Vinnaren i pepparkakshustävlingen!
2020-08-01, 09:12
ReedMes avatar
För den intresserade. Här är trafiken till och från lägenheterna under kvällen gjorda av tapasgänget. Andra personer som hade ärenden i anslutning till platsen är inte med. Lägenheterna ligger tillsammans i ett kluster. Man får anta kidnapparen hade uppsikt över dessa en stund innan han gick in.
Gerry McCann - 5A
Kate McCann - 5A
David Payne - 5H (First floor)
Fiona Payne - 5H (First floor)
Dianne Webster - 5H (First floor)
Jane Tanner - 5D
Russell O'Brien - 5D
Matthew Oldfield - 5B
Rachael Oldfield - 5B

Times shown are approximate, but accurate to the best of our knowledge.

Prior to 2030, a11 couples and children were in their apartments preparing for bedtime.
-5A (Madeleine, Amelie and Sean McCann).
-5B (G**** Oldfield),
-5D (E*** and E***O'Brien) and
-5H (L*** and S******* Payne)

2030: Standard booking for meal at Tapas restaurant for group - same all week (Sun-Thur)
2035: Gerry McCann (GM) and Kate McCann (KC) arrive at table at Tapas Restaurant.
2040: Jane Tanner (JT) arrives, followed shortly by Matthew Oldfield (MO) and Rachael Mampilly Oldfield (RMO).
2045: Russell O'Brien (RJO) arrives at table.
2055: MO returns to apartments to check on ground floor flats, passing David Payne (DP), Fiona Payne (FP) and her mother Dianne Webster (DW) on their way down to the table.
2057: MO listens outside all ground floor flats' windows on the car park side of the apartment (5A, 5B and 5D) to make sure they were asleep. At this time, all the shutters were down on each window.
2100: MO return to the table. Starters were ordered.
2105: GM returns to his flat (5A) and enters via the patio gate entrance. This and a child gate at the top of the stairs were closed at the time. He enters the flat via the patio door which is closed but unlocked.
The door is slightly ajar (about 45 degrees) which is unusual. All the 3 children were present and asleep. GM believes the shutter was down. The room in which the children are asleep is completely dark. On leaving the room, GM shuts the door to approximately 5 degrees. He then goes to the toilet to urinate.
2115: JT leaves table, and sees GM talking with fellow resident ("Jez" Wilkins) outside the patio gate of 5A. The two were standing just up the hill from the gate towards Rua A. da Silva Road. She did not speak to GM as she passed.
As JT continued up the hill towards the junction with Rua A. da Silva, she sees a man carrying a child in his arms crossing left to right from the apartment side continuing east along Rua A. da Silva in the direction of the "Millennium Restaurant." He was on the same side of the road as JT 5-10 metres ahead of her.
JT checked only 5D entering via the deadlocked door on the car park side of the apartment. Both children inside were asleep. She did not check 5A or 5B.

2120: JT then returns to the restaurant, by which time GM had also returned. The entire party then begins eating their starters which have arrived.
2125: After starters, MO and RJO go back to the apartments via the car park entrance to check all flats. They go first to 5D where RJO's daughter Evie is heard crying. RJO enters flat, whilst MO checks inside 5B, and then returns to 5D.
2130: RJO remains in 5D as daughter has vomited. MO goes to check on 5A via the patio gate entrance. The outside gate is probably shut, but the child gate on the stairs up to the patio is possibly open. The patio door is closed but unlocked.
MO enters flat, hears a sound in the children's bedroom that is probably one of the twins rolling over in their cot. He does not enter the bedroom but can see through a now quite open door (greater than 45 degrees) into the room.
He sees the two twins in their cot, but does not check Madeleine formally as no sounds and twins asleep. He recalls the room did seem lighter than expected, perhaps suggesting the shutter had been raised or the curtains opened?
2135: MO returns to restaurant table, by which time main courses are arriving or being eaten. MO tells JT that Evie unwell.
2140: JT returns to 5D to take over care of Evie from RJO.
2145: RJO returns to table to eat main course leaving JT in 5D.
2155: RMO asked time at table. RJO's main course arrives.
2200: (approx): KM leaves table to check children in 5A. The patio gate is closed and the child gate is also probably closed. She enters through the closed patio entrance, with the curtains closed.

