annars bisarrt EU-positiva medlemmarna i worldnews ger sig på EU är ett väldigt, väldigt dåligt tecken.
Även om Censursula påstås ha en bakgrund som kanske tilltalar många Flashbackare, är alla säkert medvetna om att sådan bakgrund inte betyder någonting alls längre, åtminstone när det kommer till den politik som sammankopplas med den.
Vi får hoppas att parlamentet sätter stopp för nomineringen.