Frn RFKjr och CDC till massdeporteringar.
Trump har nyss frmedlat ang massdeportering att "There is no price tag."
Det kommer givetvis dra med sig enorma summor och nn plan har han heller inte presenterat officiellt.
Tidigare har i juli har hans pressekreterare Leavitt meddelat att;
On Day One back in the White House, President Trump will begin the largest criminal deportation operation of illegal immigrants and restore the rule of law.
P plattformen fr RNC utlovades den "strsta utvisningsinsatsen" i USA:s historia om Trump vinner.
ICE Director Patrick J. Lechleitner beskriver att det krver en omfattande logistik:
Its not only putting them on planes and flying them, which is expensive, we got to have airplanes. We also have to deal with host nations. We have to get travel documents, we have to do all the logistics involved with that.
Professor Abigail Andrews beskriver att ang de som inte sitter hktade om de tex gripits vid nn poliskontroll, kommer det tar flera r och ta stora resurser i ansprk:
We have to monitor them that whole time. Thats resource intensive".
There is no logistical way to track down 10 to 12 million undocumented immigrants with the ICE employees they currently have."
En fd grnspolis som slutade 2023 var skeptisk. Ammon Blair:
"We dont have the manpower or space to handle.The federal spending would have to flow to these local agencies."
Han nmnde ven att deportering av barn var ett kritiskt moment som kan ge bakslag.
142580 personer deporterades 2023.
Kostnaden varierade givetvis beroende p vart i landet det gllde ang flyg och behov av skerhetstgrder.
Deportering av 10 miljoner kan snabbt komma upp i "tens of billions" men rkningen omfattar mer n s:
Det behvs plats innan nn deportering r klar fr avgng och idag finns 41,500 sngar p 200 fngelser och sk detention centers.
Den kombinerade kostnaden would be astronomical" enligt Andrews.
Mark Morgan (tidigare acting commissioner of Customs and Border Protection, nu a visiting fellow at the Heritage Foundation).
Det r inte bara i DHS regi utan krver resurser frn flertal departement fr tex upprttande av nn sorts lger eller att anvnda militrbaser.
Mario Russell, executive director of the Center for Migration Studies:
"His team estimates that about 50% of the nations undocumented population are actually people who overstayed their visas. He said others might have Dreamer status, temporary worker status or are working their way through the asylum system."
Texas som epicentrum?
Ungefr 11% av usas immigranter bor dr, uppskattningsvis 1.6 miljoner papperslsa.
Enligt forskningsartiklar som publicerades i september av American Immigration Council s str invandrare fr c:a 18 % av Texas befolkning, men utgr 40 % av alla anstllda inom byggbranschen och mnga av arbetarna inom olje- och gas- och gruvindustrin.
Farhgorna r att det sledes kan ha en monumental pverkan p Texas, och delgga industrier.
Vilka ska p tget av massdeporteringar?
Trump allies, private sector quietly prepare for mass detention of immigrants
"A key issue under consideration is how, when and if to deport immigrants who were brought to the United States as children, commonly known as Dreamers."
"Tom Homan, who previously served as acting director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, could potentially serve as one of the leads on immigration in the administration, sources said.
Its not gonna be a mass sweep of neighborhoods. Its not gonna be building concentration camps. Ive read it all. Its ridiculous, Homan told CBS News in an interview that aired last month.
Theyll be targeted arrests.
Well know who were going to arrest, where were most likely to find em based on numerous, you know, investigative processes, he added."