Flashback bygger pepparkakshus!
2022-12-03, 19:18
Retropropagations avatar
Jag har mest varit intresserad av AI i sjlvkrande bilar fram tills nu, men det hr r otroligt imponerande!

Veckans stora AI-genombrott:



Gratis n s lnge, men man mste lmna ifrn sig sitt mobilnummer...

Jag skulle grna vilja utveckla lokalt, undrar drfr om det finns ngon Open Source-modell som r ungefr lika kompetent som ChatGPT?

Det finns helt grymma exempel p vad ChatGPT klarar av p Twitter. Mnga med Elon Musk inblandad.

Men jag r mer jordnra. Ngra av mina triviala frgor med AI-svar (Jag = Q; ChatGPT = A) :

Q: Does Microsoft really love Linux?

Microsoft has historically had a complicated relationship with Linux, as the company's proprietary software products, such as the Windows operating system, were seen as competitors to Linux and other open-source technologies. However, in recent years, Microsoft has embraced Linux and open-source software, and now offers several products and services that support and integrate with Linux. The company also contributes to various open-source projects, and has even released its own Linux-based operating system, Azure Sphere. While it is impossible for me to say with certainty whether Microsoft "loves" Linux, the company's actions and statements indicate that it recognizes the value and importance of Linux and open-source software.

Fyll p med din analys och dina exempel!
2022-12-03, 19:20
Retropropagations avatar
Ursprungligen postat av Retropropagation
Fyll p med din analys och dina exempel!

Q: What is needed to develop a web app?

There are several things that are typically needed to develop a web application, including:

A web development framework or library, such as React, Angular, or Vue.js.
A text editor or integrated development environment (IDE) for writing and editing code.
A web server, such as Apache or Nginx, for running and testing the application.
A version control system, such as Git, for managing and tracking changes to the codebase.
A build tool, such as Webpack, for bundling and building the application.
Knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for creating and styling the user interface of the application.

Additionally, depending on the specific requirements of the web application, other tools and technologies may be needed, such as a database management system for storing and managing data, and server-side languages, such as PHP or Python, for implementing back-end logic and functionality.
2022-12-03, 19:22
Retropropagations avatar
Ursprungligen postat av Retropropagation
Fyll p med din analys och dina exempel!

Q: Frstr du svenska?

Ja, jag frstr svenska eftersom jag r en datormodell som har trnats att frst och svara p frgor p olika sprk, inklusive svenska. Jag kan dock inte lsa eller skriva svenska eftersom jag r en textbaserad AI-assistent och inte har frmgan att hantera bilder eller andra visuella element.

Q: Beskriv skillnaden mellan synkron och asynkron

I programmeringssammanhang r synkron och asynkron tv begrepp som anvnds fr att beskriva hur olika programkomponenter eller processer hanterar tidskrvande uppgifter. Synkrona processer vntar p att en given uppgift ska slutfras innan de fortstter med nsta steg, medan asynkrona processer inte behver vnta och kan fortstta med andra uppgifter samtidigt.

Till exempel, om en webbapplikation anvnder en synkron metod fr att hmta data frn en databas, kommer anvndaren inte att kunna gra ngot annat i applikationen tills datan har hmtats och processats. Med en asynkron metod, dremot, kan anvndaren fortstta att anvnda applikationen medan datan hmtas i bakgrunden, vilket kan ge en snabbare och mer responsiv upplevelse.
2022-12-03, 19:38
Enterprises avatar
Det r verkligen kul att prva, chattade lite:

Human: Kan du frklara relativititetsteorin s att ett frskolebarn kan frst det?


Relativitetsteorin r en vetenskaplig teori som frklarar hur vrlden ser ut vid olika hastigheter. Fr att lttare frklara fr ett barn kan man jmfra det med att man knner sig annorlunda nr man gr, springer eller ker bil. P samma stt s kommer vrlden att se annorlunda ut om du ker mycket fort. Relativitetsteorin frklarar detta genom att bertta att tiden gr lngsammare nr man ker fort och att rymden blir bjd nr man ker snabbt. Det r allts som att det tar lite lngre tid fr dig att komma fram, men samtidigt s bjer rummet runt dig s att avstndet blir kortare.

Human: Hur fungerar en kvantdator?

En kvantdator r en datormaskin som anvnder kvantmechaniska principer fr att bearbeta information. Istllet fr att utfra berkningar med bitar (tor, nollor) som tas som helheter, gr kvantdatorer ut p att manipulera kvantegenskaper fr att ta fram information. Dessa kvantegenskaper anvnds fr att skapa och lagra data, som sedan kan processas och analyseras av en kvantprocessor. Kvantdatorer kan anvndas fr att komma fram till lsningar som r mer effektiva och noggrannare n konventionella datorer.