Tidsfönstret för en kidnappare är väldigt snålt tilltaget. För man rövar väl inte bort ett barn från en plats där mycket folk rör sig?
Senast redigerad av ReedMe 2020-08-01 kl. 09:16.
2020-08-01, 09:44
Crime-boy2s avatar
Ursprungligen postat av ReedMe
För den intresserade. Här är trafiken till och från lägenheterna under kvällen gjorda av tapasgänget. Andra personer som hade ärenden i anslutning till platsen är inte med. Lägenheterna ligger tillsammans i ett kluster. Man får anta kidnapparen hade uppsikt över dessa en stund innan han gick in.
Gerry McCann - 5A
Kate McCann - 5A
David Payne - 5H (First floor)
Fiona Payne - 5H (First floor)
Dianne Webster - 5H (First floor)
Jane Tanner - 5D
Russell O'Brien - 5D
Matthew Oldfield - 5B
Rachael Oldfield - 5B

Times shown are approximate, but accurate to the best of our knowledge.

Prior to 2030, a11 couples and children were in their apartments preparing for bedtime.
-5A (Madeleine, Amelie and Sean McCann).
-5B (G**** Oldfield),
-5D (E*** and E***O'Brien) and
-5H (L*** and S******* Payne)

2030: Standard booking for meal at Tapas restaurant for group - same all week (Sun-Thur)
2035: Gerry McCann (GM) and Kate McCann (KC) arrive at table at Tapas Restaurant.
2040: Jane Tanner (JT) arrives, followed shortly by Matthew Oldfield (MO) and Rachael Mampilly Oldfield (RMO).
2045: Russell O'Brien (RJO) arrives at table.
2055: MO returns to apartments to check on ground floor flats, passing David Payne (DP), Fiona Payne (FP) and her mother Dianne Webster (DW) on their way down to the table.
2057: MO listens outside all ground floor flats' windows on the car park side of the apartment (5A, 5B and 5D) to make sure they were asleep. At this time, all the shutters were down on each window.
2100: MO return to the table. Starters were ordered.
2105: GM returns to his flat (5A) and enters via the patio gate entrance. This and a child gate at the top of the stairs were closed at the time. He enters the flat via the patio door which is closed but unlocked.
The door is slightly ajar (about 45 degrees) which is unusual. All the 3 children were present and asleep. GM believes the shutter was down. The room in which the children are asleep is completely dark. On leaving the room, GM shuts the door to approximately 5 degrees. He then goes to the toilet to urinate.
2115: JT leaves table, and sees GM talking with fellow resident ("Jez" Wilkins) outside the patio gate of 5A. The two were standing just up the hill from the gate towards Rua A. da Silva Road. She did not speak to GM as she passed.
As JT continued up the hill towards the junction with Rua A. da Silva, she sees a man carrying a child in his arms crossing left to right from the apartment side continuing east along Rua A. da Silva in the direction of the "Millennium Restaurant." He was on the same side of the road as JT 5-10 metres ahead of her.
JT checked only 5D entering via the deadlocked door on the car park side of the apartment. Both children inside were asleep. She did not check 5A or 5B.

2120: JT then returns to the restaurant, by which time GM had also returned. The entire party then begins eating their starters which have arrived.
2125: After starters, MO and RJO go back to the apartments via the car park entrance to check all flats. They go first to 5D where RJO's daughter Evie is heard crying. RJO enters flat, whilst MO checks inside 5B, and then returns to 5D.
2130: RJO remains in 5D as daughter has vomited. MO goes to check on 5A via the patio gate entrance. The outside gate is probably shut, but the child gate on the stairs up to the patio is possibly open. The patio door is closed but unlocked.
MO enters flat, hears a sound in the children's bedroom that is probably one of the twins rolling over in their cot. He does not enter the bedroom but can see through a now quite open door (greater than 45 degrees) into the room.
He sees the two twins in their cot, but does not check Madeleine formally as no sounds and twins asleep. He recalls the room did seem lighter than expected, perhaps suggesting the shutter had been raised or the curtains opened?
2135: MO returns to restaurant table, by which time main courses are arriving or being eaten. MO tells JT that Evie unwell.
2140: JT returns to 5D to take over care of Evie from RJO.
2145: RJO returns to table to eat main course leaving JT in 5D.
2155: RMO asked time at table. RJO's main course arrives.
2200: (approx): KM leaves table to check children in 5A. The patio gate is closed and the child gate is also probably closed. She enters through the closed patio entrance, with the curtains closed.

Tidsfönstret för en kidnappare är väldigt snålt tilltaget. För man rövar väl inte bort ett barn från en plats där mycket folk rör sig?

