Det hr var ju fantastiskt gldjande nyheter fr islamisterna! Radikala hijabister inte minst.
S nr kalifatet har ftt utbreda sig lite till kommer jobbigt, frnedrande arbetsskande vara en icke-frga fr hijabisterna. S fort de skaffat sig en rejl MENA-man kommer de inte ha minsta problem med hijaben dr hemma. Med tanke p att jmstlldhetskonceptet utvecklas mycket, mycket lngsamt inom aktuell svensk invandrarpopulation r risken att hijabisterna fr makar som tycker de ska jobba, p rasistiskt fretag eller annorstdes, vara minimal. I takt med att barnaskaran vxer kommer hijabisterna f mindre och mindre tid med kampanjandet och d r det ju jttebra om de redan installerat sig i den s hett eftertraktade shariareglerade islamiska tillvaron.
Konstigt att de mste brka s frbannat om rtten att religionsfrpesta arbetsplatser de nd inte kommer att befolka.
Only one in four men in the Arab world supports equality for women in some areas, and most still believe a woman's primary role is at home, a survey suggests.
Interviews in Egypt, Lebanon, Morocco and the Palestinian territories also found that younger men mostly appeared to be as conservative as their fathers.
Interviews in Egypt, Lebanon, Morocco and the Palestinian territories also found that younger men mostly appeared to be as conservative as their fathers.
The International Men and Gender Equality Study in the Middle East and North Africa (IMAGES MENA) found that the majority of men - up to 90% in some places - expected to control their wives' freedoms, from clothing to how often the couple had sex.
Only about half of men, or fewer, believe married women should have the same right to work as men.
Only about half of men, or fewer, believe married women should have the same right to work as men.
However, the report said that it appeared men were only prepared to accept women working as long as the man remained the breadwinner and the woman remained primarily responsible for caring for the household.
Ms El Feki [som ledde arbetet med studien vilken omfattade hela 10 000 respondenter] said it was surprising that women themselves upheld traditional notions around gender roles.
IMAGES studies carried out in more than two dozen countries have found that younger men have more liberal attitudes towards gender equality than their elders, but in the Middle East and North Africa, apart from Lebanon, this did not appear to hold.
S nr kalifatet har ftt utbreda sig lite till kommer jobbigt, frnedrande arbetsskande vara en icke-frga fr hijabisterna. S fort de skaffat sig en rejl MENA-man kommer de inte ha minsta problem med hijaben dr hemma. Med tanke p att jmstlldhetskonceptet utvecklas mycket, mycket lngsamt inom aktuell svensk invandrarpopulation r risken att hijabisterna fr makar som tycker de ska jobba, p rasistiskt fretag eller annorstdes, vara minimal. I takt med att barnaskaran vxer kommer hijabisterna f mindre och mindre tid med kampanjandet och d r det ju jttebra om de redan installerat sig i den s hett eftertraktade shariareglerade islamiska tillvaron.
Konstigt att de mste brka s frbannat om rtten att religionsfrpesta arbetsplatser de nd inte kommer att befolka.