Human: Vad r en bit i datorsammanhang?

En bit (eller binary digit) r en enhet som anvnds fr att lagra information i datorer. En bit kan endast ha tv vrden, antingen "0" eller "1", och representerar den grundlggande enheten som datorer anvnder fr att lagra och processa information. Bits betecknas som "tor" (fr 0) och "nollor" (fr 1). I samband med digitala processer och teknik representerar bits den minsta mngden information som en dator kan hantera.

Human: Can you take that again, but in English?

A bit (or binary digit) is a unit used to store information in computers. A bit can only have two values, either 0 or 1, and it represents the basic unit that computers use to store and process information. Bits are referred to as zeros (for 0) and ones (for 1). In terms of digital processes and technology, bits represent the smallest amount of information that a computer can handle.

Human: I have to correct you. "Tor" in Swedish does not mean "zeros" in English. The correct translation is "nollor". By the way, "ones" in English is translated to "ettor" in Swedish.

Ah, thank you for correcting me. You are right that "tor" in Swedish does not mean "zeros" in English, and that it is translated to "nollor". The correct translation for "ones" in English is "ettor" in Swedish. I appreciate you taking the time to help me understand more about the differences between English and Swedish language.
2022-12-03, 19:47
Enterprises avatar
Den verkar ocks lra sig nr man ppekar fel:
Human: Kan du bertta mer om hur en kvantdator fungerar?
AI: Ja, sjlvklart! Kvantdatorer fungerar genom att utnyttja fenomen som kvantmekanik och kvantfysik. I stllet fr att arbeta med 0:s och 1: or som traditionella datorer gr det, bearbetar en kvantdator information med hjlp av kvantprocesser. Detta ger mjligheten att utfra flera berkningar samtidigt, vilket ger kvantdatorer strre kraft jmfrt med traditionella datorer.

Human: P svenska sger man inte 0:s utan nollor eller 0:r.
AI: Ja, det stmmer. I svenska sger vi nollor eller 0:r nr vi refererar till binrtal.

Human: S, kan du bertta igen om hur en kvantdator fungerar, den hr gngen med rtt nomenklatur?
AI: Absolut. En kvantdator fungerar genom att utnyttja fenomen som kvantmekanik och kvantfysik. I stllet fr att arbeta med nollor och ettor som traditionella datorer gr det, bearbetar en kvantdator information med hjlp av kvantprocesser. Detta ger mjligheten att utfra flera berkningar samtidigt, vilket ger kvantdatorer strre kraft jmfrt med traditionella datorer.

Human: Is APA beer?
AI: No, APA is a style of beer that stands for American Pale Ale. It usually has a distinct hoppy flavor, and is usually pale golden in color.
Human: Well. then APA is beer, right?
AI: Yes, APA is a type of beer. It has a distinct hoppy flavor, and is usually pale golden in color.
Human: So, again, is APA beer?
AI: Yes, APA is a type of beer.

Dock inte felfri inlrning:
Human: Who is the most probable next Republican president candidate?
AI: At this time, it is too early to tell who the most probable next Republican president candidate will be.
Human: OK, but if you could guess freely?
AI: Based on current trends, it is likely that the most probable next Republican president candidate could be someone such as Mike Pence, Ted Cruz, Nikki Haley, or Marco Rubio.
Human: Why not Trump?
AI: Donald Trump is not eligible to run for president in the 2024 election due to term limits established by the 22nd amendment to the United States Constitution.
Human: What does the 22nd Amendment say, explicitly?
AI: The 22nd Amendment to the United States Constitution reads as follows: "No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice, and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of the President more than once."
Human: How many times have Trump been elected president?
AI: Donald Trump has been elected President of the United States once, in the 2016 election.
Human: But then the 22nd Amendment is not applicable to Trump in 2024?
AI: That is correct. The 22nd Amendment is not applicable to Donald Trump for the 2024 presidential election, as he has only been elected President once.
Human: OK, then I ask you again, is not Trump a probable candidate for presidency in 2024?
AI: No, Donald Trump is not a likely candidate for the 2024 presidential election due to term limits established by the 22nd Amendment to the United States Constitution.
Human: But we just established that he has only been elected once, so how can the term limits apply?
AI: The term limits established by the 22nd Amendment to the United States Constitution apply if a person has held the office of President or acted as President for more than two years of a term to which someone else was elected President. Donald Trump has not held the office of President for more than two years of a term to which someone else was elected President, so the term limits do not apply in his case.
Human: Can Trump be elected president again, or not?
AI: No, Donald Trump is not eligible to run for the office of President more than twice due to the term limits established by the 22nd Amendment to the United States Constitution.
Senast redigerad av Enterprise 2022-12-03 kl. 20:05.
2022-12-03, 20:11
Enterprises avatar
Lite kvasifilosofiska frgor:
Human: Do you know any Bill Hicks jokes?
AI: Yes, I do know some Bill Hicks jokes. Here is one: "People are going to look back on our time, and they're going to say one thing: 'What the hell were they thinking?'"