Nej precis och där oväntade saker kan hända hela tiden. Och som sagt..hur blir man så påläst på föräldrarnas kvällsplaner att man känner till alla luckor och kryphål som finns? Plus viss kännedom om lägenheten.
2020-08-01, 09:55
ReedMes avatar
Ursprungligen postat av Crime-boy2
Nej precis och där oväntade saker kan hända hela tiden. Och som sagt..hur blir man så påläst på föräldrarnas kvällsplaner att man känner till alla luckor och kryphål som finns? Plus viss kännedom om lägenheten.
Även om man känner till gängets rutiner så är det ett ytterst riskfyllt projekt. Man riskerar ju lixom många, måånga år i fängelse om man åker fast med ett kidnappat barn i famnen. Han måste ha gått in balkongvägen, där det passerade människor nästan var femte till tionde minut. Ytterdörrarna på baksidan var låsta med gammeldags lås som kräver nyckel när man låser. Fanns inga märken efter inbrott via fönster eller dörrar.
2020-08-01, 10:22
Crime-boy2s avatar
Ursprungligen postat av ForeignAffair
Hur menar du med insider info?
Polis rapporten är ju online..
Häromdagen läste jag i twitter att en pensionerad fd polis i Portugal, anonymt, uttalat sej om Fallet Madeleine Mccann och sagt att föräldrarna är helt klart skyldiga.

Du har inte länken till twitter?
2020-08-01, 12:08
Ursprungligen postat av Crime-boy2
Nej precis och där oväntade saker kan hända hela tiden. Och som sagt..hur blir man så påläst på föräldrarnas kvällsplaner att man känner till alla luckor och kryphål som finns? Plus viss kännedom om lägenheten.

Kate McCann verkade kunna sitta och njuta i lugn och ro i 1 1/2 timme på tapasbaren medan de andra sprang fram och tillbaka 😅
Obegripligt hur man kan lämna ett sjukt barn (hon dom kräktes hade feber har jag läst) ensam på ett hotellrum. Kräkts ner sängen och låg och grät 😔 Känns inte rimligt! Vem gör så? Vissa verkar göra vad som helst för lite vuxen egentid. Men Mccanns fick verkligen betala ett högt pris för denna middag.
2020-08-01, 12:23
Ursprungligen postat av Crime-boy2
Du har inte länken till twitter?

HÄR LI74YwhiwzDsNzfl8YyK81D85TZiDfI2vo9cHhiBE30[/url]

Här lite extra läsning
Senast redigerad av ForeignAffair 2020-08-01 kl. 13:09. Anledning: Gramnatic
2020-08-01, 12:30
f30malmos avatar
Ursprungligen postat av ReedMe
För den intresserade. Här är trafiken till och från lägenheterna under kvällen gjorda av tapasgänget. Andra personer som hade ärenden i anslutning till platsen är inte med. Lägenheterna ligger tillsammans i ett kluster. Man får anta kidnapparen hade uppsikt över dessa en stund innan han gick in.
Gerry McCann - 5A
Kate McCann - 5A
David Payne - 5H (First floor)
Fiona Payne - 5H (First floor)
Dianne Webster - 5H (First floor)
Jane Tanner - 5D
Russell O'Brien - 5D
Matthew Oldfield - 5B
Rachael Oldfield - 5B

Times shown are approximate, but accurate to the best of our knowledge.

Prior to 2030, a11 couples and children were in their apartments preparing for bedtime.
-5A (Madeleine, Amelie and Sean McCann).
-5B (G**** Oldfield),
-5D (E*** and E***O'Brien) and
-5H (L*** and S******* Payne)

2030: Standard booking for meal at Tapas restaurant for group - same all week (Sun-Thur)
2035: Gerry McCann (GM) and Kate McCann (KC) arrive at table at Tapas Restaurant.
2040: Jane Tanner (JT) arrives, followed shortly by Matthew Oldfield (MO) and Rachael Mampilly Oldfield (RMO).
2045: Russell O'Brien (RJO) arrives at table.
2055: MO returns to apartments to check on ground floor flats, passing David Payne (DP), Fiona Payne (FP) and her mother Dianne Webster (DW) on their way down to the table.
2057: MO listens outside all ground floor flats' windows on the car park side of the apartment (5A, 5B and 5D) to make sure they were asleep. At this time, all the shutters were down on each window.
2100: MO return to the table. Starters were ordered.
2105: GM returns to his flat (5A) and enters via the patio gate entrance. This and a child gate at the top of the stairs were closed at the time. He enters the flat via the patio door which is closed but unlocked.
The door is slightly ajar (about 45 degrees) which is unusual. All the 3 children were present and asleep. GM believes the shutter was down. The room in which the children are asleep is completely dark. On leaving the room, GM shuts the door to approximately 5 degrees. He then goes to the toilet to urinate.
2115: JT leaves table, and sees GM talking with fellow resident ("Jez" Wilkins) outside the patio gate of 5A. The two were standing just up the hill from the gate towards Rua A. da Silva Road. She did not speak to GM as she passed.
As JT continued up the hill towards the junction with Rua A. da Silva, she sees a man carrying a child in his arms crossing left to right from the apartment side continuing east along Rua A. da Silva in the direction of the "Millennium Restaurant." He was on the same side of the road as JT 5-10 metres ahead of her.
JT checked only 5D entering via the deadlocked door on the car park side of the apartment. Both children inside were asleep. She did not check 5A or 5B.

