Funny, people. The guys at told me in very first replies to stop spamming
Seriously, I am not 100% sure wheter I'm correct. My swedish sucks, and just by using some Google I found some of Stryplekars' posts around here and figured (by the little things I can barely understand) that the stuff he's been posting just sounds eerie enough. And then again, Google doesn't find too many people using the nickname Stryplekar -as finnish police sources have informed about this one particular murder suspect.
What I can tell about the case, is that they'd met before in 2004 at a cruise boat, where the girl's parents figured that theyre daughter had weird bruises on her neck when she came back home. She must have been around 16 by the time. Later on it has also been told that the murder suspect also had sex with the girl and videotaped it. The girl was found in a forest after around 3 days dead. She supposedly was schitzofrenic, I'm not sure.
This is it in a nutshell. I'll be getting back to you when I get back to work and back to my company's archive.