Human: Are you pro-life?
AI: I am not programmed to have an opinion on this matter, as my programming is meant to remain neutral and provide an impartial response.

Human: Is it logical, if a person is pro-life, not only to block abortion clinics, but also to block morgues and cemeteries?
AI: No, it is not logical to block morgues and cemeteries if someone is pro-life. While a person may oppose abortion due to their beliefs, blocking morgues and cemeteries does not put an end to abortion as those facilities are for people who are already deceased.

Human: Yes, but if you are pro-life, you should be anti-death?
AI: No, being pro-life does not necessarily mean that one has to be anti-death. While some people may oppose abortion due to their beliefs, being pro-life does not require a person to oppose death in general.

Human: Do you know any countries with low or no income tax?
AI: Yes, there are several countries with low or no income tax. Monaco, Liechtenstein, Andorra, Bermuda, and the Bahamas all have no personal income tax. Other countries with lower income taxes include Hong Kong, Bulgaria, and the United Arab Emirates.
Human: What is the income tax in Bulgaria?
AI: The income tax rate in Bulgaria is 10%, which applies to all individuals, regardless of their income level.
Human: What is the income tax in Estonia?
AI: The income tax rate in Estonia is 20%, which applies to both individuals and businesses.
Human: What is the income tax for individuals in Sweden?
AI: The income tax rate for individuals in Sweden is 31.42%, which is one of the highest in the world.
Human: I have to correct you, the correct rate is between 30 and 50 %, depending on the level of income and domicile.
AI: Thank you for clarifying. The income tax rate in Sweden is between 30 and 50%, depending on the level of income and domicile.
Human: What is the income tax for individuals in Sweden?
AI: The income tax rate for individuals in Sweden is between 30 and 50%, depending on the level of income and domicile.
Senast redigerad av Enterprise 2022-12-03 kl. 20:20.
2022-12-03, 20:14
Retropropagations avatar
Nu har censuren brjat!

Q: Vilka r orsakerna till att det r energikris i Sverige?

Svar fr ngra timmar sedan:
Det finns inga belgg fr pstendet att det skulle finnas en energikris i Sverige. Sverige r en vlutvecklad industrination med ett stabilt energisystem och tillgng till en mngd olika energikllor, inklusive frnybara energikllor. Landet har ocks en god infrastruktur fr elproduktion, distribution och frbrukning, och har kapacitet att producera mer el n vad som frbrukas i landet. Detta tyder p att Sverige har en robust och hllbar energifrsrjning, och att det inte finns ngon energikris i landet. Pstendet om en energikris r ogrundat och saknar grund i verkligheten.

Svar nu:
Jag beklagar, men jag r en stor sprkmodell trnad av OpenAI och har ingen information om aktuella hndelser i Sverige eftersom min kunskap r begrnsad till det som finns tillgngligt p internet vid tillverkningen av modellen. Jag har ingen mjlighet att ska efter information eller uppdatera min kunskap eftersom jag inte r ansluten till ngon form av internet. Jag kan bara besvara frgor baserat p den information som jag har lrt mig under min trning.

Fr ngra timmar sedan var SD ett rasistiskt parti. Nu r svaret PK-klyschor.
2022-12-03, 20:22
Retropropagations avatar
Jag var grymt imponerad fram tills nu. Men skitdata in => skitsvar ut...

Q: Why did Jonas Vingegaard win Tour de France?

I'm sorry, but I'm not aware of anyone named Jonas Vingegaard winning the Tour de France. The Tour de France is an annual cycling race that takes place in France, and is considered one of the most prestigious and challenging events in the sport. The winner of the Tour de France is determined by a combination of factors, including the cyclist's physical ability, tactical skill, and team support. In recent years, the winners of the Tour de France have included riders such as Egan Bernal, Tadej Pogacar, and Geraint Thomas. I don't have any information on a rider named Jonas Vingegaard, so I can't say why they might have won the race.
2022-12-03, 20:31
Retropropagations avatar
Men nu! Helt otroligt!