2120: JT then returns to the restaurant, by which time GM had also returned. The entire party then begins eating their starters which have arrived.
2125: After starters, MO and RJO go back to the apartments via the car park entrance to check all flats. They go first to 5D where RJO's daughter Evie is heard crying. RJO enters flat, whilst MO checks inside 5B, and then returns to 5D.
2130: RJO remains in 5D as daughter has vomited. MO goes to check on 5A via the patio gate entrance. The outside gate is probably shut, but the child gate on the stairs up to the patio is possibly open. The patio door is closed but unlocked.
MO enters flat, hears a sound in the children's bedroom that is probably one of the twins rolling over in their cot. He does not enter the bedroom but can see through a now quite open door (greater than 45 degrees) into the room.
He sees the two twins in their cot, but does not check Madeleine formally as no sounds and twins asleep. He recalls the room did seem lighter than expected, perhaps suggesting the shutter had been raised or the curtains opened?
2135: MO returns to restaurant table, by which time main courses are arriving or being eaten. MO tells JT that Evie unwell.
2140: JT returns to 5D to take over care of Evie from RJO.
2145: RJO returns to table to eat main course leaving JT in 5D.
2155: RMO asked time at table. RJO's main course arrives.
2200: (approx): KM leaves table to check children in 5A. The patio gate is closed and the child gate is also probably closed. She enters through the closed patio entrance, with the curtains closed.

Tidsfönstret för en kidnappare är väldigt snålt tilltaget. För man rövar väl inte bort ett barn från en plats där mycket folk rör sig?

Kanske var det inte så ofta som de säger? Inte specifikt tittade till Maddie? Ingen vill väl låta oansvarig i efterhand.

Utgår man från att det var en gm utifrån och att det var han våldtäktspedofilen, så verkar han tillräckligt risktagande för att kunna göra en sådan sak, med tanke på att han genomfört väldigt våldsamma våldtäkter där han i stort sett torterat folk under en lång tid och med risk att åka dit för det, ett antal gånger.
2020-08-01, 12:43
ReedMes avatar
Ursprungligen postat av f30malmo
Kanske var det inte så ofta som de säger? Inte specifikt tittade till Maddie? Ingen vill väl låta oansvarig i efterhand.

Utgår man från att det var en gm utifrån och att det var han våldtäktspedofilen, så verkar han tillräckligt risktagande för att kunna göra en sådan sak, med tanke på att han genomfört väldigt våldsamma våldtäkter där han i stort sett torterat folk under en lång tid och med risk att åka dit för det, ett antal gånger.
Vad sa personalen på restaurangen om det?

Han spanande väl på den gamla kvinnan ett tag och visste under vilka tider hon brukade vara ensam hemma. Hur risktagandet kan ha sett ut i dom andra fallen vet jag inte. Har du några länkar?
2020-08-01, 13:12
f30malmos avatar
Ursprungligen postat av ReedMe
Vad sa personalen på restaurangen om det?

Han spanande väl på den gamla kvinnan ett tag och visste under vilka tider hon brukade vara ensam hemma. Hur risktagandet kan ha sett ut i dom andra fallen vet jag inte. Har du några länkar?

Det är väl ganska risktagande att våldta, binda och slå med järnrör och filma någon i dennes hem, för att sedan visa upp filmen för folk man träffar på puben och skryta om det öppet. Särskilt som han redan är dömd för sexuella övergrepp på en nioåring och en sexåring.

Det finns en intervju med kvinnan som blev våldtagen, ska se om jag hittar den.
2020-08-01, 13:13
Medlem har mycket intressanta fakta. Detaljerat upplagt.
2020-08-01, 13:14
Ursprungligen postat av ReedMe
För den intresserade. Här är trafiken till och från lägenheterna under kvällen gjorda av tapasgänget. Andra personer som hade ärenden i anslutning till platsen är inte med. Lägenheterna ligger tillsammans i ett kluster. Man får anta kidnapparen hade uppsikt över dessa en stund innan han gick in.
Gerry McCann - 5A
Kate McCann - 5A
David Payne - 5H (First floor)
Fiona Payne - 5H (First floor)
Dianne Webster - 5H (First floor)
Jane Tanner - 5D
Russell O'Brien - 5D
Matthew Oldfield - 5B
Rachael Oldfield - 5B

Times shown are approximate, but accurate to the best of our knowledge.

