Jag har mest varit intresserad av AI i sjlvkrande bilar fram tills nu, men det hr r otroligt imponerande!
Veckans stora AI-genombrott:
Gratis n s lnge, men man mste lmna ifrn sig sitt mobilnummer...
Jag skulle grna vilja utveckla lokalt, undrar drfr om det finns ngon Open Source-modell som r ungefr lika kompetent som ChatGPT?
Det finns helt grymma exempel p vad ChatGPT klarar av p Twitter. Mnga med Elon Musk inblandad.
Men jag r mer jordnra. Ngra av mina triviala frgor med AI-svar (Jag = Q; ChatGPT = A) :
Q: Does Microsoft really love Linux?
Microsoft has historically had a complicated relationship with Linux, as the company's proprietary software products, such as the Windows operating system, were seen as competitors to Linux and other open-source technologies. However, in recent years, Microsoft has embraced Linux and open-source software, and now offers several products and services that support and integrate with Linux. The company also contributes to various open-source projects, and has even released its own Linux-based operating system, Azure Sphere. While it is impossible for me to say with certainty whether Microsoft "loves" Linux, the company's actions and statements indicate that it recognizes the value and importance of Linux and open-source software.
Fyll p med din analys och dina exempel!