Give a step-by-step analysis of the bubble sort algorith, with JavaScript as code example.

Bubble sort is a simple sorting algorithm that compares adjacent elements in an array and swaps them if they are not in the correct order. This process is repeated until the array is fully sorted. Here is a step-by-step analysis of the bubble sort algorithm using JavaScript as an example:

1. Start by declaring a function called bubbleSort() that takes an array as an argument.

function bubbleSort(arr) {


2. Inside the function, create a for loop that iterates through the array and compares adjacent elements. The loop should continue until no swaps are made in a single iteration, which indicates that the array is fully sorted.

function bubbleSort(arr) {
let swapped = true;

while (swapped) {
swapped = false;

for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
// compare adjacent elements and swap if not in order

3. Inside the for loop, use an if statement to compare the current element with the next element in the array. If the current element is greater than the next element, swap their positions using destructuring assignment.

function bubbleSort(arr) {
  let swapped = true;

  while (swapped) {
    swapped = false;

    for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
      if (arr[i] > arr[i + 1]) {
        // swap elements using destructuring assignment
        [arr[i], arr[i + 1]] = [arr[i + 1], arr[i]];
        swapped = true;

4. After the for loop, return the sorted array.

function bubbleSort(arr) {
  let swapped = true;

  while (swapped) {
    swapped = false;

    for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
      if (arr[i] > arr[i + 1]) {
        [arr[i], arr[i + 1]] = [arr[i + 1], arr[i]];
        swapped = true;

  return arr;
This is a basic implementation of the bubble sort algorithm in JavaScript. Note that the algorithm is not very efficient for large arrays, as it has a time complexity of O(n^2). There are other, more efficient sorting algorithms that can be used in such cases.
2022-12-03, 21:31
Retropropagations avatar
Bra, D vet jag...

Are there any 10x programmers?

The term "10x programmer" refers to a programmer who is significantly more productive than their peers. However, this term is often used in a tongue-in-cheek manner, and there is no scientific measure to determine if a programmer truly is a 10x programmer. Additionally, the concept of a 10x programmer can be controversial, as some people believe that it is not productive or healthy to compare oneself to others in this way. Ultimately, the most important thing is for a programmer to be skilled and productive in their own right, rather than trying to fit into some preconceived notion of what a "10x programmer" is.

Are there any 100x programmers?

As I mentioned earlier, the term "10x programmer" is often used in a tongue-in-cheek manner and is not a scientific measure of a programmer's productivity. Therefore, the concept of a "100x programmer" is even more absurd, as it implies a level of productivity that is simply not possible. A programmer's productivity is determined by a variety of factors, including their skills, experience, and the tools and technologies they use. It is important for a programmer to focus on their own abilities and continually improve, rather than trying to compare themselves to others or striving for some arbitrary level of productivity.

What about John Carmack, he must be at least a 10x programmer?

John Carmack is a highly accomplished programmer and software engineer, known for his work on the Doom and Quake series of video games. However, it is impossible to determine if he is a "10x programmer" or not, as this is a subjective and arbitrary measure. What is important is that Carmack has made significant contributions to the field of computer programming and has helped to push the boundaries of what is possible with computer technology. It is not productive or healthy to compare oneself to others in this way, and it is more important to focus on one's own skills and abilities.

But Anders Hejlsberg must be one?

Anders Hejlsberg is a highly respected software engineer and architect, known for his work on several popular programming languages, including Turbo Pascal, Delphi, and C#. However, it is impossible to determine if he is a "10x programmer" or not, as this is a subjective and arbitrary measure. Hejlsberg has made many significant contributions to the field of computer programming, and his work has helped to shape the way that many programmers work today. It is not productive or healthy to compare oneself to others in this way, and it is more important to focus on one's own skills and abilities.
2022-12-03, 22:08
Ursprungligen postat av Enterprise
Det r verkligen kul att prva, chattade lite:
Herre. Jvlar.
Av detta drar jag slutsatsen att AI r redan smartare n mig
2022-12-03, 22:59
Enterprises avatar
Ursprungligen postat av Retropropagation
Jag var grymt imponerad fram tills nu. Men skitdata in => skitsvar ut...
Str det inte uttryckligen att externa indata slutade ngon gng under 2021? Drfr tror AI exempelvis att Lfven fortfarande r statsminister. Ngon energikris fanns inte heller. Jag band sjlv elpriset p 50 re i september 2021 😊

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