Prior to 2030, a11 couples and children were in their apartments preparing for bedtime.
-5A (Madeleine, Amelie and Sean McCann).
-5B (G**** Oldfield),
-5D (E*** and E***O'Brien) and
-5H (L*** and S******* Payne)

2030: Standard booking for meal at Tapas restaurant for group - same all week (Sun-Thur)
2035: Gerry McCann (GM) and Kate McCann (KC) arrive at table at Tapas Restaurant.
2040: Jane Tanner (JT) arrives, followed shortly by Matthew Oldfield (MO) and Rachael Mampilly Oldfield (RMO).
2045: Russell O'Brien (RJO) arrives at table.
2055: MO returns to apartments to check on ground floor flats, passing David Payne (DP), Fiona Payne (FP) and her mother Dianne Webster (DW) on their way down to the table.
2057: MO listens outside all ground floor flats' windows on the car park side of the apartment (5A, 5B and 5D) to make sure they were asleep. At this time, all the shutters were down on each window.
2100: MO return to the table. Starters were ordered.
2105: GM returns to his flat (5A) and enters via the patio gate entrance. This and a child gate at the top of the stairs were closed at the time. He enters the flat via the patio door which is closed but unlocked.
The door is slightly ajar (about 45 degrees) which is unusual. All the 3 children were present and asleep. GM believes the shutter was down. The room in which the children are asleep is completely dark. On leaving the room, GM shuts the door to approximately 5 degrees. He then goes to the toilet to urinate.
2115: JT leaves table, and sees GM talking with fellow resident ("Jez" Wilkins) outside the patio gate of 5A. The two were standing just up the hill from the gate towards Rua A. da Silva Road. She did not speak to GM as she passed.
As JT continued up the hill towards the junction with Rua A. da Silva, she sees a man carrying a child in his arms crossing left to right from the apartment side continuing east along Rua A. da Silva in the direction of the "Millennium Restaurant." He was on the same side of the road as JT 5-10 metres ahead of her.
JT checked only 5D entering via the deadlocked door on the car park side of the apartment. Both children inside were asleep. She did not check 5A or 5B.

2120: JT then returns to the restaurant, by which time GM had also returned. The entire party then begins eating their starters which have arrived.
2125: After starters, MO and RJO go back to the apartments via the car park entrance to check all flats. They go first to 5D where RJO's daughter Evie is heard crying. RJO enters flat, whilst MO checks inside 5B, and then returns to 5D.
2130: RJO remains in 5D as daughter has vomited. MO goes to check on 5A via the patio gate entrance. The outside gate is probably shut, but the child gate on the stairs up to the patio is possibly open. The patio door is closed but unlocked.
MO enters flat, hears a sound in the children's bedroom that is probably one of the twins rolling over in their cot. He does not enter the bedroom but can see through a now quite open door (greater than 45 degrees) into the room.
He sees the two twins in their cot, but does not check Madeleine formally as no sounds and twins asleep. He recalls the room did seem lighter than expected, perhaps suggesting the shutter had been raised or the curtains opened?
2135: MO returns to restaurant table, by which time main courses are arriving or being eaten. MO tells JT that Evie unwell.
2140: JT returns to 5D to take over care of Evie from RJO.
2145: RJO returns to table to eat main course leaving JT in 5D.
2155: RMO asked time at table. RJO's main course arrives.
2200: (approx): KM leaves table to check children in 5A. The patio gate is closed and the child gate is also probably closed. She enters through the closed patio entrance, with the curtains closed.

Tidsfönstret för en kidnappare är väldigt snålt tilltaget. För man rövar väl inte bort ett barn från en plats där mycket folk rör sig?

Jag minns att jag läst att någon av Tapas var o bad om nya lakan.. Samma kväll Madeleine försvann. Ka ha varit i pj files eller
Senast redigerad av ForeignAffair 2020-08-01 kl. 14:06.
2020-08-01, 13:15
ReedMes avatar
Ursprungligen postat av f30malmo
Det är väl ganska risktagande att våldta, binda och slå med järnrör och filma någon i dennes hem, för att sedan visa upp filmen för folk man träffar på puben och skryta om det öppet. Särskilt som han redan är dömd för sexuella övergrepp på en nioåring och en sexåring.

Det finns en intervju med kvinnan som blev våldtagen, ska se om jag hittar den.
Tack. Jag blir borta från datorn ett tag nu. När jag hinner ska jag läsa igenom vittnesförhören med personalen.

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