Ursprungligen postat av
Ja, det är fascinerande hur vi styrs. Förut var det Kalle Anka som skulle lotsa in en i rätt fålla som WWF eller något liknande.
Det är samma lögn som återupprepas gång efter gång.
- Vi gör det inte för miljön, utan för att det lönar sig. Det råkar vara jättebra för miljön men det kommer i andra hand om man driver företag.
Som om något skulle bli bättre av det.
"market solutions are always THE solutions. It is not simply a matter of placing the economy first before everything else. Rather, its placing the economy first at the EXPENSE of everything else. And everyone else. And all life on this planet"
Krossad av kapitalet
We don’t just think about, oh there’s carbon in the air and we need to lower it, we think of how did the carbon get there?, like how did we allow a system that could lead us to such destruction?”
The system that Margolin refers to is that of global capitalism, an economic system that is devouring everything in its path.
A promise to destroy the planetary ecosystems of our shared futures. And it’s not as though Margolin has not begun to understand the glaring systems intersecting at the nexus of our multiple crises, such as capitalism, colonialism, racism and patriarchy.
Rather, Margolin does in fact possess the basic building blocks of knowledge that are required for the long road ahead of instilling and inspiring the revolutionary changes that are required amoungst the youth.
Greta sa
“You only speak of the green eternal economic growth because you are too scared of being unpopular. You only talk about moving forward with the same bad ideas that got us into this mess, even when the only sensible thing to do is pull the emergency brake.”
Det censureras av miljöorganisationer och minnet som delas ut till media av Greta är ungefär "12 years left"
"12 years left" är att döda barns tankar och engagemang det är som ett WWF vykort från Kalle Anka.
Here we have youth - bored out of their minds - is this activism? Is this what revolution looks like?
The bored youth are successfully herded and put into place - ready for the photo-op
Sen finns det ju de som varken tror på miljö, ekologi eller klimat. Men de gör ju knappast någon ekonomisk skada utan är mest bra för ekonomin.