Du vet Mosul och Raqqa för att ta några exempel. Jo, det var städer med civil befolkning och civila byggnader:
The US-led Coalition's military campaign to oust the "Islamic State" (IS) from its self-styled "capital" in Raqqa, Syria, killed and injured thousands of civilians. Four months of relentless bombardment reduced homes, businesses and infrastructure to rubble.
Civilians were caught in the crossfire in a city that had become a death trap. IS snipers and landmines prevented them from fleeing, while the Coalition's air bombardments and reckless artillery strikes killed them in their homes.
“In five months they fired 30,000 artillery shells on ISIS targets… They fired more rounds in five months in Raqqa than any other Marine artillery battalion since the Vietnam War.”
We thought the forces who came to evict Daesh would know their business and would target Daesh
and leave the civilians alone. We were naïve. By the time we realised how dangerous it had become
everywhere, it was too late; we were trapped.
… Almost everybody was killed. Only I, my husband and his brother and cousin survived. The strike happened at about 7pm. I fainted and when I regained consciousness I heard my husband’s
cousin, Mohammed, calling out. I could neither move nor speak. Then my husband and his
brother found me. My husband was the most seriously injured [of the survivors] – he had a head
wound and blood was pouring from his ears. It was dark and we could not see anything. We called
out but nobody else answered; nobody moved. It was completely silent except for the planes
circling above. We hid in the rubble until the morning because the planes were circling overhead.
In the morning, we found Tulip’s body; our baby was dead. We buried her near there, by a tree.
I krig så kan absolut några oskyldiga stryka med men dom har aldrig varit målet. Det är en stor skillnad iran har usas medborgare som mål